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September 15 2023

Krystel Eve B. Panaligan

Cuta East,Sta Teresita

Dear:Maam Eve

You made learning as fun which made us love and respects you even more,Thanks for all your
extraordinary effort and support.

I may not always say it,but I mean it whenever i say it,Thankyou,Teacher for all the extra efforts you make
to help us grow,and challenges you encourage us to face to help us become who you are,You are not
only our teacher,you are our friend,authority and guide,all rolled into one person,We will always be
grateful to you for your support and kindness.

Thankyou for all your sacrifices for Grade 11-Zermatt and Grade 11-Ict,And I appreciate your all efforts
for your students,Maam Eve you have worked so hard in shaping me into the student I am
today.Thankyou for being such an amazing teacher and for all your great lesson.

I am so Thankful because you are my EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGY

Sincerely yours
Chelsea Ayesha Roqxi M De Villa

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