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SHEET – II : Extended Surface (FINS)

(1) Derive the expressions for temperature distribution, heat transfer, efficiency, and effectiveness in the
following cases:
(a) very long fin of uniform cross section
(b) short fin of uniform cross section with insulated end
(c) short fin of uniform cross section without insulated end
State the assumptions taken in the above derivations.

(2) (a) Define efficiency and effectiveness of a fin and show that effectiveness and efficiency ratio is equal to
surface area and cross-sectional area ratio of fin.
(b) Explain the situation when addition of fins to a surface is not useful.

(3) How are the effectiveness, efficiency, and thermal resistance of a fin affected?
(i) if its thermal conductivity is increased, (ii) if the length of the fin is increased,
(iii) if the thickness (or diameter) of the fin is increased,
(iv) if the convection coefficient between the fin and surrounding fluid is increased

(4) In a process heat transfer from a surface to distilled water is increased by a number of fins (k = 205w/m-k)
50mm long and 2mm thick with plastic coating(k=0.55w/m-k) having thickness 0. 15mm.Base temperature
of the fin is 80oC and mean water temperature is 20oC.The heat transfer coefficient between the water and
plastic coating is 250 W/m2-K.Find the temperature at the tip of the fins and fin efficiency.

(5) A copper pin fin 0.25 cm in diameter that protrudes from a wall at 95oC into ambient air at 25oC. The heat
transfer is mainly by natural convection with a coefficient equal to 10 W/m2-K. Calculate the heat loss,
assuming that:
(a) the fin is infinitely long, (b) the fin is 2.5 cm long, and (c) how long would the fin to be for the
Infinitely long solution to be correct within 5%?
[Ans: (a) 0.865 W, (b) 0.140 W, (c) L > 28.3 cm]

(6) Compare the temperature distribution in a straight fin of rectangular profile having a thickness of 2cm and a
length of 10cm and exposed to environment with convection coefficient of 25 W/m2 K, for three fin materials:
Copper (K= 385 W/m K), Stainless Steel (K= 17W/m K), and glass (K= 0.8W/m K). Also compare the relative
heat flows and fin efficiencies. Comment on your results.
[Ans: 𝜼𝜼 {(Copper) = 95.1%, (SS) = 50.6%, (Glass) = 11.5%}]

(7) The cylinder barrel of a motor cycle (K=186W/m K), 0.15m high and 50mm in diameter. The outer
surface of the cylinder is at a temperature of 500K and is exposed to the ambient air at 300K with
convection coefficient of 50W/m2K. Annular fins of rectangular profile are added to increase the
heat transfer. Assume that five such fins, 6mm thick, 20mm long and equally spaced are added.
What is the increase in heat transfer rate due to addition of fins? Take fin efficiency as 0.95.
[Ans: 192.5% ]

(8) A thermometer placed in a well filled with oil is required to measure the temperature of gas flowing
in a pipe. The well is 140 mm long and is made of steel (k=58 W/m-K), and 1 mm thick. The temperature
recorded by the thermometer is 1000c while the pipe wall is at 500c. The surface heat transfer coefficient
from air to the well is 29W/m2K.
Estimate the true temperature of the air and the percentage error.
In what way the thermometric error can be reduced?
[Ans: 104.5oC]
(9) Two ends of a fin (k = 45 W/m2-K) of cross-sectional area 2 cm2, perimeter 2 cm, 100 cm long are
Maintained at 127oC and 227oC, respectively. It losses heat from the surface to surroundings at
27oC with heat transfer coefficient 5 W/m2-K. Find the following:
(a) the minimum temperature in the fin and its location
(b) the heat conducted from each end
[Ans: (a) 78.1oC, x = 0.3875m, (b) 2.578 W, 5.8 W]

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