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Mrs. Paul (Grandparent of Alekh) says the answer to

the first question is that friendship is a devoted
relationship between two individuals .
She said that the importance of friendship is to love and
care for each other and having simliar interest of feeling
and also it should be forever .

She also spoke about friendship when she was young

that her friends used to boost her happiness and it was
her best day of her life . They used to always Stuck
with each other .

when she was asked that how was her friendship

Now she told that now friendship is not like that
Which was earlier because everyone just wants to
compare their status and they have jealousy between
them and they see they are wealthy to make friends.

She said that when she was young she did all things
with her friends. But now her friends are so busy
earning money and they just do hello on social media .
but in the end she said everyone should be friends
because friendship is an important thing in life.

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