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Questionnaire Survey
Directions: The following pertains to some personal information. Kindly fill them up and kindly not leave any blank
except for the name labeled as optional.

Name (optional): ________________________________

Section: ☐ Emilio Aguinaldo ☐ Andres Bonifacio ☐ Apolinario Mabini

A. Sex: ☐ Male ☐ Female

B. Age: ☐ 16-17 ☐ 19-20

☐ 17-18 ☐ 20- and above
C. Parents Monthly Salary: D. General Average for the 1 st Quarter
☐ ₱10,000-₱20,000 ☐ ₱31,000-₱40,000 ☐ 76-80 ☐ 86-89
☐ ₱21,000-₱30,000 ☐ ₱40,000- and above ☐ 81-85 ☐ 90 and above

II. Questionnaire Checklist

Following are the examples of your study habits. We wish to know your study habits so that we may know if your
study habits have significant relationship to your academic performance. Please choose your answer honestly. Your
cooperation, therefore, is absolutely needed.

Please use the following scales:

Level of Study Habit

A- Always 1.00-1.75 Never Very low

M- Mostly
S- Sometimes 1.76-2.50 Sometimes Low
N- Never 2.51-3.25 Mostly High

3.25-4.0 Always Very High

Study Habits N S M A
(1) (2) (3) (4)
A. Concentration
1. Before I start a task, I estimate how long it will take me and then try to
beat the clock.
2. I usually seek a quiet place to study.
3. I focus completely on my work when I study.
4. I find it easy to concentrate when I study.
5. Daydreaming does not interfere when I’m studying.
B. Remembering
1. Because I want to remember; I listen carefully to class discussions.
2. If I need to memorize something, I read and memorize it part by part.
3. To help me recall, I recite difficult-to-understand terms in my own
4. I take notes when the teacher is discussing.
5. I remember a lot of what I study.
C. Organizing time
1. I set a time limit to complete a task.
2. I attend my classes regularly in time.
3. I prioritize the tasks I have to do according to their importance and
4. I make sure that I spend enough time to all of my subjects.
5. I'm good at sticking to a strict study schedule.
D. Listening and Taking notes
1. I listen carefully to class discussions but I do not take notes.
2. Soon after discussions, I examine my notes to fill in any missing
3.I take down notes while listening to class discussions.
4. I focus well on what the teacher is saying.
5. I only listen and take down notes when the topic catches my attention.
E. Taking tests
1. Before examination, I read my own notes carefully.

2. Before starting a test, I plan how much time to use on each question.
3. If I have any time left, I check over my test to avoid errors.
4. I can generally predict 50-60 questions on an exam using lecture notes
and textbooks.
5. I don’t have trouble finishing tests on time.
F. Motivation
1. I enjoy learning.
2. Good grades are important to me.
3. When I study, I put a lot of effort into it.
4. I always make sure that I have a perfect paper.
5. I don’t easily give up if an assignment is difficult.

Respondents Signature

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