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Globalization is a process that depends of politics, economy, technology, and culture, and
it happens when one thing or idea expands around the world and all the countries know
about this thing or idea. The politicians with the globalization want to increase prosperity
and interdependence and decrease the chance of future wars. Globalization has been
accelerated by the expansion of the multinational corporations and for the global change
of the new developments in science, technology... Now I’m going to explain how the
globalization can affect in some aspects such as economy, culture or politic in developed
and in less developed countries.
In the first place, the economic globalization affects developed countries negatively and
positively, for example, it helps multinationals to gain more power. Globalization helps the
less developed countries deal with the increasing economic in the rest of the world and it
is helping to lift people out of poverty by making lots of new jobs and makes easy the
access to goods.
Secondly, talking about culture, globalization has increased the multiculturalism both in
develop and developing countries, this has both good and bad aspects, because it brings
diversity but also can cause the loss of some traditions or languages because it
homogenizes countries, mainly in less developed countries. This multiculturalism can
create a better understanding between all the countries.
Lastly, with politics, globalization has contributed to the world peace and has organized
the world on international organizations. Those thing can affect positively developed
countries but can be negative for undeveloped ones because only the big countries made
the decisions.
In conclusion, globalization affects everything in both good and bad ways and always
better or worse depending on your interests. Globalization in conclusion can be a good
thing for developed countries and for less developed countries but also can be a bad
thing for both of them.

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