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Họ và tên sinh viên: Đặng Duy Quang Tên giảng viên hướng dẫn:

Mã số sinh viên: PC05711 Đặng Vương Bảo Nhi

Ngày nộp bài:


Bài làm Nhận xét của giảng viên
Topic 3: Vietnamese customs and gestures

Viet Nam consists of 3 unique regions: the North,

the Central and the South, which means there are
also some differences in customs and gestures. I
live in the South so I know many customs and
gestures there. To begin with, bowing and folding
our arms is one of the most common ways to greet
the elderly, then you can say: “Con chào ông/chào
bà”. For younger people or friends, we wave our
hands to each other, sometimes a nod and say:
“Hello”. For strangers, we are not yet familiar with
them so it is best to start with a hand shake.
Secondly, when exchanging business cards, we use
two hands to greet and put business cards in our
wallets. Last but not least, compliments can be
given to a person in both verbal and non-verbal
gestures. For example, we can use a thumb-up sign
to tell the other person that they did something
really good or we can simply compliment them
saying: “You did a good job!”. When we are not
satisfied or comfortable with other people, verbal
way of expressing it could be “Mày làm cái quái
quỷ gì vậy?” , non-verbal way would simply be a
thumb-down sign. A person engaging in small talks
would also need to follow a few rules, namely
“Never bring up the past” or “Never talk about an
ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend”. To sum it up,
foreigners can learn a great deal of ways to express
themselves when living in Vietnam, gradually they
will be accustomed to the norms here and fit in

Topic 4:
My favorite movie is Nha Ba Nu, which is one of
the most successful movies of Tran Thanh, who
also happened to be the main character. To the best
of my knowledge, the movie was released in April
and immediately became a blockbuster. The film
depicts the life of ba Nu’s family along with a
bunch of conflicts and drama within the family. My
favorite character is the husband known as Thanh, I
like him because despite getting caught cheating on
his wife, he was still brave enough to talk to her
face to face and explained his impulsive actions.
Just to be clear, I’m not supporting him because he
cheated, it was his miserable wife who kept on
dehumanising him every day that made him a
cheater, I just sympathised with him. After having
watched the movie, I think the scene where Ngoc
Nhi – daughter of ba Nu – miscarried her first-born
was a really valuable lesson to young people. The
reason is because it teaches the youngsters,
especially girls, to be more cautious when engaging
in a relationship and never underestimate your
parents’ advice. Personally, the movie really caught
my eyes as it was able to mix comedy and drama
into one and at the same time taught me a handful
of life lessons. The film is best seen with your
parents, so that you could understand each other
more to avoid being in the same situation as Ngoc
Nhi. I watched it with my friends and honestly, I
would love to see it again some day.

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