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El pequeño pingüino

a group of penguins were enjoying

themselves in the icy Tundra the
to swim and play and generally do
whatever it is most famous do there was
one particular patron who was different
than the rest and he also was the
littlest penguin
the littlest penguin like the other
penguins weren't invited out albeit in
small doses he was much more interested
in going on adventures and he felt that
today could possibly be his best
adventure yet
just then he discovered a very old very
penguin lying next a large stone won't
you please help me
dried out the old penguin I'm very sick
I'm very old please won't you help
fulfill the know penguins request the
littlest penguin agreed and was
horrified by what the old penguin said
next bash my head in with this stone and
my pain miss list penguin the littlest
penguin did as he was told
something began to stir inside a
business penguin afterward suddenly a
rush of emotions he had never known him
this feels like heaven dried out the
littlest people who set out freshly
driven given new direction to his
adventure is giving just one penguin
felt that good after himself I wonder
how it would be if I killed 10 penguins
and off he went to test history
the littlest penguin came upon a small
group of his peers this will do he
thought to himself picking up a clock
from the first one went down quickly
following the Earthmen that this penguin
would have fought this the others in
supplies penguin found them all a round
and beat him down he did until the last
of them were reduced to little more than
a red stick it was snow as he moved
through the crowd in order to reach the
other side
but if miss penguin felt the eye is upon
the other penguins began to grow weary
of him shifting their gazes by I do not
like the way we stare at me thought the
littlest penguin I do not like it one
perhaps after I kill them all I shall
make a fine necklace of their eyes this
thought occupied the little penguin as
the other woman nervously and perhaps a
crown made from their beaks so all can
see and marvel at how beautiful I am
this was more like it Billy please
penguin you would now return that the
other penguins and make good of his
faster and faster they fell William
speaks of women filled the air again he
would slash up them and again they would
cry out some were tempted to vainly
crown verity of Parkinson of incipient
fell apart the littlest things
how to wish this moment could last
the lab saw that post insider even no
sooner explain magic behind him
any more than he could bring himself to
stop not until every last penguin
happens later part
when the mass of them had finally
stopped twitching and he no longer felt
the eyes upon him that this penguin
stopped breathing heavily he surveys the
destruction he had robbed they are all
so beautiful now too beautiful
in fact the ecstasy thoughts I've added
this penguin slowly faded and an
undeniable sense of emptiness began to
take its place
it's not fair they are all so beautiful
now why can't I be beautiful like them
why must I be the only one it isn't fair
it just isn't fair that if this penguin
looked at the chainsaw the blood dripped
off the teeth of the blade almost
glistening in the moonlight suddenly the
littlest penguin knew how to feel
beautiful like the rest he knew then
what it was he must do

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