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Lubrico, John Yves G.

July 13, 2021

BSPE-1A Contemporary World

“My Globalization Story”

This essay discusses about what is Globalization and the sectors of it around the world.
Globalization, leads ultimately to global cultural, political and economic unification, it’s about
businesses and peoples connectivity around the world. It increases the connectivity of people
beyond borders that helps globally to share ideas and information easily. Moreover, this breaks
the barriers between countries and regions. Because of the growing demands in the world largest
high-tech sector, government and trade have the capabilities to improve significant worldwide
profit. Not only has the high-tech sector or countries had a capabilities to contribute worldwide
but also those countries or regions that produces raw materials that can be process by those
countries that has capacity or potential to make those raw materials turn into a useful items.
Nowadays, globalization is very important when it comes to education. Learning provides access
to a world of opportunities most likely to lead to success. People who are not fortunate enough to
be educated formally have to take a journey that is full with problems during their life. The more
educated individuals are, the higher their living standards. The world has seen many beneficial
and bad developments in globalization. Education is one of the elements influenced by these
developments. For me as a student, it helps us to learn and gain more information around the
world without any cost. I will include the effects of globalization during the first wave of Covid-
19 globally, this shows that where still developing despite of having this kind of virus around us.
They’re still discovered and developed the vaccines that helps to reduce the rising number of
deaths because of Covid-19. That’s one of examples of how Globalization works and how people
work on it to become more efficiently and reliable in many sectors.

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