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¹. What are the biggest threats to the rainforest in the Philippines? Give atleast five (5) threats. discuss
and explain.

• As i search and watch some news here in Philippines here are five of the biggest threats to the
rainforest in our country:

1. Deforestation

• The clearing of land for agriculture, logging, mining, and other purposes is a major threat to the
rainforest in the Philippines. According to the Philippine Department of Environment and Natural
Resources, the country has lost more than 7 million hectares of forest cover since 1900.

2. Illegal Logging

• Despite strict laws and regulations, illegal logging continues to be a major problem in the Philippines.
The country loses an estimated 100,000 hectares of forest cover every year to illegal logging activities.

3. Mining

• The Philippines is a mineral-rich country, and mining is a major contributor to the country's economy.
However, mining activities have a significant impact on the environment, including deforestation and
water pollution.

4. Climate Change

• Climate change is affecting the Philippines in many ways, including more frequent and intense
typhoons and flooding. These events can cause landslides, soil erosion, and other environmental
damage that can harm the rainforest.

5. Wildlife Trade

• The illegal trade of wildlife in the Philippines is also a significant threat to the rainforest. Endangered
species such as the Philippine eagle, tarsiers, and pangolins are often targeted for their valuable parts or
as exotic pets, leading to their decline in numbers and the destruction of their habitats.

². As a student of PLMAR what environmental advocacies can you develop and be able to share not only
on marikeñios but to all filipinos? Give atleast five (5) advocacies.

•As a student the advocacies i developed for our environment are (Reduce single use of plastics) Why? it
is because, plastic pollution is a significant problem in the Philippines where it contributes to
environmental degradation and harms wildlife. Everyone can help by reducing their consumption of
single-use plastics like straws, plastic bags, and plastic water bottles. Next is (Support sustainable
agriculture) Agriculture is a vital sector in the Philippines, but it can also contribute to deforestation, soil
erosion, and water pollution. Supporting sustainable agriculture practices like organic farming and
agroforestry can help protect the environment while providing food security for Filipinos. Next is
(Promote renewable energy)It is because the Philippines is heavily reliant on fossil fuels for energy,
which contributes to air pollution and climate change. Advocating for the use of renewable energy
sources like solar, wind, and hydropower can reduce the country's carbon footprint and create new job
opportunities.Next is (Protect marine biodiversity) The Philippines is home to some of the world's most
diverse marine ecosystems, but they are under threat from overfishing, pollution, and habitat
destruction. Supporting marine protected areas, responsible fishing practices, and reducing plastic
waste can help protect these valuable ecosystems. The last and maybe this advocacy will HELP us on one
of the critical situation here in Philippines these advocacy is (Address air pollution) Air pollution is a
significant public health concern in the Philippines, where it contributes to respiratory illnesses and
other health problems. Supporting policies that reduce emissions from vehicles, factories, and power
plants can improve air quality and protect public health.

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