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September 8th, 2023

Hanif Sabilillah Nasution
+62 875 9875413

Professor Rick Bigwood

Faculty of Law University of Queensland
Street Lucia QLD, Australia

RE: Scholarship Application

Dear Mr. Bigwood,

My name is Hanif Sabilillah Nasution and I am currently a third year of high school student
pursuing my graduation of SMAN 3 Sukabumi City. I am writing to express my desire to
participate in the University of Queensland scholarship program. I believe that I have a great
fit for the program.

During my high school academic years I have achieved high academic performance and I
am active in an extraculicullar as a co-leader in the English Club named SENTURY
(Smanti English Culture and Society). I have managed to earn many impressive
achievements, one of which was 1st place in a national level debate competition. This
achievements shows my speaking skills and high analytical ability. In addition, my
hobbies are reading and writing. These reflect my commitment to high achievements,
both in my studies and in developing my speaking and literacy skills.

Through this application, I am sure by participating in this program I will able to earn more
very valuable knowledge. I am very confident about this chance, and I am so grateful. Through
this scholarship program, I hope I can show my potential in the Faculty of Law in the
University of Queensland. I would be honored to speak with you further and I hope to hear
back from you with positive response regarding this application. I could be reached at the
contacts I include above.

Thank you for your consideration, I hope you a have great day sir.

Best regards,

Hanif Sabilillah Nasution

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