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Dear self,
By all those years you fought for success I believe almost there, there where

you wanted to achieve success. You’re now 30-year-old and grown woman! I just want you

to know that I am so proud of you, you made it! Despite all the struggles and battles, you

made yourself such a brave and strong woman. You don’t let anyone bring you down and

made yourself where you are right now.

You made there because society leads you on your way, thanks for the knowledge of

science that helps us humans to know what we wanted to attain and achieve. Life becomes

easier because of science with the help of the actions of society who invented technologies

that helps us to make our work easier. Modern technologies help me imagine what my

future will look like, I am happy with that. People in society will have a good and better

future ahead of us through the help of knowledge came from science which results to new

invented technologies that will help you succeed in life.

Truly Yours,

Bernal, Maria Chriszel M,

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