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Weather and clothing

The climate of Hungary is miled continental, wich means that there are 4 seasons, spring,
summer, outumn, and winter. The winters are cold and snowy and the temperature often goes
belo 0. Summers are hot and humid, sometimes with a soddan thunderstorm to brake the dry
spell. As a result of global worming, winters are very cold, and summers are extremely hot.
Summer is my favourite season first of all, because there is no school in July and August. I
enjoy the warm weather I love going to the beach or swimming pool. I always get a lovely
suntan and swimm all day long. In summer girls wear mini-skirts and T-shirts, boys usually
wear shorts and sleveles tops. Ont he beach all you wear is swimming trunks or a swimm suit.
You usually wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun.

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