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In the hands of a great EFL teacher, an AI-enhanced automatic tool such as chat

GPT, MidJourney, or Twee, can significantly enhance the language learning

experience, by providing – in an instant - personalized and interactive activities to
support EFL teachers and their students.
Here's a list of creative types of foreign language teaching tasks that an AI-
enhanced automatic tool can produce in a few seconds:
1. Personalized Vocabulary Quizzes: The AI tool can generate vocabulary
quizzes tailored to each student's level and interests, focusing on words they
need to practice the most.
2. Dynamic Reading Comprehension Exercises: The AI tool can provide
texts with interactive comprehension questions that adapt based on the
student's responses, offering additional support or challenges as needed.
3. AI-Powered Language Assessments: Using natural language processing,
the tool can analyze students' writing or speaking samples and offer detailed
feedback on grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
4. Adaptive Grammar Drills: The AI tool can create grammar exercises that
adapt to students' performance, presenting more challenging questions if
they excel or providing additional practice if they struggle.
5. AI-Generated Writing Prompts: The tool can generate diverse writing
prompts to stimulate creativity and cater to different writing styles, from
narrative essays to persuasive arguments.
6. Pronunciation Improvement Exercises: Using speech recognition
technology, the tool can provide targeted pronunciation exercises and offer
instant feedback on students' spoken language.
7. Real-time Language Practice with Chatbots: The AI tool can simulate real
conversations with chatbots, enabling students to practice speaking,
listening, and even negotiation skills in a natural language context.
8. AI-Generated Story Starters: The tool can offer intriguing story beginnings,
encouraging students to continue the narratives and develop their storytelling
9. Interactive Language Games: The AI tool can design interactive games to
reinforce grammar, vocabulary, and cultural knowledge, making learning
enjoyable and gamified.
10. AI-Personalized Learning Pathways: Based on students' performance and
learning preferences, the tool can suggest individualized learning pathways,
indicating the most suitable resources and activities.
11. Cultural Exploration Modules: The AI tool can curate cultural lessons,
introducing students to customs, traditions, and celebrations from English-
speaking countries.

12. AI-Enhanced Language Partner Matching: The tool can connect students
with language partners from different countries, promoting virtual language
exchanges for authentic communication.
13. AI-Generated Speaking Prompts: The tool can generate thought-provoking
discussion questions for students to debate and engage in meaningful
14. Intelligent Error Correction: The AI tool can provide detailed error
correction, highlighting common mistakes and suggesting alternative
expressions to improve writing and speaking skills.
15. AI-Generated Multimedia Lessons: The tool can compile multimedia
content, such as videos, podcasts, and interactive activities, to deliver
engaging and dynamic language lessons.
16. Virtual Reality Language Immersion: Utilizing virtual reality, the tool can
simulate immersive language environments, helping students practice their
language skills in realistic scenarios.
17. AI-Enhanced Pronunciation Workshops: The tool can offer virtual
pronunciation workshops, guiding students through challenging sounds and
intonation patterns.
18. Instant Translation Assistance: The AI tool can assist students in
translating unfamiliar words or phrases, allowing them to expand their
vocabulary and comprehend texts more effectively.
19. AI-Driven Speech Assessment: The tool can analyze students' speaking
performances and provide detailed reports on their progress and areas for
20. Collaborative Writing Projects: The AI tool can facilitate collaborative
writing projects, encouraging students to co-author stories, reports, or essays
in real-time.

If you’d like to explore the amazing potential of AI tools, come along to our
super intensive on-line training day, packed with tried and tested ideas,
tricks and ready-to-use activities, straight for your language classroom.
We’ll introduce you to some of the best AI gems and help you exploit them
to the full!

Learn more at:

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