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Violation Report

1. Onsite FAB / Place of occurrence: P8A 3F HTF-C

2. Date of occurrence: 2023/02/22 11:30(time)

3. Violator: Clint, Valencia, Luminario, Magday

4. The reason that caused the violation / Situation of the incident:

 After finishing LP1 operation and since the VHL had not alarm, the operator

did not descend the P/L, instead, he directly transferred the jigs to LP2.

5. The Standard Operating Procedures:

 If there are any obstruction that may require elevated operation to lean out,
must have signature of supervisor and AMHS on the lean-out permit on the
KY form. During operation, if there is available space to get close to the
wherever there is need to operate, must move the PL to the closest possible

6. Self-reflection:
 We must follow all the rules set by TDC. For example, in this incident, PL
must be close to the operation to prevent leaning out. Or if there is any need, it
must have been approved by supervisor. These are all for the safety of the
operator and the people under the elevated operation.

7. Improvement strategy:
1 Team discusses operation scope for each LP operation (STK). If the discussed
work is not followed by the operator during elevated operation, must stop the
work and descend. This rule will be effective within 3 months. If no same
violation occurs, possibility of lifting this rule will be discussed. Otherwise,
additional form regarding team operation discussion for STK teaching will be
2 For Filipino teaching teams, InterExim translators/ management must first sign
lean-out request in KY form, then by supervisor and AMHS. Report to FS
after sign. (First bay of operation, need to have all signature before operation.
Next bays, not needed to start operation but must be signed before the work
shift ends that day.)
3 Diagram

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