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Guiding Principle:

‘There is something good in every person and in every circumstance.”

I have grown not from a golden spoon. My parents raised us from the sweat of their
brows and taught us timeless values which I have held onto until now. It is in the family
that I learned how to appreciate even an ounce of grain we have on our plate. We all have
our life stories that bear peaks and valleys. These shape our lives and contribute to who we
are at present. I met people of different ages and in different places who have become the
worst version of themselves. They were living a life worthy of praise however
circumstances made them choose the wrong path. They could have chosen the better way,
nevertheless, they were petrified of a belief system that it is too late for them. Each of us is
innately good we just have to let that seed of belief grow and flourish in us. This guiding
principle enabled me to persevere in life despite everything I experienced. The struggles
have strengthened my faith and have given me the courage to go forward in life. Life can
break us into pieces but if we allow ourselves to see the positive things in it then we will
find life more meaningful.

Mariacris C. Carnice

BSED Fourth Year

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