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A. Describe the proper body mechanics while standing.
B. Move the body properly in response to sounds and music.
C. Engage in fun and enjoyable physical activities.
A. TOPIC: Body Shapes and Actions
B. SKILLS: Locomotor and non-locomotor, standing
C. VALUES: Cooperation, Alertness, Self-discipline
D. REFERENCE: TGs and LMs of Grade 3, Enhancing Skills through MAPEH
E. MATERIALS: pictures, cut-outs, printed materials, visual aids

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Okay class, before we start, can I ask Okay ma’am
someone to lead the prayer? Yes, khyle?

Okay, let’s bow our head and feel the We thank you for this wonderful day and
presence of the Lord. please guide us. AMEN!


2. Greetings
Good morning class! Goodmorning too ma’am.
Okay, you may now take your seats.

3. Checking of Attendance
Let me first check your attedance, once I call Yes ma’am
your names all you have to do is to say
present. Am I clear, children?

Did you wear your proper attire for physical

activities today?
Yes ma’am
Okay very good.

I’m so glad that all of you re here today!

D. Review
Yesterday, we discussed about locomotor and
non-locomotor movements right?
Yes ma’am

Now. Can someone tell me what is a

locomotor movement? Yes Diana? Locomotor movement is a body movement
that our body travels from one place to
Correct! Now can you give me an example of another.
a locomotor movement? Yes Shiela? Example of locomotor is walking, running,
jogging, and jumping.
Very good! now what about non-locomotor
movement, yes jessica? Non-locomotor movement is a body
movement that doesn’t cause our body to
Very good Jessica. Now give me an example travel.
of a non-locomotor movement, yes Joy?
Example of non-locomotor is standing, sitting
Very good. I’m so glad that all of you
remember our topic yesterday.
E. Warm-up Exercises
Now, we have to do the warm up exercises for
you to be ready in our physical activities for
today. Okay ma’am

Now, all you have to do is to follow me and

my instructions. Am I clear children?
Yes ma’am
Okay, let’s start!
1. jog in place (8 counts)
Very good!
2. Breathing Exercises (10 counts) Jog
Vey good!
3. head bend Breath
• Bend forward (4 counts) with hand
support Head bend
• Bend backwards (4 counts) with hand
• Sideward to the right (4 counts) with
hand support
• Back to position (4 counts)
• Sideward to the left (4 counts) with
hand support
Very good!
4. Head twist
• Head twist sideward right (4 counts)
with hand support
• Back to position (4 counts)
• Head twist sidewards to the left Head twist
( counts) with hand support
• Back to position (4 counts)
Very good!
5. Shoulder circle
Start with hands down on each sides
• Forward ( 4 counts)
• Backwards (4 counts)
Very good! Shoulder circle
6. Trunk twist
-raise arms to the chest
- to the right (4 counts)
-back to position (4 counts)
-To the left (4 counts)
Trunk twist
7. Knee stretching ad pushing
- stand straight with feet apart
- hand infront
- move downward (4 counts)

B. Preparatory Activities Knee stretching ad pushing

1. Motivation
Now class, I have a picture here for you to
identify and observe. After that I will going to
ask you some questions regarding it. I’ll give
you 2 minutes to do these. Am I clear
Yes ma’am

Now, what have you observe Cristine?

What else?
Children is playing
What else?
Children are running
Very good! Now do you have any idea of
what is our topic for today? Children is sitting

Very good! Yes ma’am our topic for today is Body

2. Presentation and Discussion Shapes and Actions
First, we have to read our objectives of
today’s lesson. Are you ready class?

Yes ma’am
A. Describe the proper body mechanics while
B. Move the body properly in response to
Very good! sounds and music.
For you to do the body shapes and actions. C. Engage in fun and enjoyable physical
There are 3 ways. (1) stretch, (2) curl and (3) activities.

Now do you have any idea of what is a

stretch? Yes rizza?

Correct, stretch is a body shape when you

extend your body or limbs. Now what about Stretch is when you extend your body.
curl? Yes shiela?

Very good. curl is a body shapes and action Curl is when you formed a circle or curved
that your body form a curved ad spiral shape. shape.

Now what about twist? Do you have any idea

what is a twist? Yes hanna?

Very good! Twist is when you turn your part

of the body to form a curl while the rest of the Twist is when your body is when your other
body is fixed. part is twisted and the other is remained at
3. Developmental Activities fixed.
Now, do you want to sing and dance?

The song that we are going to perform is

entitled the I’m a Little Teapot. Now al you
have to do is to follow me and my Yes ma’am
instructions. Am I clear children? Are you
ready? Yes ma’am

I’m a Little Teapot

I’m a little teapot
Short and stout
Here is my handle and here is my spout
I’m a Little Teapot
When I got all steamed up, hear me shout
Just tip me over and pour me out
I’m a little teapot
Short and stout
Now, did you enjoy the song children?
Here is my handle and here is my spout
what actions did you performed?
When I got all steamed up, hear me shout
What shapes did you form with your body?
Just tip me over and pour me out
Now, I have prepared another activity. Do you
Yes ma’am
love eating popcorn?
We perform the actions of a teapot.
The shapes that are formed is the curl, twist
I’m so glad that you love eating popcorn.
Now our activity is entitled Popcorn Game. and stretch.

Yes ma’am
When I say pop, all you have to do is to stand
with arms upward.
When I say corn, stand with arms sideward.
When I say papara, stand with arms on the
And papap, side lunge.

Did you understand children? Yes ma’am

Are you ready? YES!!!
Now do the pop,

Very good. Did you enjoy the activity class?

Now what actions did you perform, can you YES!!!
how me?

Wow very good.

Now what shapes parts of your body move?

Now, I have prepared again another activity

and this activity is entitles Mirror Game.

Now find a partner.

Together you will do the actions with
reflection of each other just like a mirror.
Arms and feet ma’am
1. feet together/ arms raised upward
2. side stand, trunk twist/raise arms sideward
3. lung right foot, arms forward
Okay ma’am
Okay very good!

Now, what can you say about our activity?

Now what shapes and actions did you
Very good.

4. Application
I have prepared another activity. There are 4
stations and those stations are consist of non-
locomotor movements and sing twinkle
twinkle little star and after those stations you
have to perform the locomotor movement
which are walking, running, jogging and
jumping. Am I clear children? The activity is fun and so easy to follow.
Now I will demonstrate it first. Okay?
Merry Go-Around We perform curl, twist and stretch
Using the base method. I will divide you into
4 groups. Now follow the indicated
procedures in those stations.

Yes ma’am

Okay ma’am

Now form a line.

Yes ma’am
• What shapes did you form?
• What locomotor movement did you

5. Generalization
Now, If you truly listen to our topic, what is
today’s lesson?
What did your body perform?

What else?

We form curl, stretch, and twist

We perform running, walking, jumping and

Our lesson is about body shapes and actions

Curl, twist and stretch

If we move our body, we can create different

actions and shapes


Put a check (✓) in the box that matches your performance.

1. Did you perform correctly?
a. feet together (parallel)
b. stride stand
c. twisted

2. Did you perform the correctly the following shapes?

a. Straight
b. curve
c. twisted
3. Did you cooperate in the different activities?

4. Did you enjoy the different activities?

Instructions: Do the following activities:
A. Practice at home the different body shapes and body actions.
B. List down five exercises that shows flexibility.


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