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1. Judul Jurnal/ Artikel:

2. Penulis:

3. Publikasi:

4. Penelaah:

5. Tanggal Telaah:

I. Deskripsi Artikel
1. Tujuan Utama Penelitian :

2. Hasil Penelitian :

3. Kesimpulan Penelitian :

II. Telaah Artikel

A. Fokus Utama Penelitian

B. Elemen yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Kepercayaan Suatu Penelitian

1. Gaya Penulisan
a. Sistematika penulisan :
b. Tata bahasa :

2. Penulis
a. Kualifikasi penulis :

3. Judul
a. Kelebihan :
b. Kekurangan :

4. Abstrak
a. Kelebihan :
b. Kekurangan :
C. Elemen yang mempengaruhi kekuatan suatu penelitian
1. Tujuan/ Masalah Penelitian :
2. Konsistensi logis (sistimatika penulisan) :
3. Theoritical kerangka (Kerangka Teori) :
4. Pertanyaan penelitian/ hipotesis :
5. Sasaran :
6. Pertimbangan Ethical :
7. Defenisi Operasional :

8. Metode
a. Desain penelitian :
b. Populasi dan Sampel
✓ Populasi :
✓ Sample :
✓ Teknik :
✓ Penentuan besar sample :
✓ Sesuai/tidak, jelaskan (pemilihan, teknik, penentuan besar sample):

c. Variabel penelitian :
d. Instrumen yang digunakan :
9. Data analisis/ hasil
a. Analisis statistik yang digunakan :
b. Hasil Penelitian :

10. Pembahasan temuan hasil penelitian

a. Kelebihan :
b. Kekurangan :
11. Literatur review/ Referensi :
12. Kesimpulan dan Saran
a. Kelebihan :
b. Kekurangan :

D. Penilaian VIA (Validity, Importancy, Applicability)

I. Study validity

Research question
--Is the research question well-defined that can be answered using this study

Does the author use appropriate methods to answer their questions?

Is the data collected in accordance with the purpose of research?

--Was the randomization list concealed from patients, clinicians and researchers?

Interventions and co-interventions

--Were the performed interventions described in sufficient detail to be followed by

--Other than intervention, were the two groups cared for in similar way of

II. Importance
--Is this study important?

III. Applicability
Using results in your own setting
--Are your patient so different from those studied that the results may not apply to

--Is your environment so different from the one in the study that the methods could
not be use there?

III. Kesimpulan

✓ Sesuai atau tidak

✓ Dapat digunakan atau tidak

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