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SOP for Document Control

Title: Standard Operating Procedure for Document Control

Objective: To establish a systematic approach for controlling documents within the organization.

Scope: This SOP applies to all personnel responsible for creating, reviewing, approving, distributing,
and maintaining documents.


Document Owner: Responsible for document creation and updates.

Document Reviewer: Ensures the document's accuracy and compliance.

Document Approver: Approves documents for use.

Document Controller: Manages document distribution and storage.


Document Creation:

Documents should be created using approved templates.

Clearly state the document's purpose and scope.

Document Review:

Documents must be reviewed for accuracy and compliance with standards.

Document reviewers should sign and date their reviews.

Document Approval:

Documents must be approved by authorized personnel.

Approvals should be documented with signatures and dates.

Document Distribution:
Maintain a central document repository.

Distribute documents to relevant personnel electronically or physically.

Document Revision:

Track document revisions using a version control system.

Retain previous versions for reference.

Obsolete Documents:

Identify and archive obsolete documents.

Prevent the use of outdated documents.

Document Retrieval:

Ensure that personnel can access the most current documents.

Documents should be easy to retrieve and use.

Document Retention:

Follow document retention policies and schedules.

Archive and dispose of documents as needed.


Train personnel on document control procedures.

Maintain training records.

Audit and Compliance:

Conduct periodic audits of document control processes.

Address audit findings and implement improvements.

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