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- final: written and if we want to improve our grade, we can take an additional oral exam (the grade can
only stay the same or get higher, never lower)
- midterm: unknown
- home assignments
- print out the course pack

English has around half a million words

Audit – audyt/wysłuchanie (np. W sadzie lub w firmie)
Auditor – osoba mówiąca podczas audytu
To sit in on a course – być wolnym słuchaczem
Visualizer (doc-camera in the U.S) –
Pass up – pominac, spasowac
Ground rules/basic rules - podstawowe zasady
To observe rules – to follow them, przestrzegac zasad
Domus(lat.) – house, dom, casa
Verbatim – literally, word for word (doslownie)
Verbum(lat.) – word
To weight - nadawac wage czemus/komus
To weigh – wazyc
Lowest form of life –
In corpore(lat.) – w ciele, fizycznie (np. stawic sie osobiscie); F2F, in person
Pegasus(lat.) – no ‘z’ in Latin therefore the pronunciation is always ‘s’
Astronaut – build with 2 words: aster(lat.) star; and nau(lat.) sail, navigate

Abstain – wstrzymac sie
Climate change deniers
Flat earthers – plaskoziemcy
Parlance – mowa
General parlance is... – mowi sie ogolnie, ze...
Parley – narady, pertraktacje (outdated)
Parlour – salon (np. Kosmetyczny)
Parler –
Innocuous – nieszkodiwy (np. Blad, pomylka)
“W iowa city nie bylo kawirni jak tam przyjechalem” XD
Go off on a tangent – zmieniac temat, popadac w dygresje (tangent – dygresja, tangens)
Aside – dygresja
“I’m not a dictionary, you can always learn these words on your own, but we me it should be fun” XD
Pneumo-ultra-microscopic-silico-volcano-coniosis – najdluzsze slowo po angielsku
Pluca ultra mikroskopijny krzemowo-wulkaniczny kurz chroba (condition)
Hemi- (gr.) – polowa
Semi- (lat.) – polowa
Scribe – skryba
Scribere (lat.) – pisac
Scriptus (lat.) – napisany
Metier (fr.) – ekspertyza, area of expertise “it is not my metier”
Philology (gr.) – love for text
Philander (18th Century English) - love
Android – andro = samiec oid=podobny do android=podobny do samca
Rubachoid – podobny do Rubacha xdd
Ag(lat.) – robic agent=wykonawca czynnosci agencja=miejsce w ktorym cos sie robi
Act(lat.)- robic (comes from the previous word ag)
Advisor/ adviser – doradca, opiekun roku ( przez “or” jest more “noble”,a “er” “plebejskie”)XD
Professor  someone who professes
Doctor  someone who teaches (doc(lat.)-nauczac)
Docent – ktos kto uczy
Doctus(lat.) – uczony, osoba nauczona ( “t” jest pozostaloscia po stronie biernej)
Rabin – nauczyciel w kulturze Zydowskiej + udzielanie rad + uprawnienia kaplanskie
“W Ameryce pisza do mnie doctor i bardzo tego nie lubie, zawsze zwracam im uwage, ze jestem wyzej”
Phd doctor of philosophyosoba nauczona milosci do madrosci  doctor nauk medycznych

How to recognise Greek words?

- If a word has a “z” in it then it cannot be Latin, as Latin did not have “z” in its alphabet.
- If a word has a “ph” in it, it is Greek
- If a word has a “th” in it it might be Greek but also Latin (if the word sounds the same in Polish
then it is Greek (thesis – teza; philosophy-filozofia) but if it is different (think-myslec) then its
- Th can be native to Americans when it is a basic concept (three)

Computer = com(together) + put(think)

Cosmonaut (Russian)
Astronaut = astr(starts) + naut(sail,travel) American
Sputnik was the first spaceship (it means travelling with..)
Des Moines – de moin(pronunciation)
Illinois – s is not pronounced (French word – last consonant is silent) it is named like that because the
French were there
America was invaded by 4 nations Dutch, Portugese,
Americans came up with the idea of buying lands instead of fighting for them
Louisiana purchase happened because of Napoleon – he sold some parts to have money. It was roughly
1/3 of America sold
Emeritus(man) emerita(woman)
Alumnus -Graduated someone (man)
Allumumina -woman
Plutal alumnai
Shire vs County: shire originated in England, county comes from French
Shire reeve – administrator of the shire; then it evolved into sheriff
Act has 2 morphemes: ag+t
Palatalizacja to zmiekczenie!!!
Ung – nominalising suffix in German
Strada – road in italian
Decimate – zdziesiadkowac (pochodzi od “deka” jak “decalogue”), ale dzwiek “k” zmienil sie w “s”
Lingua franca (international language) of the Middle Ages was Frenvh
“o” and “i” often serves as an extender; when the root is a verb then we add i when its a noun ot an
adjective we add o
Przed przeklinaniem po polsku (jesli chcemy to robic elegancko xdd) mowimy “excuse le mot” lub “
excusez le mot”
WC – water closet
Store – sklep (am)
Shop – warsztat (am.)
-ak – suffix ktory oznacza maly po polsku (Andrzej-Andrzejek-Andrzejczak)
-uk – to samo, tylko pochodzi od ludzi ze wschodu
Polpanek – kategoria szlachty zagrodowej, drobnej
CD na samochodach to Corp diplomatique. That car and its inside is a foreign territory and getting inside
is treated as an act of war. Same with embassy.
Casus belli – the cause of war ( in latin)
Corpulent – korpulentny, masywny
Non-commissioned officer – podoficer
Corporal punishment (check if it can be spelled corporial)
Necrofobia – fear of the dead
Nekropolia – duzy cmentarz albo starozytny obszar przeznaczony na pochowek
Save travels – idiom bezpiecznej podrozy
Toponym -

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