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STUDENT: Carrasco Torres Cristian


A life project marks a desired purpose which we want to achieve; a

site or a place desired in the not too distant future, so it is important
to be able to build it since on many occasions our happiness will
depend on how we have been considering its goals and objectives.
The life project is being built throughout our existence, but it takes
remarkable importance during adolescence, as it allows adolescents
a point
of reference to contrast ideas, ask for opinions, review actions,
directions, calculate days or request necessary support.
The decisions made at this stage often mark the trajectory of the
of life. Making a decision means choosing between at least two
possible. Choosing means facing more than one possibility and
taking a stand
what we face and future happiness will depend on these decisions
of the consequences through time, in youth, maturity and even the
old age.
This is how each one builds their own future, which we will narrate
later, calling it personal information, here it will be shown one by
one, the difficulties we had to go through to be where we are and
what we will do to continue moving forward.

To God because nothing would have been possible

without his will, for never abandoning me and always
guiding me on the path of good, and reaching new
horizons.To my parents, for being with me, for teaching
me to grow and that if I fall I must get up, for supporting
and guiding me, for being the foundation that helped me
get here.

This work is dedicated to my parents and siblings,

for teaching me to grow and that if I fall I must get up, for
supporting and guiding me, for being the foundation that
helped me get here and because they have been a
fundamental part of these achievements, they They are the
ones who gave me great teachings and the main
protagonists of this "dream achieved".
Within people's lives, there is always something that we want to tell, be it bad
or good, because it can serve as an example to others to follow, or to take their
precautions because something bad can happen to them.

Whenever we have the opportunity, we take the opportunity to report it as

personal information and we do not miss a single detail of the events.

Here I present my personal information, as part of this report.

Hello, my name is Cristian Carrasco Torres, I am 23 years old, I am a native
of Jaén, I completed all my initial, primary and secondary studies there, thank
God all concluding satisfactorily; I have three brothers who live there with my
parents, whom I miss a lot because of the distance. My favorite food is guinea
pig with potatoes, my favorite color is blue, I love music a lot, as well as
participating in parades and patriotic ceremonies, since I was very young I
have done it and I still love doing it.

Like every person I believe, I have had many difficulties in life, I have had to
go through and overcome health problems, despite this, I am still here, firm,
constantly learning and always moving forward.

I am very responsible, respectful, punctual, empathetic, charismatic and

sometimes a bit funny, but I always put into practice the values that my dear
parents have instilled in me, helping people in need, being timely and

Regarding my educational life, in 2020, I entered the EESPP for the Physical
Education career, I completed 5 cycles of the career, but during my admission
to the junior officer school, I had to suspend my classes to be able to fully
comply with what that was indicated to me; I still plan to continue with the
degree, if I am given the opportunity, because it is something that I am also
passionate about.

Since I moved here, I have done nothing but focus on my plans and fulfill my
duties, and although it has cost me a lot of effort, I am very happy because I
am fulfilling one of my most cherished dreams, that of being a police officer,
and I am very grateful to my parents and relatives for all the support they have
provided, and I will work harder every day to be able to meet my goals and
give those happy smiles to everyone who gave me and continues to support

Nowadays, I, a young man barely 23 years old, who is barely living the real
life, I know that I am intelligent, disciplining, selective, with great kindness, a
dreamer, wanting to live my life in my own way, I know that I I will make
mistakes but I will learn from those mistakes, I want to learn to enjoy each day
like the last one I was living, I am happy and being happy is a decision; I
know that life is not the color of roses, I know that it can be harsh and cruel,
but I like what is difficult, having that satisfaction of being able to do it, is
unmatched, I never intend to stop trying.

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