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Selasa, 28 Agustus 2023

Nama : Kayla Rosyidah Mukhoyaroh

Kelas : X-3


1. Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense adalah kalimat tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang
terjadi di masa lampau dan telah berakhir di masa lampau.
'PAST' = masa lampau


Rumus kalimat positif:
S + Verb 2 + O
Terdapat 2 jenis kata kerja/verb, yakni:
Reguler verb dan irreguler verb
 Reguler verb, tambahkan -ed/-d dibelakang setelah kata kerja bentuk
 Irregular verb, termasuk didalamnya to be, bentuk kata kerja keduanya sangat
berbeda, namun ada sebagian yang memiliki bentuk kata kerja yang sama
dengan bentuk kata kerja dasar.

Contoh kalimat simple past tense positif:

1. She bought a new laptop yesterday.
2. We drank orange juice last night
3. He saw a ghost last night.
4. Yeonjun walked to school yesterday.

Rumus kalimat negative:

S + Did not/didn’t + Verb 1 + o atau
S + To be (was/were) + not
Contoh kalimat simple past tense negatif:
1. She didn’t not buy a new laptop yesterday.
2. We didn't drink orange juice last night.
3. He didn’t a ghost last night.
4. Yeonjun didn’t walk to school yesterday.
Rumus kalimat tanya:
Did/does + S + Verb 1 + O atau
Was/were + S
Contoh kalimat simple past tense tanya:
1. Did she buy a new laptop yesterday?
2. Did we drink orange juice last night?
3. Did he see a ghost last night?
4. Did Yeonjun walk to school yesterday?

2. Past continuous tense

Past continuous tense adalah suatu kalimat yang mendeskripsikan suatu kegiatan/kejadian waktu
yang sedang terjadi di waktu lampau tertentu atau tense ini menyatakan kejadian yang belum selesai
di masa lampau


Rumus kalimat positif:
S + Was/were + V - Ing
Contoh kalimat positif:
1. My mother was cooking in the kitchen.
2. They were playing football.
3. She was watching K-Drama at 7 o’clock yesterday.
4. She was painting.

Rumus kalimat negatif:

S + Was/were + NOT + V – Ing
Contoh kalimat negative:
1. My mother wasn’t cooking in the kitchen
2. They were not playing football
3. She wasn’t watching K-Drama at 7 o’clock yesterday
4. She wasn’t painting.

Rumus kalimat tanya:

Was/were + S + V – Ing + O/C?
Contoh kalimat tanya:
1. Was my mother cooking in the kitchen?
2. Were they playing football?
3. Was she watching K-Drama at 7 o’clock yesterday?
4. Was she painting?
3. Past Perfect Tense
Past perfect tense adalah perubahan bentuk kata kerja untuk menggambarkan bahwa ada
suatu tindakan di masa lalu yang telah selesai sebelum tindakan lain (yang juga di masa lalu)
terjadi. Past perfect tense sering digunakan untuk menunjukkan tindakan yang terjadi sebelum
tindakan lain di masa lampau, sehingga membantu mendefinisikan urutan kronologis kejadian.


Rumus kalimat positif:

Subject + had + past participle (V3)
Contoh kalimat positif:
1. My brother had slept
2. Beomgyu had bought the ticket before it was sold out.
3. She had visited this museum before she moved to Cirebon
4. My mother had cooked chicken soup when we got home

Rumus kalimat negatif:

S + had + not + past participle (V-3)
Contoh kalimat negative:
1. My brother hadn’t slept
2. Beomgyu hadn’t bought the ticket before it was sold out
3. She hadn’t visited this museum before she moved to Cirebon
4. My mother hadn’t cooked chicken soup when we got home

Rumus kalimat tanya:

Had + S + past participle (V-3)
Contoh kalimat tanya:
1. Had my brother slept?
2. Had beomgyu bought the ticket before it was sold out?
3. Had she visited this museum before she moved to Cirebon?
4. Had your mother cooked chicken soup when we got home?

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