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Lesson no.

3 English

Class: 7O

Language Tree Book. 7

Work book. 7

Unit. 4, Friends
1. Comprehension. Best friends, pg# 34-35
2. Language Matters. Simple past tense, personal pronouns
3. Words Matters. Prefixes

1. Comprehension. Best friends, pg# 34-35

Skimming and scanning

are reading techniques that use rapid eye movement quickly through text for slightly
different purposes, ​for ​speed reading​.

Skimming​ ​refers to the process of reading only main ideas within a passage to get an overall
impression of the content of a reading

How to Skim:

* Read the title.

* Read the introduction or the first paragraph.

* Read the first sentence of every other paragraph.

* Read any headings and sub-headings.

* Notice any pictures, charts, or graphs.

* Notice any italicized or boldface words or phrases.

* Read the summary or last paragraph.

Scanning​ is a reading technique to be used when you want to find specific information
quickly. In scanning you have a question in your mind and you read a passage only to find
the answer, ignoring unrelated information.

How to Scan:
* State the specific information you are looking for.

* Try to presume how the answer will appear and what clues you might use to help you locate
the answer.

For example, if you were looking for a certain date, you would quickly read the paragraph
looking only for numbers.

* Use headings and any other aids that will help you identify which sections might contain
the information you are looking for.

* selectively read and skip through sections of the passage.

About the given Text.

The very first sentence of the text gives us the idea about the nature of the friends. This
passage describe two students having different nature or opposite natures who become good
friends. Asim & Javed, one very hardworking, intelligent & quiet person while the other
average in study, very talkative one.

● Read the whole story & answer the question given bellow.

● Answer in the same tense as is the question.

● Questions with words ‘why’ need reason.

● Write the summary of the story in your own words using third person.

Solve Exercises pg# 34-35


2. Language Matters, pg# 36-37

Simple Past Tense.

We use this tense to talk about actions which took place in the past

Structure .


Subject ​+​ verb (​in past form​) V2 ​+ object/ ​complement​.

I saw a movie yesterday.

subject ​+ ​(​did​) ​+ ​not​+​ verb.1​+object/​ complement.

He didn't hear the telephone.


(​Did​) ​+​ subject ​+ ​verb-1+ object/ ​+​ complement + ​?​.

Did you have dinner last night​?

Solve Exercises pg# 36


Personal Pronouns pg# 37

Subjective Objective Possessive
Person e Reflexive Pronouns
Case Case Determiner

First I me my mine myself


Second you you your yours yourself


Third he/she/it him/her/i his/her/its his/hers/it himself/herself/itsel

Person t s f
First we us our ours ourselves

Second you you your yours yourselves


Third they them their theirs themselves


Solve Exercises pg# 37

Workbook pg# 21-23

3. Words Matters, pg# 39

Prefixes: a group of letters added to the beginning of a root word to

Change the meaning of the word.

Every pre fix has a meaning for example “dis, un, il, im, in, ir” all mean not

1- Words that take ​dis​– as a negative prefix may begin with a ​vowel​ or a consonant.

affirmative negative

agree disagree

comfort discomf

2- Words that take ​il​– as a negative prefix always begin with the letter ​l.​

affirmative negativ

legal illegal
legible illegible

3- Words that take ​im–​ as a negative prefix always begin with the letter ​m​ or ​p​.

affirmative negative

mobile immobil

perfect imperfec

4- Words that take ​in​– as a negative prefix can begin with a vowel (except ​i​ or ​u)​ or a

affirmative negative

accurate inaccurate

eligible ineligible

5- Words that take ​ir​– as a negative prefix always begin with the letter

affirmative negative

rational irrational

reconcilabl irreconcilabl
e e
6- Words that take ​un–​ as a negative prefix may begin with a vowel or consonant.

affirmative negative

able unable

interesting uninterestin

Solve Exercises pg# 39

Workbook pg# 24

Home Work:

Solve Exercises pg# 34-35

​Solve Exercises pg# 36

Solve Exercises pg# 37

Workbook pg# 21-23

Solve Exercises pg# 39

Workbook pg# 24

Write sentences using time expressions. Pg#36 in note books

Pg # 38. Ex. 3 in notebooks

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