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The interviewee’s relation to the interviewer: Mother

The interviewee’s name: Ashwathi Sachin
The interviewee’s age: 40
The interviewee’s profession: Self Employed Managing Family business

The interviewer greeted the interviewee and started off the interview with the first question being
about what friendship meant to them. The interviewee answered that it is a bond between two
where trust is the most important thing. The next question asked was whether is it important for
you to have friends. The interviewee responded with a yes stating that it is very important for her
happiness it is a relationship where emotions and problems can be openly discussed without
being judged. Friendship for the interviewee when she was younger was playing with friends
and having fun. Some of the unforgettable activities she would do when she was younger were
playing lighthearted pranks on others with her friends and sharing food with each
other. However now, her friendships are more laid-back; they talk mostly about reminiscing
about the old times and mostly visit each other. Advice the interviewee would like to give to the
younger generation is to pick our friends well because true friends are hard to come by.
The interviewee consented to her video being taken and acknowledges that it will be uploaded
The interview was held at her house.
It was held at 6:30 and the duration was 3.48 minutes.
The interviewee was thanked for their time and the interview ended.

My friendships and my parents' are different because I have multiple friend groups, mostly
because my school friends don't live close by and other friends of mine don't go to the same
school as me whereas my parents had one big group allowing them to do everything together.

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