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Organizational Leadership

In organizational leadership, leaders help set strategic goals for the organization while
motivating individuals within the organization to successfully carry out assignments in order to
realize those goals. In the school setting, the school leader helps set the goals/targets for the
school and motivates teachers, parents, learners, non-teaching personnel and other members of
the community to do their task to realize the school goals.

Organizational leadership works towards what is best for individual members and what
is best for the organization as a group at the same time. Organizational leadership does not
sacrifice the individual members for the sake of the people nor sacrifice the welfare of the group
for the sake of individual members. Both individual and group are necessary.

Organizational leadership is also an attitude and a work ethic that empowers an individual
in any role to lead from top, middle or bottom of an organization. Applied to the school setting,
the school leader helps anyone from the organization not necessarily from top to lead others.

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