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Star signs

Arians have great force and energy, and they are always ready to take the initiative. They are
instinctive and dynamic but sometimes they make big mistakes because of their
impulsiveness. Arians are often said to be self-centred, but it is not so. They can be romantic.
They tend to be bossy both in their private lives and in their working lives. Among their
possible careers: designer, writer, lawyer, politician, actor and all the posts which give the
possibility to lead. Sometimes they express themselves in a rude way.

Taurus represents art, beauty in all its forms and strength, not only physical. Taureans are
realistic, security loving and like routine, and all of these characteristics relate to their love
relationships as well. In order to obtain security in romantic relationships, they use all their
qualities: resistance, quietness, patience and intelligence. They seldom lose control, but when
they get angry they can be violent. Among their most suitable careers: interior decorator,
teacher, cook and any job concerning the Earth and nature. This sign of the zodiac most of all
likes relaxing, but only after having reached a predetermined goal, of course.

They are quiet, clever, active and sometimes pessimistic. They find it difficult to bind for a
long time to other persons, things or activities. Their freedom and independence are always in
the foreground. Gemini are extremely impatient, they often change their interests and
activities and they are eager to know everything in a short time. They like travelling, social
life and being in the open air. Suitable occupations are: politician, manager, trader and lawyer.

It is the moon which determines their "lunatic" behaviour: a continuous exchange of moods
from bad to good. from bad moods to joy. They are conservative, stubborn and eccentric.
They love living in luxury, travelling, taking care of their house and decorating it with old and
curious objects. They love the past and tradition. They fear the uncertainty of what's new and
of future things, and hate violence in all its forms. They are extremely shy, romantic, and tend
to draw people to themselves especially the persons they love. Their most suitable
occupations are: interior designer, lawyer, cook and butler.

Fire sign ruled by the sun, symbol of strength and pride. They are independent, active,
passionate and very generous. Sometimes they trust in themselves too much! Because of their
determination they are usually good workers and are able to move easily among various kinds
of jobs. Suitable occupations are: actor, diplomat and entrepreneur. They love the pleasures of
life and living in luxury.

They are precise, conscientious, efficient, serious and rational. Usually, they think money is
very important and they hate waste. They love their homes and furnishing them. They are also
very organised. Suitable occupations are: designer, teacher, editor and analyst. They believe
in friendship, but it is hard for them to stay in long lasting love relationships.

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