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BMMA - 104

There are difference between High School / Senior High and College
like the level of education and also the experience. What are those
experiences in High School and College? The experience i got in Senior
High are during your senior years, you’ll make some great memories like
other people say that you will experience the best and happiest in high
school life, because you will discover a lot of things and experience a bad
and good things that will help you to choose a college course for your
dream job. Just like in real life, high school life can be grouped into two: the
fun side and working/studying side with a grey area in between, for
activities such as hobbies and interests. It is a fun period in life, because
teenagers have no sense of responsibility apart from studying

Like a high school life you will experience the same in college but
college will add a few or maybe more challenge. It will be the happiest
since you enter college with your dream college course. College typically
offers much more independence and freedom than high school. College
students are responsible for managing their own schedules, coursework,
and responsibilities. For example, in high school, there is often a set list of
classes that all students at the school must attend.

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