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NCERT Class 5 : Math- Magic

2 Shapes and Angles

- Shapes are formed by joining points using straight or curved lines
- Angles are measured in DEGREE (90°). Circle forms 360°.

A. Tick () the closed shapes.

a) b) c) d)

e) f) g) h)

B. Write the number of sides for each figure.

a) d)

b) e)

c) f)

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NCERT Class 5 : Math- Magic

C. Classify the angles as acute, obtuse or right angle.

a) b)

______________________ ___________________

c) d)

______________________ ___________________

e) f)

______________________ ___________________

g) h)

______________________ ___________________

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NCERT Class 5 : Math- Magic

D. State True or False for the given statements.

a). An angle that measures 90° is called a right angle. __________

b). An angle whose measurement is greater than 90° is called __________
an acute angle.
c). An angle whose measurement is 180° is called straight line. __________
d). The maximum angle of a circle is 360°. __________
e). Obtuse angle is always less than 90°. __________

E. Write the number of types of angles inside each shape.

Shape Acute Angle Obtuse Angle Right Angle


________ ________ ________


________ ________ ________


________ ________ ________


________ ________ ________


________ ________ ________


________ ________ ________

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NCERT Class 5 : Math- Magic

F. State the given angles as acute, obtuse, right or straight angle.

a) 70° = _______________ f) 240° = _______________

b) 45° = _______________ g) 180° = _______________

c) 120° = _______________ h) 15° = _______________

d) 90° = _______________ i) 99° = _______________

e) 135° = _______________ j) 200° = _______________

G. Measure the angles using protractor.

a) b)

__________ __________

c) d)

__________ __________

e) f)

__________ __________

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NCERT Class 5 : Math- Magic

H. Write the time and angle made by the hands of the clocks.

a. b. c.
_________________ _________________ _________________

d. e. f.
_________________ _________________ _________________

g. h. i.
_________________ _________________ _________________

j. k. l.
_________________ _________________ _________________

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NCERT Class 5 : Math- Magic

A. a, b, d, f, g are closed shapes

a) 4, b) 3, c) 12, d) 8, e) 10, f) 5

a) Obtuse, b) Acute, c) Acute, d) Right, e) Acute, f) Obtuse

a) True, b) False, c) True, d) True, e) False

a) 2,2,0 d) 3,0,0
b) 0,5,0 e) 0,0,0
c) 1,2,2 f) 5,5,0

a) Acute f) Obtuse
b) Acute g) Straight
c) Obtuse h) Acute
d) Right i) Obtuse
e) Obtuse j) Obtuse

a) 140° d) 120°
b) 90° e) 180°
c) 30° f) 70°

a. 7:20 - Right Angle
b. 3:30 - Acute Angle
c. 11:05 - Acute Angle
d. 2:50 - Obtuse Angle
e. 8:00 - Obtuse Angle
f. 10:40 - Acute Angle
g. 9:35 - Acute Angle
h. 1:45 - Obtuse Angle
i. 2:10 - Acute Angle
j. 3:50 - Obtuse Angle
k. 6:10 - Obtuse Angle
l. 12:30 - Obtuse Angle

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