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A character generator for

Name Urm Class Heretical Priest HP 5/5 Omens 2 (d4)

You are Urm Heretical Priest

You come from a secret Bergen Chrypt church. List of Sins

Hunted by the Two-Headed Basilisks of the One True A long and accurate document cross-referenced
Faith, you can be found raving in ruins, traipsing against reality to discover unseen evil-doers.
endlessly down dusty roads and desecrating Successful Presence DR10: A strange light
cathedrals by night. surrounds evil creatures. The list's owner defends
with +2 against any being discovered this way.
Inferiority complex and nihilistic. Decaying
teeth. Obsessively collects small sharp stones.

Abilities Equipment

Strength -1 Waterskin and 4 days' worth of food

Agility ±0 Shortsword d4 damage
Presence +1 Splint armor -d6 damage, tier 3, DR +4 on
Toughness ±0 Agility tests, defence is DR +2
Sackcloth bag, and 35 small sharp stones
Lantern with oil for 7 hours
Small but vicious dog (4 HP, bite d4, only obeys
90 silver

MÖRK BORG is ©2020 Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell. Web app by Karl Druid.

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