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To start, paying attention to food labels is essential.By examining the ingredients

and nutritional details, we can reduce consumption of high-salt and high-sugar
foods commonly found in fast food.Eating more fruits and veggies and having a
big breakfast and a lighter dinner helps us stay healthy.

Next, if one has been less active, beginning an exercise slow. Starting slowly
and gradually increasing both duration and intensity is the key to success.
Regular exercise not only enhances physical fitness but also contributes to
mental happiness and overall well-being.

Finally, the quality of sleep is one of the most decisive factors to prolong the life
expectancy. Avoiding caffeine and late-night use of electronic devices, which
emit sleep-disrupting blue light, promotes restful sleep. Establishing a calming
bedtime routine ensures peaceful nights.

In conclusion, by adopting these healthy habits in eating, exercise, and sleep, we

can enjoy a healthier and more fulfilling life. These practices serve as
investments in our long-term well-being, leading to a happier and more balanced

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