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Basic Counselling and

Communication skills
Lecture 2
Basic Counselling Skills and
Basics to Communication
Cover Counselling Skills

Rapport Reflecting and

building paraphrasing

Self disclosure Summarizing

Silence skills Questioning

Challenging Focusing
Cover to communication

• Communicate to the client that you are interested in

what he or she is saying.

• Increase your awareness of the client’s pattern of

focusing on certain topics.

• Modify your patterns of attending to establish rapport

with each individual

Cover to communication

• Recognize that different people and different cultural

groups sometimes have different patterns of attending.

• Develop recovery skills that you can use when you are
lost or confused in the interview.

• Examine the use of attending skills as a

psychoeducational treatment

What is the difference

between empathy and

• Understand the client’s experience.

• Emotionally resonate with client’s experience “as

if” it were your own. (Rogers, 1957; Bozarth, 1997)

• Empathy neologism from Greek empatheia –

which means appreciation of another person
It is assimilated form of en "in”; and pathos,
which means emotion, feeling, suffering, or pity
"Process of humanizing objects, of reading or
feeling ourselves into them"

• The term “empathy” is used to describe a wide range of experiences.

Empathy is the ability to sense other people’s emotions, coupled with the
ability to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling.

• Empathic responding is when the therapist reflects (consistently) to the

client BOTH the feeling that the client is experiencing and the reason for
that feeling (as expressed by the client).

Here are a few examples of empathic responding:

• You feel anxious because you are giving a presentation at work.
• You feel depressed because your relationship ended.
• You feel angry because you did not receive the raise you expected.

Two Components of Empathy

1. “Empathic rapport” - accurately
sensing and being able to see the
client’s world the way they do.

2. “Communicative attunement” -
verbally sharing your understanding
with the client. (Bohart & Green, 1997)

The therapist senses accurately

and communicates back to the

• the feelings and

• personal meanings that the client
is experiencing (Rogers, 1989).
• The narrative and its details and
• “the significance of the story, its
meaning in the life of the clients.”
(Welch & Gonzalez, 1999)
Cover Stages of Empathy

• Primary - accurately articulate back

the feelings and experiences from
overt client statements and behaviors.

• Advanced - accurately articulate back

implied feelings and experiences from
incomplete client statements.

(Gladding, 1996)
Cover will YOU do differently?

• Sunil: My world was turned upside down

by 9/11. I’m a dark-skinned Indian and
everyone looks at me suspiciously now.
Going to an airport is sheer hell. They
usually stop me and one time I was even
strip searched.

• Counselor: I can imagine. I was really

upset when those planes hit the towers. It
was a hard time for everyone
Cover will you do differently

Tarni: I’m having a really hard time

studying. My boyfriend and I just broke

Counselor: I see. How’s your exam

results lately? Did you fail your subjects?
Cover will you do differently

Sarah: Why do I have to take biology?

The professor keeps trying to sell the
students on evolution. My pastor told
me that a state university would not
be fair.

Counselor: I understand. You just have

to hang on and finish what’s required
by the university. You’ll be fine Sarah.

Thank You

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