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Interview of grandfather

Topic :- Friendship
January 14, 2023.

Mr.Baby(Saksham’s Dorm parent)said that actually friendship

mean alot to me first thing is that I had lot of friends and some
of them are still friends of mine and I also keep friendship with
them and it makes a lot of difference in my life, It is really
important to have good friends so that means whenever you
have got some problem in your life if you have got good real
friend it helps you to survive especially when there are certain
things which you cannot share with your family with your wife
or children that you can share with your real friends and it
helps you a lot ,When I was young friends came naturally and
we had a lot of boys studying together and then you pick your
friends from them whom you think it is suitable for you of your
own face and of your own intervals so that you can mix with
them play with them and talk with them and that way during
there were very very natural , real and closed friends and
friendship with last for life, Right now where I am working here
I really don’t have choice and to have real friendship of course
you can say that there are friends that they not like I had when I
was young and I was smaller,With my friends we were playing
together,We were chatting and we were going some sort of
adventure expendations,Travelling a lot,And going for
picnic ,All those things no we were now and some mischiefs also
we were doing now, As I said earlear no that we use to travel a
lot , We use to adventure trips and especially you have got a
sudden problems in life that may be family things or work base
and friends will always help you to help in such a situation.

THANK YOU . . . . . .

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