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土壤力學 HW#1

9/22 上課交紙本,不用交題目

1. For a gravel with 𝐷60 = 0.48 mm, 𝐷30 = 0.25 mm, and 𝐷10 = 0.11 mm,
calculate the uniformity coefficient and the coefficient of gradation. Is it a
well-graded or a poorly graded soil?

2. The follwing values for a sand are given: 𝐷10 = 0.3 mm, 𝐷30 = 0.41 mm,
and 𝐷60 = 0.77 mm. Determine 𝐶𝑢 and 𝐶𝐶 , and state if it is a well-graded
or a poorly-graded soil.

3. The grain-size distribution curves for three different sands (A, B, and C)
are shown in Figure 2.34.
a. Determine the uniformity coefficient and the coefficient of gradation for
each soil.
b. Identify if the soils are well graded or poorly graded based on Part a.

4. During a compaction test in the geotechnical laboratory, the students

compacted a clayey soil into a cylindrical mold 101.6 mm in diameter and
116.4 mm in height. The compacted soil in the mold had a mass of 1814
grams, and it had a moisture content of 12%. If 𝐺𝑠 = 2.72, determine the
a. Dry density
b. Void ratio
c. Degree of saturation
d. Additional water (in kg) needed to achieve 100% saturation in the soil

5. Two undisturbed soil samples, each having a volume of 2832 𝑐𝑚3 , are
collected from different depths of the same soil layer. For sample A,
located above the groundwater table, mass = 4990 g and 𝜔 = 9%,
Sample B is located below the groundwater table. If 𝐺𝑆 = 2.68, determine
a. Void ratio of A
b. Degree of saturation of A
c. Water content of B
d. Total weight of B

6. The degree of saturation of a soil is 55% and the moist unit weight is 16.63
𝑘𝑁 ∕ 𝑚3. When the moist unit weight increased to 17.88 𝑘𝑁 ∕ 𝑚3 , the
degree of saturation increased to 82.2%. Determine:
a. 𝐺𝑆
b. Void ratio

7. Refer to Figure 3.14. After the construction of a concrete retaining wall,

backfill material from a nearby borrow pit was brought into the excavation
behind the wall and compacted to a final void ratio of 0.8. Given that the
soil in the borrow pit has void ratio of 1.1, determine the volume of borrow
material needed to construct 1 m3 of compacted backfill.
8. It is known that the natural soil at a construction site has a void ratio of
0.92. At the end of compaction, the in-place void ratio was found to be
0.65. If the moisture content remains unchanged, determine the following:
a. Percent decrease in the total volume of the soil due to compaction
b. Percent increase in the feld dry unit weight
c. Percent change in the degree of saturation

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