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Title: Investigating How lack of Communication, Harassment and discrimination, and Unclear

Goals Impact Unethical Organizational Management

1. Introduction:
Effective organizational management is crucial for the success and well-being of both employees
and the organization itself. However, in some cases, organizations experience a phenomenon
known as "dirty organization management," characterized by unethical practices, a lack of
transparency, and inefficiency. In this research proposal, we will delve into the complexities of
this issue and explore how three independent variables—Lack of Communication, Harassment
and Discrimination, and Unclear Goals and Objectives—may contribute to dirty organization
2. Synopsis:
this research approach will be like using both a magnifying glass and a microscope. to
comprehensively understand the relationships between these independent variables and the
dependent variable, dirty organization management. We'll collect data in two ways: one is like
asking people questions, and the other is like reading and studying documents. By combining
these methods, we hope to get a full picture of the problem.
3. Background to the Problem:
Good management is like a captain steering a ship safely. But when there's no talking, people
are treated badly, and goals are not clear, it's like the ship going off course. Similarly when
factors such as lack of communication, harassment, discrimination, and unclear goals exist
within an organization, they can lead to a toxic work culture, decreased employee morale, and
compromised organizational.
4. Significance of the Problem:
The investigation of factors contributing to dirty organization management is of paramount
importance for promoting ethical and efficient leadership. for example If you have a broken car,
you need to know what's wrong to fix it. Similarly, if we understand why organizations act badly,
we need to Understand the causes and consequences of such behavior thet enable organizations
to develop strategies to mitigate these issues, will ultimately leading to improved performance
and employee well-being.
5. Methods:

a. The study will employ a multifaceted approach, including surveys, interviews, and document
analysis, to collect comprehensive data.
b. Obtain permission from people before collecting data, and make sure not to share anyone's
name. This protects their privacy.
c. Special tools and techniques will be used to understand the data better.
d. Quantitative data will be analyzed using statistical software, while qualitative data will
undergo thematic analysis.
e. carefully study collected information to find patterns and understand what it tells us.
6. Observations:
Considering as investigators watching how people in organizations behave. Conduct direct
observations within selected organizations to document and analyze instances of dirty
organization management. And see if their actions match what we learn from surveys and
documents.These observations will provide valuable insights into real-world scenarios
7. Research Questions:
a. To what extent does a lack of communication contribute to dirty organization management?
b. How does harassment and discrimination impact the occurrence of dirty organization
c. What is the relationship between unclear goals and objectives and dirty organization
8. Ethical Awareness:
The research will be conducted with the highest ethical standards in mind. strictly follow ethical
rules, ensuring fairness and kindness towards all participants. Seek permission and ensure that no
one is harmed by our research and preserving data confidentiality, will be maintained
throughout the research process.
9. Timeframe:
To complete this research report effectively, time will be managed strategically by prioritizing
tasks, using reliable sources, and staying focused. Effective time management techniques will be
used that enable to complete the research work within a solid time frame of three months
without compromising the Quality of the material. This will demonstrate the ability to work
efficiently and effectively under time constraints.
10. Study personnel:
Being a student try to minimize costs while doing this research. includes expenses for surveys,
travel, data analysis, and other research-related costs. Strategically used free online resources,
university library access, and took advantage of open access academic articles. By doing this,
will able to keep the budget to a minimum. Effective use of existing equipment and software
available by the university, reduces the need for additional expenses.
12. Facilities:
Arrange access to essential research facilities, along with this use university library for wide
range of books, journals and online databases, for comprehensive and reliable information.
permission to collect. And availability of computer and software resources in university further
facilitated data analysis and visualization. These facilities played an important role in ensuring
the success and quality of this research.
13. Conclusions:
In conclusion, this research aims to shine a light on the complex factors contributing to dirty
organizational management and its far-reaching consequences. By addressing issues related to
lack of communication, harassment, discrimination, and unclear goals, organizations can make
informed changes to their management practices, fostering a healthier, more productive work
Research ultimate goal is to provide organizations with insights that empower them to navigate
towards ethical and efficient management, benefiting both their internal and external
stakeholders. Through this extensive research, aspire to contribute significantly to the
betterment of organizations and society as a whole, ultimately making organizations better
places for everyone involved.

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