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NAME: Haide E.

Section: BTLED-HE 3


Today’s date: October 23, 2022

Date I will graduate: year 2024
My dream work after college graduation
To be a high school teacher.
5 years from now, I am a Licensed Professional Teacher
and I’m taking up a master’s degree in education. I am a
teacher who is still passionate about teaching despite the
hardships I encountered in teaching and never get tired and
eager to learn to give better education to my students.

I will marry someone because

He is responsible, gives me peace of mind and genuine love, makes me
feel cared for, loved and never gets tired of understanding and loving
me and my family. Also, I will marry someone because it is my dream to
have a loving family who will be my support system and my inspiration
to go on in life.
After reading and understand the content of the module I can say that
marrying is
Something that we should take and decide seriously. Marrying and choosing a
life partner you will spend your life with is a crucial decision because it will
affect our whole life. Before we decide to marry, make sure we are ready
because it is affiliated with lots of responsibilities that we can’t and should not
lever behind when we get tired. Lastly, marrying can be fulfilling and happy if
you choose your life partner wisely.

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