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vwo Engels

drs. Antoon van Eijk

Colofon Over ThiemeMeulenhoff
ThiemeMeulenhoff ontwikkelt zich van educatieve
uitgeverij tot een learning design company. We brengen
content, leerontwerp en technologie samen. Met onze
drs. Antoon van Eijk
groeiende expertise, ervaring en leeroplossingen zijn we een
Eindredactie serie Examenidioom partner voor scholen bij het vernieuwen en verbeteren van
drs. Antoon van Eijk onderwijs. Zo kunnen we samen beter recht doen aan de
Bronvermelding verschillen tussen lerenden en scholen en ervoor zorgen dat
drs. Tineke van Putten / leren steeds persoonlijker, effectiever en efficienter wordt.
drs. Riek Verploegh (in Algemene tips) Samen leren vernieuwen.
Opmaak iememeulen hoff. nI
Crius Group, Hulshout (Belgie)
ISBN 978 go 06 43961 8
Derde druk, vierde oplage, 2020

© ThiemeMeulenhoff, Amersfoort, 2019

Alie rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave

mag warden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een
geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt,
in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij elektronisch,
mechanisch, door fotokopieen, opnamen, of enig and ere
manier, zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming
van de uitgever.

Voor zover het ma ken van kopieen uitdeze uitgave is

toegestaa n op grond van a rtikel 16B Auteurswet 1912 j het
Besluit van 23 augustus 1985, Stbl. 471 en artikel 17Auteu rswet
1912, dient men de daarvoor wettelijk verschuldigde
vergoedingen te voldoen aan Stichting Publicatie-en
Reproductierechten Organisatie (PRO), Postbus 3060, 2130
KB Hoofddorp ( Voor het overnemen
van gedeelte(n) uit deze uitgave in bloemlezingen, readers
en andere compilatiewerken (artikel 16 Auteurswet) dient
men zich tot de uitgever te wenden. Voor meer informatie
over het gebruikvan muziek, film en het maken van kopieen
in het onderwijs zie

De uitgever heeft ernaar gestreefd de auteursrechten te

regelen volgens de wettelijke bepalingen. Degenen die
desondanks menen zekere rechten te kunnen doen gelden,
kunnen zich alsnog tot de uitgever wend en.

Deze uitgave is volledig CO,-neutraal geproduceerd.

verentwoorde herlcom.!11
Het voor deze uitgave gebruikte pa pier is voorzien van
het FSC "' -keurmerk. Dit betekent dat de bosbouw op
een verantwoorde wijze heeft plaatsgevonden.
FSC" C0044 72
Examenidioom Engels v w o geeft leerlingen de mogelijkheid hun woordenschat uit te breiden, waar-
door ze zich zowel op het centraal examen leesvaardigheid en het schoolexamen luistervaardigheid
als op de schoolexamens gespreksvaardigheid en schrijfvaardigheid voorbereiden. Het isdoor zijn
aard en opzet uitstekend geschikt voor zelfstudie.

Bij de samenstelling zijn ender meer de volgende keuzes gemaakt:

> Er iseen duidelijk onderscheid aangebracht tussen idioom dat in examens passief beheerst dient te
word en o m de tekst te begrijpen en idioom dat in spreek- en schrijftaal door de leerling zelf actief
wordt gebruikt. De woorden worden gescheiden aangeboden, in receptieve en productieve lijsten.

> Elk hoofdstuk begint met een receptieve lijstvan 40 woorden. De opgenomen woorden zijn vooral
woorden die in de examens van het centraal examen voorkomen. Vervolgens zijn in een productieve
lijst15 woorden opgenomen die de leerling in schrijf- en spreektaal actief meet kunnen toepassen.
Naast deze 15 woorden zijn per hoofdstuk ook telkens twee taalhandelingen opgenomen, met elk
tenminste vier varianten, zodat de gebruiker lee rt o m zich juister, correcter en gevarieerder uit te
drukken in bepaalde situaties. De taalhandelingen sluiten aan bij het ERK-niveau 82.

> Het boek bevat 20 hoofdstukken. Het idioom isthematisch gerangschikt. De gekozen thema's
beslaan de meest voorkomende onderwerpen in eindexamenteksten. Bovendien wordt in
een aantal hoofdstukken aandacht besteed aan idioom dat weliswaar niet expliciet ender de
examenonderwerpen valt, maar wel beheerst moet worden o m teksten te kunnen begrijpen,
bijvoorbeeld verbindingswoorden of woorden die omvang of gradatie aangeven. Elk vijfde
hoofdstuk neemt een dergelijk belangrijk woordveld onder de loep.
> Elk opgenomen woord isvoorzien van een reele voorbeeldzin. De voorbeeldzin heeft als functie o m
de betekenis van het woord in een zo duidelijk mogelijke contextte zien.

> Er zijn opdrachten opgenomen waarmee de leerling zichzelf kan toetsen. Per hoofdstuk zijn twee
opdrachten opgenomen bij de receptieve lijsten een opdracht bij de productieve lijst.

> De toevoeging (BE) betekent Brits-Engels, (AE) betekent Amerikaans-Engels.

> Achter in het boek zijn alfabetische woordenlijsten Engels en Nederlands opgenomen, die het
mogelijk maken woorden snel op te zoeken.

Voor reacties, zowel van leerlingen als docenten, houden wij ons graag aanbevolen.
Stuur een e-mail naar

Amersfoort, 2019
Algemene tips 7

Relationships 11

2 Education 16

3 Health and care 21

4 Feelings and attitudes 26

5 Quality, frequency and extent 31

6 Life and living things 36

7 Transport and travel 41

8 Sports and leisure 46

9 Communication and information 51

10 Personality and characteristics 56

11 Economy and money 61

12 Science and tPchnology 66

13 Culture and art 71

14 Nature and the environment 76

15 Changes and conditions 81

16 Work 86

17 Law and order 91

18 Politics and religion 96

19 Reactions and thoughts 101

20 Linking words and time-related words 706

Woordenlijst Engels 111

Woordenlijst Nederlands 118

Algemene tips
Tips voor het Centraal Examen
Wat doe j e als j e een woord niet kent in een examentekst?
- Ga na o f je het woord in bijna gelijke vorm vanuit het Nederlands (of een andere taal) kent.
- Heel vaak is het voldoende om ongeveerte weten wat een onbekend woord of bijzondere
uitdrukking betekent. Bepaal welke lading een woord gezien de context heeft: positief, negatief,
instemmend, afkeurend, enzovoort.
- Bekijk of je de betekenis van het woord nodig hebt voor de beantwoording van de vraag.
- Wanneer je denkt dat het belangrijk is dat je de betekenis van een woord moet weten om de tekst
te begrijpen, zoek die dan op in een woordenboek.

In sommige teksten is een aantal woorden weggelaten. Jij moet het juiste alternatief kiezen dat
moet worden ingevuld.
Ga als volgtte werk:
- Lees eerst aIleen de vraag, niet de antwoorden.
- Lees de alinea waaruit het woord is weggelaten.
- Bepaal de inhoud van de zin waaruit het woord is weggelaten. Wanneer de inhoud niet duidelijk is,
lees dan ook de voorafgaande zin en de volgende.
- Probeer te bedenken wat het in te vullen woord in het Nederlands is.
- Vergelijk je vondst met de gegeven alternatieven.
- Wanneer je de betekenis van een van de antwoorden niet kent, zoek die dan op in het woordenboek.

Voorbee/den van veelvoorkomende vragen bij examenteksten Engels vwo

Which of the following statements are in accordance with paragraph 6?
Welke van de volgende verklaringen komen overeen met alinea 6?
What is the writer's intention in paragraph 11?
Wat is de bedoeling van de schrijver in a/inea 12?
What does paragraph 1 focus on?
Waar is alinea 1 op gericht?
How is Turner's book looked upon, according to paragraph 1 ?
Hoe wordt Turners boek gezien, volgens alinea 1?
What is the writer's attitude towards ... ?
Wat is de houding van de schrijver tegenover ... ?
• Which of the following sentences best reflects the writer's point of view on ... ?
Welke van de volgende zinnen geeft het beste de mening van de schrijver weer over ... ?
• What does the writer's opinion amount to?
Waar komt de mening van de schrijver op neer?
• How does he account for the disappointing results?
Hoe verklaart hij de teleurstellende resultaten?
• What are the examples in lines 13-22 meant to illustrate?
Wat moeten de voorbeelden in regel 13 tlm 2 2 duidelijk ma ken?
• What was the purpose of ... ?
Wat was het doe/ van ... ?
What is the author's opinion according to paragraph 8?
Wat is volgens paragraaf 8 de mening van de auteur?
• What is the main point made in paragraph 2?
Wat is de belangrijkste boodschap van de schrijver in paragraaf 2 ?
• What does the first speaker argue?
Wat stelt de eerste spreker?
• What is said with regard to ... ?
Wat wordt er gezegd met betrekking tot ... ?
• What is implied in paragraph 3?
Wat wordt in paragraaf 3 gesuggereerd?

Tips voor het schoolexamen gespreksvaardigheid

Zowel bij het voeren van een gesprek als bij spreken in het openbaar kun je baat hebben bij uitdruk-
kingen en zinnen die regelmatig te gebruiken zijn. Hieronder vind je een overzicht daarvan.

Handige uitdrukkingen en zinnen

• een gesprek beginnen en afsluiten
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to talk about ...
Let me start by saying that ...
The point I'm trying to make is ...
Thank you (for listening).
• bedanken, je verontschuldigen, feliciteren en uitnodigen
I apologise for (taking so much of your time).
Let me congratulate you on ...
I would like to invite you all to ...
• verzoeken om verduidelijking ofherhaling
I'm sorry, I didn't hear /understand ...
Could you repeat your question, please?
• informatie vragen en verstrekken
Well, let me tell you about ...
Could you explain to me why (for example) ... ?
I'd be interested to find out/ know more about ...
uitdrukking geven aan gevoetens
I'm terribly happy to know that ...
I'm so sorry to hear ...
I find it extremely annoying that ...
• zaken of personen beschrijven
It looks like ...
He s i a bit like ...
• een mening geven en vragen
In my opinion I view . .
I am convinced that . .
Would(n't) you agree (with me) that ... ?
• voorstellen doen tot een oplossing
I'd suggest that we ...
We might solve the problem by doing ...
• bepleiten, klagen en onderhandelen
I hope you'll (do something about it.)
I have a complaint about ...
I'd like to hear ...
Would you mind -ing ... ?
Als je een woord niet kent, kun je een compenserende strategie gebruiken. Oat is een manier om toch
duidelijk te ma ken wat je bedoelt, zonder het woord te hoeven gebruiken dat je niet kent. Hieronder
vind je een overzicht daarvan,
• een omschrijving geven
It is somewhat like a ...
You use it for ...
You often find it in (places where) ...
een algemene term geven
It is a kind of bird I plant/ vegetable ...
Generally speaking, ...
• jezelf nadenktijd geven
Ehm, let me think/ see.
Well, ehm, how shall I put it, ...
• je gesprekspartner o m hulp vragen
You know what I mean?
What do you call that?
What is the English word for ... ?
• goed naar je gesprekspartner luisteren en indien mogelijk woorden die hij/zij gebruikt herhalen
Er wordt bijvoorbeeld aan je gevraagd: Do you think the Dutch government is doing enough to
promote sustainable agriculture? Je antwoordt: Well, I think sustainable farming is ...
Bron: Examenbundel Engels vwo

Tips voor het schoolexamen schrijfvaardigheid

Veelgebruikte uitdrukkingen bij het schrijven van een Engelse brief

• openingszinnen
Thank you for your letter of 24January last.
I am writing to apply for the position advertised in The Observer of 11 November.
In reply/answer to ...
With reference to your article in The Times of 7 April, I would like to ...
Re your letter of 17 June, I am writing to let you know that ...
I am glad/sorry to inform you that ...
I apologise for ...
I would like to ask you for information on ...
I am writing you to complain about ...
I would like to submit my application for the position of ...
• slotzinnen
I am looking forward to your reply.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Should you require any further information, please call/email me at ...
Please do not hesitate to contact me.
I trust the problem will be solved as soon as possible.
Thanking you in advance, ...
Enclosed please find ... In plaats van deze zin kun je ook links onder aan de brief schrijven: Encl. (of
Enclosures): ... (aantal bijgesloten stukken)
Op internet kun je veel voorbeelden vinden van een 'cover letter', 'CV' en 'resume'.
Bron: Examenbundel Engels vwo
Relationships 11

1 Relationships
English > Dutch

guardian The child's parents or guardians must give their voogd

consent before she has the operation.

to rear Being a widower, he has reared three children all opvoeden,

by himself. grootbrengen

infatuated with Amelia admitted she was infatuated with her boss. verliefd op

sibling The author has three siblings: a brother and two sisters. zus, broer

ancestor There were portraits of his ancestors on the wall. voorouder

posterity This priceless work of art must be preserved for posterity. nageslacht

hereditary Depression was hereditary in his family. erfelijk

mutual For a partnership to work there should be mutual respect. wederzijds

to descend According to Darwin's theory of evolution, humans afstammen van

from descend from ape-like creatures.

tribe There are still over 500 native tribes in the USA. stam

ally The two countries are military allies. bondgenoot

to mourn She still mourns the death of her husband. treuren over,
rouwen over
toddler The toddler was sitting on the carpet, thumb in mouth. peuter

marital They've decided to divorce because they've been huwelijks-

having so many marital problems lately.

tenant Tenants are not allowed to keep pets in these huurder

appa rtments.

despicable He was a despicable husband and father when he verachtelijk

was drunk.

adultery The reason for their divorce was adultery. overspel

contraceptive The clinic distributes contraceptives free of charge. voorbehoeds-


gap The generation gap between her parents and her is big. kloof

row Her father and mother have marital problems: they can ruzie
often be heard having a row.

to maintain He had to maintain a large family on a small income. onderhouden

domestic She has been a victim of domestic violence. huiselijk

12 Examenidioom Engels VWO

domineering She wanted to break free from her domineering father. bazig, dominant
affiliation He had always retained his affiliation to the Labour Party. verbondenheid,
guestroom Temporary visitors can stay in the guestroom. logeerkamer
coffin The coffin was lowered into the grave. doodskist
deceased The deceased was last seen alive by his neighbour. overledene
bereavement A family bereavement meant that he could not attend sterfgeva/, verlies
the conference. van een dierbare
obituary His obituary in the local press noted that he had been ill. overlijdensbericht
landlord The rent is transferred to the landlord every month. huisbaas,
orphan He's an orphan who lost his parents in an accident. wees
spouse At the annual company party I saw my colleagues and echtgenoot,
their spouses. echtgenote
offspring His disease was passed on to his offspring. kroost, kinderen
cemetery His father is buried in the cemetery on a hill. kerkhof
to take after He certainly takes after his father. lijken op
segregation Civil rights protesters called for an end to segregation. (rassen)scheiding
innate People have an innate ability to learn languages. aangeboren
to conform You were expected to conform, there was no room aanpassen
for originality.

to alienate Because of his different ideas he was alienated from vervreemden

his family.

animosity There was competition between the two teams, but vijandigheid
no animosity.
Relationships 13

( J Do you remember?
A. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

affliliation, guardian, landlord, obituary, posterity, row, tenant

The _ _ _ was told his rent was going up.

2 There was a(n) _ _ over who could take a shower first.

3 The war victims' names are recorded for _ _ _

4 His _ _ noted that he'd fought for justice all his life.

s Everybody is welcome, regardless of party _ _ _

B. Fill in the correct word. There si one word too many.

age, alienate, conform, descend, maintain, mourn, rear

Disagreements can _ _ teenagers from their families.

2 They try to _ _ _ their children to be like them as much as possible.

3 Do they earn enough to _ _ themselves and their four children?

4 Many people want their bodiec; to _ _ as slowly as possible. They believe that
sports and working out can do the trick.

5 They _ _ _ people who have died in the accident.

 Examenidioom Engels VWO

Dutch > English

lijken op Amber lijkt op haar moeder.

A m b e r resembles her mother. to resemble

leeftijdgenoot Hij was een leider onder zijn leeftijdgenoten.

H e was a leader a m o n g his peers. peer

verkering Neil and Rosie hebben al zes maanden verkering.

hebben Neil and Rosie have been dating for six months now. to date

za kenrelatie Hij is geen vriend maar een zakenrelatie.

H e is not a friend but a business associate. business associate

uitmaken Ze heeft het vorigjaar uitgemaakt met haar vriend.

She split u p with her boyfriend last year. to split up

vrijgezel Mijn oom Raymond is nog steeds vrijgezel.

M y Uncle R a y m o n d is still a bachelor. bachelor

collega Mijn collega neemt morgen contact met u op.

M y colleague will contact y o u tomorrow. colleague

kennis lk hoorde van die baan via een kennis van me.
I heard about thatjob through an acquaintance of mine. acquaintance

opvoeden Zij werd opgevoed door haar grootouders.

She was raised by her grandparents. to raise

trouw Hij is haar altijd trouw gebleven.

H e has always remained faithful to her. faithful

meerderjarig Als je meerderjarig bent, kun je je eigen beslissingen

W h e n you're of age, y o u can m a k e your o w n decisions. of age

worden Hij wordt morgen 16.

(+ leeftijd) He'll turn  tomorrow. to turn

puber Zij begrijpt de emotionele problem en van pubers.

She understands the emotional problems of adolescents. adolescent
Relationships 15

minderjarige Het is verboden om alcohol aan minderjarigen

te verkopen.
It isforbidden to sell alcohol to minors. minor

mensheid De mensheid heeft zich altijd afgevraagd ofwe alleen

zijn in het heelal.
Mankind has always wondered whether w e are alone in mankind
the universe.

62 Language functions

Zo kun je een gesprek beginnen:

> Aangenaam kennis te ma ken. Pleased to meet you.
> Mooi weer, nietwaar? Nice weather, isn't it?
> lk geloof niet dat we elkaar eerder ontmoet Idon't think we've m e t before.
> Neem me niet kwalijk, zit hier iemand? Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?
> Is dit uw eerste keer hier? Is it yourfirst time here?

Zo kun je een afspraak ma ken:

> Heb jij vanavond iets te doen? Are y o u doing anything tonight?
> Wanneer komt het uit? W h e n would be convenient?
> lk ga uit met een paar vrienden. I'm going out with s o m e friends.
Zou je het leuk vinden met ons mee te gaan? Would y o u like to join us?
> Heb je zin om vanavond met mij naar de mij D o y o u feel like coming to the cinema with
naar de bioscoop te gaan? m e tonight?

0 Do you remember?

C. Fill in the correct English words for the Dutch words in brackets (tussen haakjes).
That man is a (zakenrelatie) of my father's.

z How do you get on with your (col/ego's)?

3 So, you're a (vrijgezel) again. Join the club.

4 It can't be easy to (opvoeden) four children all by yourself?

5 When will you (meerderjarig worden), Emma?

16 Examenidioom Engels VWO

2 Education
English > Dutch

extra-curricular What sort of extra-curricular activities are there at buitenschoo/s

this school?

industrious Most of the students in his class are hard-working ijverig

and industrious.

public school Some ministers went to Eton, the famous public school particu/iere
in Oxford. kostschool

grammar A grammar school is especially for children who are gymnasium

school good at studying.

boarding Now that she attends a boarding school, she's not at kostschoo/
school home on weekdays.

GCSE, General This excellent pupil is taking nine GCSEs at grades 8 Examen Algemeen
Certificate of and 9. Voortgezet
Secondary Education Onderwijs

curriculum Is Spanish part of the curriculum at this grammar leerplan,

school? vakkenpakket

tuition fee You can pay your tuition fee in two installments. schoolgeld

grant If you are on a low income, you may be able to get a studiebeurs
student grant.

careers adviser Go to the careers adviser of your school for advice. decaan,
compulsory English and Dutch are compulsory subjects. verplicht

obligatory Is French obligatory or optional at British schools? verplicht

attendance Attendance at lessons is compulsory. aanwezigheid

punctual Both pupils and teachers should be punctual. op tijd aanwezig

entrenched Computers have become entrenched in education. verankerd,

to pursue After university he wanted to pursue a career in medicine. proberen te
to deduce Darwin deduced that plants anad animals could adapt concluderen,
to their surroundings. ajleiden
to major in The students in this group major in graphic design. als hoofdvak
proficient She's an experienced and proficient teacher. vaardig
2 Education 17

distinguished Dr Jones is a distinguished scholar of Chinese history. vooraanstaand

term The third term of this school begins in April. trimester

to advance We have advanced greatly in our knowledge o f the vorderen


illiterate In England 5.5 million people are said to be functionally analfabeet

i !literate.

to assess Teachers frequently assess their pupils' progress. beoordelen

to excel Schools that excel often attract more students. uitblinken

attentive The teacher wished the pupils would be more attentive. oplettend

to submit The students have to submit one essay every t w o weeks. inleveren

to clarify The report aims to clarify the conclusions that had toelichten
been reached.

to be in Sam is often in detention for disrupting lessons. nablijven

detention (op school)

to mark Teachers often have to mark tests at home. nakijken

to overlook The teacher must have overlooked that mistake. over het hoofd
perception When you get older, you lose depth perception. waarneming

comprehension How's your reading comprehension? begrip

innovation Teachers have not been pleased with all the vernieuwing
innovations in secondary education.

aptitude The children in this class all have an aptitude for aanleg
painting and drawing.

to comprehend The child read the story but did not fully comprehend begrijpen
its meaning.

to grasp Reading the opening paragraph enables the reader to snappen

quickly grasp what an article is about.

to dissect The editor dissected the first draft of my essay. analyseren,

survey The pupils were given a survey of English literature. overzicht

tedious They find it hard to pay attention if the lesson is saai

 Examenidioom Engels VWO

u Do you remember?

A. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

aptitude, grant, illiterate, perception, public school, term, survey

Who did you inherityour _ _ from painting and drawing from?

2 This is a{n) _ _ of British secondary schools.

3 Only rich kids can afford to go to _ _ _ _

4 Please fill in this form if you wish to apply for a{n) - - ·

5 Yesterday my brother finished his first _ _ _ at university.

B. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

compulsory, distinguished, entrenched, industrious, proficient, punctual, tedious

He's a{n) _ _ professor who has graduated from Manchester and Oxford.

2 I try to do my best at maths because at my school i t ' s - - ·

3 It takes a couple of years of regular driving before you become _ _ at it.

4 I've had to struggle through _ _ _ lessons and boring instruction books.

5 Will we ever be able to successfully tackle _ _ _ discrimination?

2 Education 19

Dutch > English

spreekvaardig- Hoe kan ik mijn spreekvaardigheid verbeteren?

heid H o w can I improve m y English fluency? fluency

afstuderen Mijn zus hoopt in mei a f t e studeren aan de universiteit.

M y sister hopes to graduate f r o m university in May. to graduate

voortgezet Deze examens worden afgenomen na zes jaar

onderwijs voortgezet onderwijs.
These examinations are taken after six years of secondary
secondary education. education

klas (middel- lk zit in de vijfde klas van een scholengemeenschap. f o r m (BE), grade
bare school) I'm in the fifth f o r m of a comprehensive school. (AE)

diploma Mijn moeder heeft mijn diploma aan de muur geha ngen.
M y mother has put m y certificate up on the wall. certificate

rector De rector had de leer ling van school gestuurd. head teacher (BE},
The head teacher h a d expelled the pupilfrom school. principal {AE}

con rector Zij is con rector a a n een grote school in Landen. deputy head
teacher (BE},
She's deputy head teacher at a large London school.
deputy principal
rooster De eerste Jes op het rooster voor maandag is wiskunde.
The first lesson on the timetable for M o n d a y is maths. timetable

lezing lk heb gisteren een lezing over stamcellen bijgewoond.

Iattended a lecture on stem cells yesterday. lecture

uitdagend De docent Engels gaf ons een uitdagende opdracht.

The English teacher gave us a challenging assignment. challenging

geschoold Dit bedrijf zoekt meer geschoolde arbeiders.

This company is looking for more skilled labourers. skilled

spijbelen Hij werd op spijbelen betrapt.

H e was caught playing truant. to play truant

cijfer Mijn cijfers zijn gelukkig omhoog gegaan sincejanuari.

Fortunately, m y marks have gone up since January. mark, grade
20 Examenidioom Engels VWO

een onvoldoen- lk heb een onvoldoende voor m ijn proefwerk

de halen voor Nederlands gehaald.
I've foiled m y Dutch test. to fail

hbo lk moet nog kiezen tussen hbo en universiteit.

Istill have to choose between Higher Professional higher professional
Eduction a n d university. eduction

Language functions
Zo kun je belangstelling uitdrukken:
> lnteressant te horen dat je uit ltalie komt. It's interesting to hear you're from Italy.
> Dus jij zit in de vijfde klas? So,you're in the fifth form?
> Wat leuk datje ook komt! H o w nice y o u 're coming too!
> Wat interessant! H o w interesting!

Zo kun je beg rip tonen:

> lk begrijp watje bedoelt. Isee (your point). I I understand what y o u
> lk weet precies hoe je je voelt. I k n o w just h o w y o u feel.
> Het moet een hele klap voor je geweest zijn. It must have been quite a blow for you.
> Ja, dat kan ik me voorstellen. Yes, Ican imagine.
> Ja, ik begrijp waar je naartoe wilt. Yes, Isee what you're getting at.

0 Do you remember?
C. Fill in the correct English words for the Dutch words in brackets.

How's your French (spreekvaardigheid)?

2 Have you ever attended a (lezing)?

3 Philosophy is on our school (rooster) next term.

4 I hope I won't (een onvoldoende ha/en voor) my French test.

5 This institute of (hbo) offers a wide variety of courses.

3 Health and care 21

3 Health and care

English > Dutch

nutritious Raw vegetables and salads are said to be very nutritious. voedzaam

detrimental Lots of sleeping pills appear to have detrimental schadelijk

effects, especially to the elderly.

congenital She had a rare congenital heart problem. aangeboren

to alleviate The victims were given medication to alleviate the pain. verlichten

agony She fell from her bike and lay screaming in agony. ondraaglijke pijn

ea rd iac arrest The patient appears to have suffered a cardiac arrest. hartstilstand

to groan After he'd fallen from his bike, he walked home, groaning. kreunen, kermen

paralysis After the accident she had paralysis of the left arm. verlamming

contagious The doctor says this disease is not contagious. besmettelijk

to neglect She had neglected her health, as a result of which she verwaarlozen
died at an early age.

consulting The walls of Freud's consulting room were red. spreekkamer


disabled This parking space is reserved for disabled people. invalide

deformed The child was born with a deformed foot. mismaakt

benign I only hope that the tumour that has been discovered is goedaardig

pathological Mrs Foster has a pathological fear of being late ziekelijk,

somewhere. abnormaa/

to shiver She was shivering because it was so cold. rillen

exhilarating Most people find surfing exhausting but exhilarating. opwindend,

to pant He was panting because he'd run so fast. hijgen

to digest He has a problem digesting his food. verteren

to moan When he fell, he moaned with pain. kreunen

to suffocate The victims had suffocated in the fumes. stikken

intoxicated That pop star is intoxicated whenever he performs onder invloed (van
on stage. alcohol o f drugs)
22 Examenidioom Engels VWO

beneficial A good diet is beneficial to your health. gunstig,

ward In this hospital the children's ward has open visitation zaal,
hours. ziekenhuiszaal

feeble He was strong once, but now he is old and feeble. zwak

kidney The kidney plays a vital role in the removal of waste nier

germ She's ill; she must have picked up some germs baeterie

to refrain from His GP advised him to refrain from cigarettes and zich onthouden
alcohol. van

to soothe It was an effective way to soothe the pain. verzachten

to stagger After the fall, he got up and staggered home. wankelen

to administer The nurse administered the medicine to the patient. toedienen

numb The cold had caused her fingers to go numb. verstijfd, verdoofd

lethal Shortly after the fire started, the house was fu 11of dodelijk, zeer
lethal fumes. gevaarlijk

malignant Fortunately, his tumour is not malignant. kwaadaardig

contaminated They had drunk from contaminated water. besmet

morbid She has a morbid fascination with death. ziekefijk

incurable Fortunately, cancer is not always incurable. ongeneeslijk

to subject to In some countries people are subjected to medical onderwerpen aan

experiments against their will.

to convalesce He needs a week to convalesce after his hospital stay. herstellen (na
to regain He lost consciousness and has never regained it. terugkrijgen
3 Health and care 23

0 Do you remember?
A. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

alleviate, digest, groan, neglect, pant, refrain from, stagger

She left the burning house and managed to _ _ _ to the street.

2 Surgery was needed to _ _ _ the pressure on the patient's spinal cord.

3 Liz came running and _ _ _ ing into my office to report she'd just seen an accident.

4 Some babies can't _ _ _ cow's milk.

5 Please, let's _ _ _ making unfounded accusations!

B. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

beneficial, benign, contaminated, exhilarating, incurable, lethal, morbid

Horse-riding on the beach is a(n) _ _ _ experience for her.

2 That child takes a(n) _ _ _ interest in films about violence, murder and abuse.

3 The sick patient has drunk from water that turns out to b e - - - ·

4 Is it true that cancer often turns out to be _ _ _ ?

s The _ _ _ effects of this new medicine have not been proven.

24 Examenidioom Engels VWO

Dutch > English

griep hebben Mijn beide ouders hebben griep. to be down with

Both my parents are down with the flu. the j i u

huisarts Is er een huisarts in de buurt? GP, General

Is there a GP around here? Practitioner

(dokters)recept Dit is het recept dat ik van mijn huisarts kreeg.

This is the prescription I got from my GP. prescription

druk Overgewicht legt veel druk op het hart.

Excess weight puts a lot of strain on the heart. strain

raadplegen Raadpleeg uw arts als de symptomen erger worden.

Consult your doctor if the symptoms get worse. to consult

ziektekosten- Plastische chirurgie wordt niet gedekt door uw

verzekering ziektekostenverzekering.
Plastic surgery is not covered by your health insurance. health insurance

kalmerings- Hier is een kalmeringsmiddel om je te helpen

middel ontspannen.
Here's a sedative to help you to relax. sedative

in elkaar Hij zakte in elkaar en stierf aan een hartaanval.

zakken He collapsed and died of a heart attack. to collapse

verdoving lk ben geopereerd zonder verdoving.

I have been operated on without an anaesthetic. an anaesthetic

hoesten lk moest hoesten van de rook.

The smoke made me cough. to cough

verstuiken lk heb mijn enkel verstuikt.

I've sprained my ankle. to sprain

goed doen Lichaamsbeweging za I je conditie goed doen.

Physical exercise will benefit your condition. to benefit

zich niet lekker lk voel me al een paar dagen niet lekker. to feel under the
voelen I've been feeling under the weather the past f e w days. weather
Health and care

herstellen Het duurt een paar weken voordat ik hersteld ben.

It will take me a f e w weeks to recover. to recover

misselijk lk voelde me misselijk en ik dacht dat ik moest overgeven.

Ifelt nauseous and I thought I had to vomit. nauseous

£5? Language functions

Zo kun je twijfel uitdrukken:
> lk betwijfel of mijn arm ooit zal genezen. I doubt if/that my arm will ever heal.
> lk vraag me af of ik mijn huisarts moet I wonder i f I should call my GP.
> Het is niet waarschijnlijk dat hij snel zal It's not likely he'll recover soon.
> Je wilt me toch niet zeggen dat je moest You don't mean to tell me that you had to
overgeven? vomit?
> Niemand heeft geklaagd, voor zover ik weet. Nobody has complained, as far as I know.

Zo kun je opluchting uitdrukken:

> lk ben opgelucht te horen dat hij niet I'm relieved to hear he's no longer addicted.
verslaafd is.
> Het is een opluchting te horen dat zij niet It's a relief to hear she isn't injured.
gewond is.
> lk ben blij dat het niet besmettelijk is. I'm glad it's not contagious.
> Dat is een pak van mijn hart. That's a load off my mind.

tJ Do you remember?
C. Fill in the correct English words for the Dutch words in brackets.

I can't come tomorrow, because I (griep hebben).

2 I have stil I not fully (herstellen) from that fall last month.

3 Somebody saw her (in elkaar zakken) and sent for a doctor.

4 She (verstuikte) her ankle playing squash.

5 He was given a (kalmeringsmiddel) for shock.

26 Examenidioom Engels VWO

4 Feelings and attitudes

English> Dutch

turmoil The new law has caused a lot of social turmoil. onrust

humble He started his amazing career as a humble peanut nederig


resentment Fortunately, there's no bitterness and resentment any haat, wrok


to be eager She's eager to get back to work as soon as possible. heel graag willen

keen After their retirement some people become keen enthousiast


bliss Lying on a sunny beach is my idea of sheer bliss. geluk, genot

seductive She looked very seductive in her black evening dress. ver/eidelijk

to long She longs to go back to her native country. sterk verlangen

awe We looked at the Olympic winner with awe. ontzag, enorm

allegiance That political party no longer deserves our allegiance. trouw (aan lr;md,
hostile Some people remain hostile to their ex-partners. vijandig

to appal People were appalled by the bad state of the kitchen. verbijsteren

appalling These poor children live in appalling conditions. vreselijk

indignant She wrote an indignant letter about the rude way she verontwaardigd
had been treated.

outrage The terrorist attack generated general outrage. verontwaardiging

disdain She is arrogant and her disdain for her colleagues is clear. minachting

to despise Brian despises people who live off others and make a minachten
habit of borrowing money.

anxious My mother always gets a bit anxious if we are not ongerust

home on time.

biased The president critized the newspapers for their biased bevooroordee/d

furious When I got home late, my dad was furious with me. woedend

avid They are avid readers of thrillers, especially during the enthousiast,
holidays. gretig
4 Feelings and attitudes 27

exasperated She became exasperated with allhis suspicious erg geirriteerd


anguish Her anguish over her missing child speaks for itself. enorme bezorgd-
heid en angst
agonizing He didn't want to hurt her but he felt he had to make zeer pijnlijk
an agonizing decision.

dejected Don't get dejected when you get rejected. neerslachtig

to daunt She was daunted by the difficult task that lay ahead ontmoedigen
of her.

to sense She sensed she was being followed. voelen

defiance Running away was an act of defiance against his parents. ongehoorzaam-
a grudge The police asked ifanyone might have had a grudge wrok
against the victim.

blunt There's no need for you to give such blunt answers. bot
You could be more polite, you know.

patronizing 'We only sell expensive sports cars here,' she said in a neerbuigend
patronizing way.

condescending That boss talks to her staff in a condescending, almost neerbuigend

insulting way.

enticing W e were welcomed by the enticing smells from the verleidelijk


malicious The film isabout a land called Narnia, which isruled by kwaadaardig,
a malicious witch. boos

to envy Some people envy that star's thick glossy hair when benijden (om)
they look at their own thin hair.

to grieve He isstillgrieving for his wife who died last year. treuren, rouwen

to mock The opposition mocked the government's decision. belachelijk maken

lecherous The instructor was a disgusting lecherous old devil. geil, wellustig

to loathe She came to loathe her father when he was drunk verafschuwen
and violent.

to implore They asked, even implored the minister to help the smeken
victims of the disaster.
28 Examenidioom Engels VWO

u Do you remember?
A. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

appalling, condescending, eager, enticing, hostile, humble, lecherous

She was _ _ enough to admit that others could probably do the job better than her.

2 Our neighbour is rather _ _ and can get quite verbally aggressive.

3 He was _ _ _ as always, telling dirty jokes and trying to kiss all the girls.

4 There's no need for him to be s o - - , that is to look down on us.

5 It was a hot day and a dip into the swminng pool l o o k e d - - ·

B. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

daunt, despise, envy, implore, loathe, mock, sense

It is easy for you to _ _ _ us, but we have put a lot of work in this school play.
2 She was not at all _ _ (e)d by the size of the problem.

3 When we entered the house, we _ _ (e)d there was something wrong.

4 She _ _ (e)d bystanders to save her drowning child.

s My father absolutely _ _ shopping.

4 Feelings and attitudes 29

Dutch> English

verdacht Er hangen buiten enkele verdachte figuren rond.

There are some suspicious characters hanging around suspicious

enorme inzet Haar baas waa rdeert haar voor haar enorme inzet.
Her boss appreciates herf o r her commitment. commitment

houding Zijn leraren zijn over het algemeen positief over zijn
houding in de klas.
In general, his teachers are positive about his attitude attitude
in class.

negeren lk weet niet waarom zij mij de laatste tijd negeert.

I don't know why she has been ignoring me lately. to ignore

ergeren Zijn gedrag ergert me.

His behaviour annoys me. to annoy

afwijzen Het is nooit leuk om door iemand te worden afgewezen.

It's never nice to be rejected by someone. to reject

met tegenzin Ze gaf haar tegenstander met tegenzin een hand.

She reluctantly shook hands with her opponent. reluctantly

grate verbazing Tot zijn grote verbazing was de auto weg.

To his astonishment, his car was gone. astonishment

walgelijk Zijn beledigende opmerkingen zijn echt wal g el ij k.

His insulting remarks are really disgusting. disgusting

geruststellen Hij probeerde haar gerust te stellen toen zij haar

telefoon was verloren.
Het tried to reassure her when she had lost her phone. reassure

eerlijk gezegd Eerlijk gezegd kan het me niets schelen.

Frankly , I cou/dn 't care less. frankly

gen ant Het was genant toen ik mijn drankje morste op haar
It was embarrassing when I spilled my drink on her shirt. embarrassing

van streek Ze was van streek door die beslissing.

She was upset by that decision. upset
30 Examenidioom Engels VWO

wanhopig Toen ze zag dat haar auto was gestolen, was ze wanhopig.
When she saw her car had been stolen, she was desperate. desperate

woede Hij ontstak in woede en haalde een geweer tevoorschijn.

He f l e w into a rage and pulled out a gun. rage

( 9 Language functions
Zo kun je aangeven dat je je redelijk goed voelt als iemand vraagt
hoe het met je gaat:
> Het kan slechter. It could be worse.
> Het gaat wel, dankje. Not too bad, thank you.
> Mag niet klagen. Can't complain.
> Het ergste is achter de rug. The worst is over.
> Och, zo'n beetje hetzelfde. Oh, pretty much the same.

Zo kun je aangeven dat je je goed voelt:

> Prima, dank je. I'm fine, thank you.
> Kon niet beter. Never better.
> lk heb niets te klagen. I've got nothing to complain about.
> lk voel me heel goed, dank je. I'm very well, thank you.
> lk ben zo fit als een hoentje. I'm as f i t as a fiddle.

!J Do you remember?
C. Fill in the correct English words for the Dutch words in brackets.
As a colleague he is respected for his (enorme inzet).
2 He went into a (woede), cursing her and throwing an empty bottle in her direction.

3 I didn't (negeren) you on purpose. Ijust didn't recognize you.

4 How (genant) to be found out as a liar!

5 To my (grate verbazing) she disagreed to our plans.

5 Quality, frequency and extent 31

5 Quality, frequency and extent

English > Dutch

ominous The rain stopped, but the sky remained dark and dreigend,
ominous. onheilspellend
dispropor- That country spends a disproportionate amount of onevenredig
tionate money on defence.

relentless This company is driven by a relentless focus on voortdurend


profound The implications of this discovery are profound. grondig, vergaand

brief He took a brief look at the paper and after five seconds kort
laid it down.

substantial After making a few small changes, he finally decided to flink, aanzienlijk
make some substantial changes.

elaborate She gave us an elaborate, detailed description of her uitgebreid

new house.

ostentatious Telecommunication companies often have opzichtig

ostentatious ads.

abundance At the feast there was food and drink in abundance. overvloed
The guests didn't know where to start.

derogatory The family wishes the press would stop making beledigend,
derogatory remarks about them. minachtend

futile It was futile to continue the negotiations. zinloos

exponential There's been an exponential increase in air travel zeersnel


untold Just read about the untold misery endured by people in ongekend,
this refugee camp. onmetelijk

captivating This is one of the most captivating novels I've ever read. boeiend

negligible The difference between the two products is negligible. verwaar/oosbaar

surge What is causing the surge in food costs? snelle stijging

rigorous He was chosen after a rigorous selection process. streng

bleak Now that he's lost his job, his future looks bleak. troosteloos

trivial Some people can even get angry over trivial matters. onbelangrijk

superficial He's fun to be with, but he's rather superficial. oppervlakkig

32 Examenidioom Engels VWO

moderate The wind will be light to moderate. matig

superfluous She gave him a look that made words superfluous. overbodig

incoherent His speech was incoherent. The audience couldn't onsamenhangend

follow him.

plausible Is there a plausible explanation for the increase in aannemelijk

specific learning disabilities?

appropriate He wasn't wearing appropriate clothes at the funeral. gepast, geschikt

outrageous Nowadays prices of houses are outrageous. schandalig

atrocious Prison conditions were atrocious from the start and vreselijk, zeer
only worsened as the months went by. slecht

hideous They've just built some hideous new apartment blocks afgrijselijk
that will attract very few buyers.

harsh She deserves harsh punishment for her cold-blooded streng


poignant It is especially poignant that he died on the day before droevig

the wedding.

vigorous We call on the government to take vigorous action. krachtig

to enhance Low lighting and soft music enhance the atmosphere. verbeteren

swift She is a swift runner. She always wins. snel

to surpass We were thrilled that the results surpassed our overtreffen


increasingly The minister became increasingly irritated by the steeds meer

reporter's questions.

invariably Buses around here are invariably late. People can't altijd
remember the last time they were on time.

potential He is seen as the potential leader of the new party. mogelijk

consistently The Prime Minister has consistently denied the rumours. consequent,
distinct These two suggestions to solve the problem are verschillend
quite distinct.

prolific Charles Dickens was one of the most prolific English productief
writers of the 19th century.
5 Qualit y, frequency and extent 33

i ) Do you remember?
A. F ll in the correct word. There are two words too many.

distinct, hideous, moderate, negligible, potential, superficial, swift

Emma was wearing an absolute ly _ _ purple and yellow dress. Awful!

2 The two groups in that politica pa rty are qu ite _ _ _ from each other.
3 Fortunately, the pa n of the injection w a s - - · I hard ly fe lt anything.

4 The success of his last three albums has not been great and has not been little, but
has been - - - ·

5 Great to see that your daughte r is _ _ to learn. She'll get the hang of it ve ry soon.

B. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

atrocious, derogatory, ominous, prolific, substantial, untold, vigorous

I didn't like the way he was making _ _ _ comments on our performance.

2 This is a school for children with _ _ learning difficulties.

3 She is in prison for having committed two _ _ _ crimes.

4 That player is this country's most _ _ _ footba!I scorer.

5 Oh dear. The car's making a(n) _ _ _ rattling sound. What might be wrong?
34 Examenidioom Engels VWO

Dutch > English

vrijwel Hij is vrijwel doof aan een oor.

He is virtually deaf in one ear. virtually

grondig De politie heeft het huis grondig doorzocht.

The police have searched the house thoroughly. thorough

talrijk Jouw verslag bevat talrijke fouten.

Your report contains numerous mistakes. numerous

onvermijdelijk Soms is een oorlog onvermijdelijk.

Sometimes war is inevitable. inevitable

uitgebreid Er komen uitgebreide herstelwerkzaamheden aan

de snelweg.
There will be extensive repairs to the motorway. extensive

aanzienlijk De schade aan de auto was aanzienlijk.

The damage to the car was considerable. considerable

boeiend Wat kan astronomie toch boeiend zijn !

H o w fascinating astronomy can be! fascinating

terecht Hij heeft terecht reden om te klagen.

He has just cause to complain. just

weinig We hadden te weinig tijd om hen te bezoeken.

(+ enkelvoud) We had too little time to visit them. little

weinig Er waren weinig mensen op het feest.

(+ meervoud) There were f e w people at the p a ry.
meerderheid In Groot-Br t tannie z ij n de vrouwen in de meerderheid.
In Great Britain women are in the majority. majority

smal De gang is te smal voor twee mensen.

The corridor is too narrow for two people. na rr ow

naar behoren Mijn computer werkt nog steeds niet naar behoren.
My computer si still not working properly. properly

streng We hebben vorigjaar een strenge winter gehad.

We had a severe winter last year. severe

dankbaa r Gehandicapte mensen he I pen ka n erg dankbaar zijn.

Helping handicapped people can be very rewording. rewarding
5 Quality, frequency and extent 35

62 Language functions

Zo kun je bezorgdheid uitdrukken:

> Wat is er met jou aan de hand? What's the matter with you?
> Waar zitje over in? What's worrying you?
> Is er iets mis? Is something wrong?
> Er zit me iets dwars. Something's bothering me.
> lk maak me zorgen over mijn moeder. I'm worried about my mother.

Zo kun je medeleven tonen:

> Wat jammer. What a pity/shame.
> Dat is erg (voor je). I'm sorry to hear that.
> Wat vreselijk! How terrible!
> Dat moet een hele klap voor je geweest zijn. That must have been quite a blow f o r you.
> lk voel echt met je mee. I do sympathize with you.

u Do you remember?
C. Fill in the correct English words for the Dutch words in brackets.

The doorway was too (smal) for the armchair.

2 I guess the accident was (onvermijdelijk).

3 This bike doesn't ride (naar behoren).

4 The punishment she got was (terecht) if you ask me.
s She had studied (talrijke) hours for her exam.
36 Examenidioom Engels VWO

6 Life and living things

English > Dutch

sustenance Potatoes were their only means of sustenance. voedsel

haemorrhage He died of a massive brain haemorrhage. bloeding

to exhale The patient was told to take a deep breath, then uitademen
exhale slowly.

mammal A whale is a mammal, not a fish. zoogdier

paw The vet inspected the dog's hurt paw. poot, k/auw

bug There's a bug in your hair. Ithink it's a ladybird. insect

dragonfly Dragonflies were hovering above the surface of the libel/e


caterpillar Caterpillars become butterflies. rups

fur It was difficult to tell the difference between the real bont
fur coat and the fake fur coat.

breed Dogs of same breed have similar characteristics of ras

appearam:i:: and bet1aviour.

progeny We are dooming our progeny by ruining the nageslacht


vermin Flies, lice and rats are all vermin. ongedierte

plain You can see for miles when driving through the plains vlakte
of Nebraska.

stem The sunflower has a long stem. stengel

sycamore We had lunch under a 100-year-old sycamore. esdoorn

shamrock The shamrock is a symbol of the Trinity and the Cross klaverblad
for most Irish-Catholics.

abdomen The doctor pressed the patient's abdomen with his onderbuik

ferocious From the boat we could see a ferocious shark. woest

to mutilate Her body had been mutilated beyond recognition. vermin ken

mortality Infant mortality is high in Third World countries. sterfte,

6 Life and living things 37

famine Deaths due to famine and disease in Ireland around hongersnood

1848 exceeded two million.

predator Lions and crocodiles are predators. roofdier

savage She was attacked by a savage dog. woest

vulture Vultures were circling over the dying elephant. gier

to breed My aunt breeds golden retrievers. fokken

rodent The security alert was triggered by a rodent. knaagdier

to nurture He wants to give up his job to be able to nurture his verzorgen,

children. opvoeden

soil This soil is very fertile. aarde

leech He was after her family's wealth and was regarded as b/oedzuiger,
a leech. profiteur

endangered Mountain gorillas are an endangered species. bedreigd, met

extinct It is feared that the giant panda will soon become extinct. uitgestorven

fornication He was accused of fornication with multiple people. ontucht

to exterminate Once cockroaches get into a building, it's very difficult uitroeien
to exterminate them.

to take shelter The lion took shelter for the night in a cave. schuilen

prey The lion caught its prey and ate it. prooi

to devour Walking in the African bush, one might be devoured by verslinden

a lion.

to wander The lost child was wandering the streets. zwerven,

to stroke Most children like stroking furry animals. aaien

to sigh When she heard she had passed, she sighed with relief. zuchten

to puke She was drunk and puked all over the carpet. overgeven
38 Examenidioom Engels VWO

0 Do you remember?
A. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

bug, leech, mammal, plain, predator, shamrock, soil

He sticks at someone like a - - ·

2 Humans, dogs and dolphins are _ _ _ s, but birds and fish are not.

3 The _ _ consists of a stem and three leaves.

4 These new plants don't seem to like this dry _ _ _ _

s On top of the mountain we could see the surrounding white _ _ below.

B. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

abdomen, caterpillar,fornication, haemorrhage, stem, rodent, vermin

A rat is a(n) - - ·
2 She delicately held the _ _ of the flower between her thumb and her index finger.

3 He was accused of _ _ with a a co-worker and, subsequently, fired.

4 Does a(n) _ _ _ eat all of the leaves on one branch before moving on to the next?

5 I'm doing these exercises for my _ _ _

6 Life and living things 39

Dutch > English

landelijk Hij woont in een landelijk gebied dicht bij een bos.
He lives in a rural area close to a forest. rural

vruchtbaa r De meeste mannen blijven tot op hoge leeftijd

M o s t men remain fertile into old age. fertile

overleven lk ken verscheidene mensen die kanker overleefd hebben.

I know severa lpeople who have survived cancer. to survive

dierenarts Wij belden de dierenarts om onze zieke hond te

We called the vet to treat o u r sick dog. vet

dakloze Dit is een inzamelingsactie voor de daklozen.

This is a fund-raiser f or the homeless. homeless

lijk Het lijk werd naar het mortuarium gebracht.

The corpse was taken to the morgue. corpse

zintuig De mens heeft vijf zintuigen.

M a n has five senses. sense

slikken, Als ik slik, doet mijn keel pijn.

inslikken When I swallow, my throat hurts. to swallow

bewust Zij was zich bewust van zijn belangstelling voor haar.
She was conscious of his interest in her. conscious, aware

aankomen lk ben twee kilo aangekomen.

(gewicht) I've put on two kilos. to put on, to gain

bede rven Vlees bederft snel met warm weer.

Meat spoils quickly in warm weather. to spoil

verbouwen Welke gewassen verbouwen ze daar?

What crops do they g r o w there? to grow

oogst Appeltelers verwachten een goede oogst te hebben

dit jaar.
App Ie growers expect to have a g o o d harvest this year. harvest
40 Examenidioom Engels V W O

schadelijk Is alcohol schadelijk voor je gezondheid?

Is alcohol harmful to your health? harmful

ongevaarlijk Deze paddenstoelen zijn ongevaarlijk en kunnen

gegeten worden.
These mushrooms are harmless and can be eaten. harmless

0 Language functions
Zo kun je ontevredenheid uitdrukken:
> lk ben helaas twee kilo aangekomen. Unfortunately, I've put on two kilos.
> lk ben niet tevreden over de zorg die ik I'm not satisfied about the care I'm getting
hier krijg. here.
> Hij is ontevreden over zijn !even tot nu toe. He's been dissatisfied with his life so far.
De boeren zijn niet blij met de oogst van The farmers are not pleased with this year's
dit jaar. harvest.
> lk vrees dat de mobiele telefoon die u mij I'm afraid the mobile phone you sold me
verkocht heeft, niet werkt. isn't working.

Zo kun je tevredenheld uitdrukken:

> Zij is tevreden over haa r gewicht. She's satisfied about her weight.
> lk ben blij met de nieuwe dierenarts. I'm pleased with the new vet.
> Gelukkig is deze stof niet schadelijk. Fortunately, this substance is not harmful.
> lk vind het fijn dat je je daarvan bewust bent. I'm glad that you're aware of that.
> lk houd van de manier waarop de I like the way the vet dealt with my dog.
dierenarts met mijn hond omging.

u Do you remember?
C. Fill in the correct English words for the Dutch words in brackets.
You should look out for the (schadelijke) effects of sunlight.
2 Keep a lookout for small objects that the baby might (inslikken).

3 If you are a (dakloze), you may be able to get help from the council.

4 I wasn't (bewust) of anybody else's presence in the room.

5 This is (vruchtbaar) farmland. Anything w l grow here.
7 Transport and travel 41

7 Transport and travel

English > Dutch

leisurely In Bangkok we cycled around at a leisurely pace. rustig

proximity Our choice of house depends on the proximity of nabijheid


debris After the crash, debris from the plane was scattered brokstukken
over a large area.

mandatory Crash helmets are mandatory for motorcyclists. verplicht

speed ramp A speed ramp will be installed in this road to reduce verkeersdrempel
the speed of the vehicles.

congestion I leave home very early to avoid congestions in the city. opstopping

junction At a junction where the roads are of equal importance, kruispunt

the traffic on your right has right of way.

pace The traffic was creeping along at a snail's pace. snelheid

altitude The plane was flying at an altitude of 8,000 metres. hoogte

right of way That car has the right of way, so you must stop. voorrang

rush hour There are always traffic jams during rush hour. spits, spitsuur

to exceed He was fined for exceeding the speed limit by 20 km. overschrijden

prohibited Parking is strictly prohibited in front of this building. verboden

haulage He runs a haulage firm that has over 100 trucks. vervoers-

casualty There was a train accident, but fortunately there were slachtoffer
no casualties.

grub You can get good grub for less than €6 in Thailand. eten

to skid The car skidded and hit a tree. slippen

bend There's a sharp bend in that road. bocht

to avert The roundabout was built to avert more road accidents. voorkomen

cautious His father is a cautious driver but his brother is a voorzichtig

reckless one.

to commute She commutes from Cambridge to London every day. forenzen

itinerary The tour operator will arrange transport and plan route,
your itinerary. reisbeschrijving
42 Examenidioom Engels VWO

to be due The next train is due in 10 minutes. moeten

encounter She didn't remember our encounter last summer. ontmoeting

aviation The aviation industry will have to produce more luchtvaart

eco-friendly planes.

vehicle On the boat there were vehicles like cars, buses and voertuig

maintenance I leave the maintenance of my car to a mechanic. onderhoud

cargo The ship was carrying a cargo of steel. lading

to dazzle The cyclists were dazzled by the headlights of a car. verblinden

valid You must have a valid passport to enter the UK. geldig

to stroll In the afternoons they'd go strolling along the beach. slenteren

to roam He roamed around America for a year, working in bars zwerven

and restaurants.

impeccable The service they provide is impeccable. perfect,

fare What's the train fare to Birmingham? tarief, kaartje

leaflet We had a leaflet with a list of sights. folder

to assemble The guide told us to assemble near the bus at 5 pm. zich verzamelen

to abandon They had to abandon the burning car. verlaten

to disembark We took our luggage to the lower deck, ready to van board gaan

pit stop We made a quick pit stop at a service area before (korte) tussenstop
continuing on our journey. (tijdens een
hitch hiker Dad sometimes picks up hitchhikers along the motorway. lifter
7 Transport and travel 43

u Do you remember?
A. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

bend, casualty, congestion, debris, encounter, maintenance, vehicle

M y first _ _ _ with her was 10 years ago.

2 The police officer asked the car driver whether he was the owner of t h e - - - ·

3 This course gives drivers some basic knowledge of car _ _ _ _

4 George was a(n) _ _ in that nasty motorway collision yesterday.

5 After the explosion the building _ _ _ was scattered all over the area.

B. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

abandon, avert, commute, dazzle, disembark, exceed, roam

If you are _ _ (e}d by oncoming traffic, you should slow down.

2 At the fourth stop some people wanted t o - - , so the bus was forced to halt.

3 The park is a lovely place to _ _ _ in, to contemplate or to bring the kids to play.

4 Drivers who _ _ _ the ,;reed limit can expect to be fined heavily.

s I___ to London for work every day.

44 Examenidioom Engels VWO

Dutch> English

gastvrij De obers waren niet bepaald gastvrij in ons hotel.

The waiters were not exactly hospitable in our hotel. hospitable

stoep, trottoir Rijd niet met je fiets op de steep! pavement (BE},

Don't ride your bike on the pavement! sidewalk {AE}

voetganger Automobilisten moeten hier voorrang geven aan

Car drivers m u s t give w a y to pedestrians here. pedestrian

kruispunt Bij het kruispunt linksaf.

Turn left at the crossroads. crossroads

toevallig lk kwam toevallig een klasgenoot tegen in Utrecht.

tegenkomen Iran into a classmate in Utrecht. to run into

bestemming What is de bestemming van uw reis?

What's the destination ofyour journey? destination

een boete Chauffeurs die zich niet aan de maximumsnelheid

krijgen houden, zullen een boete krijgen.
Drivers w h o don't stick to the speed limit will be fined. to b e f m e d

brandstof W e moesten onderweg naar de luchthaven stoppen

voor brandstof.
W e h a d to stop for fuel on the w a y to the airport. fuel

perron Mijn trein komt binnen op perron 128.

M y train arrives at platform 128. platform

vertraging Onze trein heeft een vertraging van 10 minuten.

O u r train has a 10-minute delay. delay

file Er stond een file van drie kilometer op de snelweg. trafficjam,

There w a s a 3-kilometre trafficj a m on the motorway. tailback

verlichten 's Nachts zijn de grachten mooi verlicht.

At night the canals are beautifully illuminated. to illuninate

door rood Hij reed door rood en kreeg een bekeuring.

rijden H e ran a red light a n d w a s fined. to run a red light
7 Transport and travel 45

informeren Zal ik informeren naar de prijs van de kaartjes?

naar Shall I enquire about the price of the tickets? to enquire about

bezienswaar- We hebben de Big Ben en andere bezienswaardig-

digheid heden in Londen gezien.
W e s a w Big Ben and other sights in London. sight

r;;S1Language functions

Zo kun je beleefd om hulp of inlichtingen vragen:

> lk vroeg me af of u me kunt vertellen waar I wonder ify o u could tell m e where the
het VVV is? tourist information centre is?
> lk vroeg me af waar de dichtstbijzijnde Iw a s wondering where the nearest bus stop
bushalte was. was.
> Zou u zo vriendelijk willen zijn om mete Would y o u be so kind as to help m e with
helpen met deze koffers? these suitcases?
> Zou je me een plezier willen doen, alsjeblieft? Would y o u do m e a favour, please?
Heb jij toevallig twee euro voor mij? D o y o u happen to have two euros for m e ?

Zo kun je beleefd toestemming vragen:

> Vindt u het goed als ik hier ga zitten? D o you mind if Isit here?
> lk hoop dat u het niet erg vindt als ik het Ihope y o u don't mind if Iopen the window.
raam open doe.
> Kan ikje paraplu lenen, alsjeblieft? Can Iborrow your umbrella, please?
> Is het goed als ik vannacht hier blijf slapen? Is it all right if Istay the night?
lk vroeg me af of ik onze vlucht kon I was wondering if Icould cancel our flight.

u Do you remember?

C. Fill in the correct English words for the words in brackets.

Our landlord and landlady are very (gastvrij).

2 We got stuck in a (file) on the M25.

3 She (kreeg een boete) for parking in a no-parking zone.

4 Let's go to (perron) 128.

s Guess who I (toevallig tegenkwam} in Berlin last week?

46 Examenidioom Engels VWO

8 Sports and leisure

English > Dutch
contestant The contestants in the quiz came from all over Europe. deelnemer
(aan wedstrijd)
recipient The award for outstanding achievement was a surprise ontvanger
to the recipient.

to compete How many runners will compete in the marathon? deelnemen

(aan wedstrijd}
competitive He's very competitive: he only plays to win. prestatiegericht
impartial A referee should be impartial. onpartijdig
substitute Smith came on as a substitute ten minutes before the inval/er, vervanger
end of the match.

pitch The football players ran out on to the pitch. veld, sportveld
grandstand We watched the match from the grandstand. tribune
tournament The tennis tournament was a great success. toernooi
martial arts He's interested in modern martial arts such as kendo, oosterse
karate, judo and aikido. vechtsporten
event The Olympic Games are quite an event. gebeurtenis
hurdle We've overcome a difficult hurdle. obstake/,
pursuit Gardening is a relaxing pursuit for a lot of people. bezigheid
to subscribe to My father wants to subscribe to the New York Times. zich abonneren op
suspense The suspense gradually builds up in the film. spanning
flawless The Olympic champion's jump off the diving board foutloos, perfect
was flawless.

dice We need two dice to play the game. dobbelstenen

stakes The team is playing for enormous stakes: the chance to inzet
play in the final.

achievement An Olympic silver medal is a remarkable achievement prestatie

for an 18-year-old.

equipment Is your diving equipment expensive? uitrusting

level The players complained that the floor was not level. vlak
8 Sports and leisure 47

stamina Though not a sportsman, he can swim across the river uithoudings-
because he has the stamina. vermogen

endurance Endurance is the most important thing when running uithoudings-

a marathon. vermogen

strength You need a great deal of physical strength for this type kracht
of sport.

to strive for She strives for perfection in everything she does. streven naar

adept She's a very adept hockey player who seldom makes bekwaam
a mistake.

asset to The new player has proved to be an asset to the team. aanwinst voor

unparalleled For a 16-year-old to win this tournament is an ongeevenaard

unparalleled sporting achievement.

invincible Musashi won more than 60 fights and was considered onoverwinnelijk

to gravitate to Most visitors to London gravitate to Piccadilly Circus warden

and Leicester Square. aangetrokken tot

defeat He was very disappointed by the 2-0 defeat yesterday. nederlaag

effort That victory was a real team effort. inspanning

draw The match ended in a draw: 2-2. gelijkspel

to award They awarded her a medal for her work as a volunteer. toekennen

premier league He plays in Spain's premier league, for FC Barcelona eredivisie, hoogste
to be precise. voetba/com-
runner-up Who was the winner and who was the runner-up of tweede
that tournament?

trainers Where did you buy your Nike trainers? sportschoenen

to dash We saw the runners dash past. rennen, hard/open

gear In this shop they sell sports gear. spullen, uitrusting

to unwind How many of us actually make time to unwind? ontspannen

48 Examenidioom Engels VWO

0 Do you remember?
A. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

asset, contestant, event, pitch, pursuit, stamina, unwind

The new student is a(n) _ _ _ to the school basketball team.

2 His _ _ _ is remarkable: he can keep running for three hours!

3 His favourite _ _ _ is collecting stamps.

4 The match was cancelled because the _ _ _ was too wet and too soft.

5 A walk on the beach is a great way t o - - - ·

B. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

dice, draw, endurance, effort, gear, martial arts, victory

Beating our opponent tomorrow will really t a k e - - - ·

2 For this board game we need two _ _ _ _

3 Wheredidyou buyyourtennis _ _ _ ?

4 W e don't know who the real winner is because it's a(n) _ _ _ for first place.

5 Liverpool expected an easy _ _ _ .

8 Sports and leisure 49

Dutch > English

uitdaging Naar de halve finale gaan was een hele uitdaging.

Going to the semi-final was quite a challenge. challenge

uitrusting Is jouw duikuitrusting duur?

Is your diving equipment expensive? equipment

tegenstander lk hoop dat we morgen onze tegenstanders verslaan.

I hope we will beat our opponents tomorrow. opponent

scheidsrechter De scheidsrechter bes loot het doe Ipunt goed te keuren.

The referee decided to allow the goal. referee

toeschouwer De thuisclub won met 4-0 in aanwezigheid van 40.000

juichende toeschouwers.
The home team won 4-0 in front of 40,000 cheering spectator

aan sport doen

- -jij-aan
- - -sport?
-------------- to do a sport, to
Do you play a sport? play a sport

vrijetijds- Klussen is de populairste vrijetijdsbesteding.

besteding Do-it-yourself is the most popular pastime. pastime

fitnessen lk fitness twee keer per week.

I work out twice a week. workout

vrijwillig lk doe wat vrijwilligerswerk in mijn vrije tijd.

I do some voluntary work in my spare time. voluntary

presteren Sommige sportlui gebruiken doping om beterte

Some sports people use dope to perform better. to perform

lid lk ben al vijf jaar lid van die club.

I've been a member of that club f o r five years. member

blessure lk kan niet spelen vanwege een blessure.

I can't play because of an injury. injury

valsspelen Hij speelt vaak vals met kaa rten.

He often cheats a t cards. to cheat
SO Examenidioom Engels VWO

toegangsprijs De toegangsprijs is €15.

There's an admission charge o f €15. admission charge

trainingspak lk heb een trainingspak en hardloopschoenen gekocht.

I've bought a tracksuit and some running shoes. tracksuit

fY Language functions

Zo kun j e een suggestie doen:

> Wat vind je ervan om morgenavond naar de What about going to the cinema tomorrow
bioscoop te gaan? evening?
> We zouden kunnen gaan fitnessen We might work out tonight.
> Wat dacht je ervan als we gingen tennissen? What if we played tennis?
Zullen we naar de halve finale kijken? Shall we watch the semi-final?
> Als ik jou was, zei ik het tegen de If I were you, I'd tell the referee.

Zo kun je beleefd een suggestie afwijzen:

> lk ben morgenavond helaas bezet. I'm afraid I'm not free tomorrow evening.
> lk zou graag komen vanavond maar I'd love to come tonight but, unfortunately,
I can't.
ik kan helaas niet. Toch bedankt. Thanks anyway. I Thanks all the same.
> lk kan echt niet !anger blijven. Sorry. I really can't stay any longer. Sorry.
> lk zou het graag gedaan hebben, maar I'd have been very glad to, but I haven't got
ik heb geen tijd. time.
> lk heb helaas al een andere afspraak. I've already got another appointment,

u Do you remember?

C. Fill in the correct English words for the Dutch words in brackets.

I will now demonstrate how to use the (uitrusting) safely.

2 I can't play tennis because of an (blessure).

3 Since when have you been a (lid) of this club?

4 She does quite a lot of (vrijwiflig) work for the community.

5 This museum has no (toegangsprijs).

9 Communication and information 51

9 Communication and information

English > Dutch
evasive Susan was furious by her boyfriend's evasive answers. ontwijkend

gravity I don't think he fully understands the gravity of ernst

the situation.

plea The mayor of the city made a plea for more donations. pleidooi

to convey Ads convey the message that thin is in. overbrengen

to preach The priest preached about the powers of good and evil. preken

eloquent What an eloquent speaker he is! we/bespraakt

to disclose The reporter refused to disclose the identiy of his source. onthu/len

to omit Why has his name been omitted from the list? weglaten

slip of the Sorry I said that. It was a slip of the tongue. verspreking
issue He likes reading about political issues. kwestie

ratings Companies that advertise on TV are especially kijkcijfers

interested in ratings.

to highlight The report highlights the need for better safety. benadrukken

fabrication Her story about her being attacked turned out to be verzinsel
a fabrication.

to dwell on Let's dwell on the consequences of that decision. stistaan bij

latter She was offered more money or a car and she chose laatstgenoemde
the latter.

to elaborate on He refused to elaborate on his reasons for resigning. uitweiden over

abbreviation Why is abbreviation such a long word? afkorting

to browse I was browsing in a magazine to kill time. bladeren

survey We're doing a survey to collect information about the enquete,

effects of TV commercials. onderzoek,
poll There are always polls just before elections. opiniepeiling

to indicate I indicated that his help was not welcome. te kennen geven

to define Can you define 'happiness' for me? omschrijven

52 Examenidioom Engels VWO

to derive from The name England is derived from Engle-land, or land ajleiden van
of the Angles.

to imply Her refusal to cooperate implies she has something blijken uit, laten
to hide. doorschemeren
assertion I disagree with his assertion that men are better bewering
drivers than women.

to decline The minister declined to make a statement to the weigeren


to evade Answer honestly and stop evading my questions. ontwijken

regardless of He decided to tell his pa rents regardless of the ongeacht

significance Some people fail to see the significance of the things belong
they do every day.

incompre- I shrugged my shoulders because he whispered an onbegrijpelijk

hensible incomprehensible message to me.

pun Try to explain the pun in: I used to be a banker but I woordspeling
lost interest.

verbal She gave a verbal description of the place. mondeling

astute He made a few astute remarks during the meeting. scherpzinnig
to clarify Reporters asked the politician to clarify a few points. verduidelijken
in italics Why is this sentence in italics? cursief.
to assert He asserted he was not guilty. verklaren
to acknowledge He was acknowledged as their leader. erkennen
pledge They made a pledge to work for the freedom of their plechtige be/ofte

gesture She made a rude gesture at the other driver. gebaar

to concede She conceded that she had made a number of errors. toegeven
9 Communication and information 53

0 Do you remember?

A. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

assertion, gravity, issue, latter, pun, ratings, survey

She spoke slowly and with great _ _ _

2 That television serial has fallen in the _ _ _ this week.

3 W e are carrying out a(n) _ _ to find out what people think of their local bus service.

4 Do you agree with her _ _ that men are not doing their fair share at home?

5 Did you understand the _ _ he used in his warning?

B. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

browse, clarify, concede, convey, define, evade, imply

His words seemed to _ _ that that our problem was worse than we'd thought.
2 The general will have to _ _ that his army has been defeated.

3 The patient _ _ _ (e)d his gratitude to the medical staff.

4 It's is quite hard to _ _ 'literature' for it means different things to different people.

5 They both had a point, but neither would _ _ _ to the other.

54 Examenidioom Engels VWO

Dutch > English

nadeel Seattle is een geweldige stad. Het enige nadeel is de

Seattle is a great city. The only drawback is the rain. drawback

mondeling Wanneer heb jij je Engels mondelinge exam en?

W h e n are y o u having your English oral e x a m ? oral

tegenspreken De krantenberichten spreken elkaar tegen over het

The newspaper reports about the accident contradict to contradict
each other.

overdrijven De roddelbladen hebben de ziekte van de minister

The tabloids have exaggerated the severity of the to exaggerate
minister's illness.

toegeven lk moet toegeven dat ik ongelijk had.

I have to admit that I w a s wrong. to admit

de boodschap e
l ; de schrijver erin geslaagd om de boodschap over te
overbrengen brengen? to get the
Has the writer succeeded in getting the message across? message across

benadrukken lk kan de ernst hiervan niet genoeg benadrukken.

Ican't emphasize the seriousness of this enough. to emphasize

kijker Veel kijkers hebben geklaagd over dat programma.

A lot of viewers have complained about that programme. viewer

middel Internet is een goed communicatiemiddel, nietwaar?

The internet is a good m e a n s of communication, isn't it? means

sms'en Waarom sms je hem niet om hem uit te nodigen voor

het feest?
W h y don't you text message him to invite him to the party? to text message

contact houden We houden contact via e-mail.

We'll keep in touch by email. to keep in touch

meedelen Hij deelde ons mee dat hij ging vertrekken.

H e informed us that he was going to leave. to inform

verwijzen Hij verwees naar de e-mail die ik hem had gestuurd.

H e referred to the email Ih a d sent him. to refer
9 Communication and information 55

in twijfel lk heb zijn oprechte bedoelingen nooit in twijfel

trek ken getrokken.
I've never questioned his sincere intentions. to question

gerucht lk heb een gerucht gehoord over hem en zijn secretaresse.

I've heard a rumour about him and his secretary. rumour

� Language functions

Zo kun je je voorstellen en naar iemand vragen aan de telefoon:

> MetTom. {This is) T o m speaking.
> Met Joyce Smith. Is meneer Jones aanwezig? {This is)Joyce Smith speaking. Is M r Jones in?
> Zou u me kunnen doorverbinden met Could y o u put m e through to Gwen, please?
Gwen, alstublieft?
> lk zou graag met iemand willen spreken I'd like to talk to someone w h o can give m e
die me informatie kan geven over horloges. information about watches.

Zo kun je aan de telefoon om informatie vragen:

> lk bel om te informeren of u mijn pakketje I'm calling to find out ify o u have received
hebt ontvangen. m y package.
> lk bel over de broek die u mij heeft gestuurd. I'm calling about the trousers you've sent me.
> Kunt u uitzoeken wanneer ik het pakje Can y o u find out w h e n I will receive the
kan verwachten? package?
> Weet u toevallig wanneer mevrouw Smith D o y o u happen to k n o w w h e n Mrs Smith is
er weer is? in again?

[ j Do you remember?
C. Fill in the correct English words for the words in brackets.
He used to (tegenspreken) his parents all the time.

2 They promised they'd (contact houden) with us.

3 Sport is always a good (midde/) to do something for a good cause.

4 I have to (toegeven) that you were right and I was wrong.

5 Does he actually (in twijfel trek ken) our story about the accident?
56 Examenidioom Engels VWO

10 Personality and characteristics

English >Dutch
resilient She's a resilient person and will soon get over the shock. flexibe/,
versatile He's a versatile actor who can play all sorts of roles. veelzijdig

disposition Her sunny disposition rubs off on those around her. aard,karakter

tenacious Of the three reporters, he was the most tenacious. vasthoudend

self-esteem Building self-esteem and self-confidence is the key to gevoel van

happiness and success. eigenwaarde,

sincere John made a sincere apology for his mistake. oprecht

benevolent He was a benevolent old man: he wouldn't hurt a fly. vriendelijk,

squeamish She's really squeamish and can't stand the sight of blood. overgevoelig,
shrewd She is a shrewd lawyer who knows all the tricks. slim

meticulous He's always meticulous in keeping the records up to date. nauwkeurig

inhibited Boys are often more inhibited about discussing their geremd

to persevere She persevered though all seemed lost. doorzetten

deceptive She looks like an angel, but looks can be deceptive. bedriegelijk

mature With all that make-up she looks very mature for a rijp, vo/wassen
12-year-old girl.

obedient Tommy was punished for not being obedient to his gehoorzaam

bold It was bold of you to stand between the child and the moedig
fierce dog.

prudent She's a prudent girl: she plans everything in advance. wijs, verstandig

down-to-earth His down-to-earth approach to the problem appeals nuchter, praktisch

to me.

aspiring This aspiring girl wants to work hard to be a lawyer. ambitieus

feature Airbags are a standard feature in cars nowadays. kenmerk

10 Personality and characteristics 57

to be inclined He's inclined to help anybody who asks him. de neiging hebben
to om

custom They have the custom of giving presents at Christmas. gewoonte (van
een volk)
sleazy That part of town is full of sleazy bars and hotels with vies en goedkoop
suspicious-looking people.

to brag He likes to brag about all the countries he has visited. opscheppen

smug It's a pity he is so smug about his own skill and zelfgenoegzaam,
reputation. te sne/ tevreden
over zichzelf
perilous The path to success can be perilous for there are zeer gevaarlijk
several possible pitfalls.

conceited She became conceited when she won the first prize. verwaand
insolence Her insolence cost her her job. onbeschoftheid

offensive He found her comments deeply offensive. beledigend

indecisive He was a weak and indecisive leader. besluiteloos

vain She's too vain to wear glasses. ijdel

stingy If he's got so much money, why is he so stingy? 9ieri9, vrekkig

ruthless They think they have to be ruthless to make the meedogenloos

company successful.

indifferent The government cannot afford to be indifferent to onverschillig

public opinion.

greedy He looked at the diamonds with greedy eyes. hebzuchtig

gloomy It was a gloomy day with many clouds and lots of rain. somber

compulsive Mr Jones is a compulsive gambler who needs therapy dwangmatig

to be cured of his habit.

cunning That's a very cunning plan, you sly little fox. sluw, /istig

studious She was a studious child who spent hours reading. leergierig

peevish The whole team was peevish after losing the match. chagrijnig
58 Examenidioom Engels VWO

0 Do you remember?
A. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

aspiring, compulsive, cunning, indecisive, indifferent, obedient, perilous

As a leader he's too _ _ in times of crisis.

2 __ young women who wish to get to the top should not face unfair barriers.

3 That dog is very _ _ to his boss. It does exactly what he tells it to do.

4 The hero of the story is sent on a(n) _ _ _ journey, full of dragons and giant spiders.

s Fortunately, the coach came up with a(n) _ _ counterattack.

B. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

cunning, custom, disposition,feature, insolence, self-esteem, vain

Bright colours are a(n) _ _ of Van Gogh's paintings.

2 Some people don't have enough _ _ to consider that they deserve attention.

3 The pupil was sent from school for repeated acts of _ _ _ .

4 Is it still the _ _ for the father's bride to pay for the wedding in that country?

5 This film is not suitable for people with a n e r v o u s - - ·

10 Personality and characteristics 59

Dutch > English

trots Het winnen van de eerste prijs vervult ons met trots.
Winning the f i r s t prize fills us with pride. pride

verstandig Sally si een verstandige jonge vrouw die weet wat ze wil.
Sally is a sensible young woman who knows what she sensible

l ben vastberaden om voo mijn examens te slagen.

I'm determined to pass my exams. determined

begripvol Gelukkig heeft ze erg begripvolle ouders.

Fortunately, she has ve ry understanding parents. understanding

verdraagzaam Zijn zij verdraagzaam jegens andere godsdiensten ?

Are they tolerant towards other religions ? tolerant

attent Wat attent van jou om de deu r voor haa r open te

How thoughtful o fyou to keep the door open f or her. thoughtful

gedreven l zou willen dat k

k i zo gedreven was als Neil.
I wish I was as driven as Neil. driven

kieskeurig Hij kan het juiste meisje niet vinden omdat h ij te

kieskeurig is.
He can't find the right girl because he's too choosy. choosy

bescheiden Waarom si hij zo bescheiden over zijn eigen bijdrage

aan het project?
Why is he so modest about his own contribution to the modest

slordig Als je slordig bent, moet je het opnieuw doen.

Ifyou're sloppy, you'll have to do it again. sloppy

onwetendheid Zijn onwetendheid wat betreft computers en internet is

His ignorance about computers and the internet is ignorance

prikkelbaar Pas op wat j e tegen Ron zegt, want hij is behoorlijk

Be careful what you say to Ron because he's rather touchy. touchy

koppig M i j n broer is zo koppig als een ezel.

M y brother is as stubborn as a mule. stubborn
60 Examenidioom Engels VWO

bevooroordeeld Hij is nogal bevooroordeeld tegen vrouwelijke

He's quite prejudiced against women drivers. prejudiced

betrouwbaar Jason is een fatsoenlijke, betrouwbare kerel.

Jason is a decent, reliable bloke. reliable

pi Language functions

Zo kun je verontwaardiging uitdrukken:

> Het is belachelijk dat hij zo koppig is. It's ridiculous that he's so stubborn.
> Hoe kan iemand zo slordig zijn? How can anyone be so sloppy?
> lk kan niet geloven dat je dat gezegd hebt. I can't believe that you've said that.
Ja, dat kan er nog wel bij! That's just what I needed!
> Dit is werkelijk het toppunt! This really tops it all!
> lk heb 't wel gehad met zijn slordigheid. I've just about had enough of his sloppiness.

Zo kun je je verontschuldigen:
> Het spijt me dat ik niet meer begrip had. I'm sorry I wasn't more understanding.
> lk wll me verontschuldigen voor het feit I want to apologize for being so sloppy.
dat ik zo slordig ben geweest.
> Mijn verontschuldigingen dat ik zo My apologies for being so touchy.
prikkelbaar was.
> lk weet niet goed hoe ik het moet zeggen, I'm not sure how to put this, but I've broken
maar ik heb je fiets kapotgemaakt. your bicycle.
> lk moet je helaas iets vertellen. I'm afraid I've got something to tell you.

u Do you remember?
C. Fill in the correct English words for the Dutch words in brackets.

Too bad he's so {bevooroordeeld) against women drivers.

2 The Foreign Secretary really showed her (onwetendheid) of Islam.

3 Mrs O'Connor is an {begripvolle) teacher and liked by all her pupils.

4 She's (prikke/baar) when you make a joke about her stolen bike.

5 It was (attent) of him to remember my birthday.

11 Economy and money 61

11 Economy and money

English > Dutch

leverage America uses its leverage to influence other nations. invloed, macht

feasible We think your business idea for a start-up is feasible. haalbaar

to allocate The company has allocated us €10,000 to get the toewijzen,

project started. toekennen

to purchase Tickets must be purchased two weeks in advance. kopen

invoice The delivery man asked me to sign the invoice. faetuur

to estimate The house is estimated to be worth €300,000. schatten

prosperous He runs a prosperous business that has doubled its we Iva rend
profit in one year.

affluent In poor neighbourhoods people live on average 10-15 rijk

years fewer than those in affluent neighbourhoods.

to thrive His business, which built lots of new houses, thrived in bloeien
the years after the war.

destitute The earthquake left thousands of people destitute. berooid, zonder

slump The economy is currently in a slump because of last crisis, diep da/
year's Asia-wide currency crisis.

deficit Our business is in trouble now that it has a deficit of tekort, financieel
€200,000. tekort

impediment The new law is an impediment to economic growth. belemmering

to soar Stock prices have soared to a new all-time high. omhoogschieten

to deduct There are a number of expenses you can deduct from aftrekken
your taxes.

to be entitled to She's entitled to one-third of the inheritance. recht hebben op

corporation Philips is a huge corporation. bedrijf

viable I am afraid your plan is not financially viable. /evensvatbaar,

board Every decision has to be passed by the board. bestuur

proprietor Is a hotel proprietor liable for the loss of a guest's eigenaar (van een
property? zaak)
62 Examenidioom Engels VWO

incentive The boss's compliments gave the employees an stimulans, prikkel

incentive to work harder.

commodity Consumers can afford more expensive commodities product


in stock We haven't got this book in stock at the moment. op voorraad

to endorse I can't endorse a product I don't use myself. aanprijzen,
to sustain A new policy is necessary to sustain economic growth. behouden
liability It's our liability if the car is damaged; we must pay. verantwoordelijk-
heid (om te
supplier He's a garden furniture supplier. leverancier
overdue The bank emailed him about his overdue payments. achterstallig, te
mortgage I guess most people have a mortgage on their house. hypotheek
retail There is a shortage of retail salespeople. detai/hande/,
billboard When we visited America, we saw no billboards along reclamebord
highways that advertised alcohol-related products.

to target This ad targets young people aged 13 to 18. richten op

turnover This year's turnover has exceeded last year's. omzet
revenue The government uses tax revenue to finance its plans inkomsten
for the economy. (overheid,
belongings At customs I had to put my personal belongings in a bezittingen
small container.

legacy He received a small legacy in his father's will. erfenis

to impose The government will impose heavier taxes on cigarettes. opleggen
rate Everybody welcomes the new lower telephone rates. tarief
indispensable 'The graveyard's full of indispensable men', he said onmisbaar

to flourish Small businesses and start-ups are flourishing. bloeien, gedijen

11 Economy and money 63

0 Do you remember?
A. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

board, commodity, deficit, incentive, liability, mortgage, slump

Your bank will help arrange a(n) _ _ .

2 She must accept _ _ for the damage.

3 The airline industry is currently in a(n) _ _ and many people are losing their jobs.

4 Fortunately, the UK trade _ _ _ narrowed last month.

s __ prices have fallen sharply.

B. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

allocate, endorse, estimate, soar, sustain, target, thrive

I fully _ _ the measures taken to improve safety measures.

2 The government will _ _ _ 200 million euros to protect its coastal population.

3 Prices of houses have _ _ _ (e)d in the last few years and have become too expensive
for some.

4 The new magazine _ _ s rich young men and women.

5 The teacher found it difficult to _ _ the children's interest.

64 Examenidioom Engels VWO

Dutch > English

concurrent Hun prijzen zijn beter dan die van hun concurrenten.
Their prices are better than any of their competitors. competitor

aanbetaling We moesten een aanbetaling van 10% op het huis doen.

We had to put down a 10%-deposit on the house. trade

koopje Die tweedehandse fiets was een echt koopje.

That second-hand bike was a real bargain. bargain

onderhandelen De overheid weigert te onderhandelen met de stakers.

The government refuses to negotiate with the strikers. to negotiate

vragen Hoevee l vraagje voor deze fiets?

(m.b.t. ge ld ) How much do you charge for this bike? to charge

bezuiniging De overheid heeft een serie bezuinigingen aangekondigd.

The government has announced a series of cuts. cut

erfgenaam Hij is de erfgenaam van een flink fortuin.

He's the heir to a large fortune. heir

gebrek aan Er is gebrek aan geschoolde mensen in dat land.

There's a lack of skilled people in that country. a lack of

armoede De overheid wil het armoedeprobleem in de

binnensteden aanpakken.
The government wants to tackle the problem of poveryt poverty
in the inner cities.

verschuldigd lk ben Nick£ 25 verschuldigd.

zijn I owe Nick £25. to owe

op het spel Besef jij wel water op het spel staat?

staan Do you realize what is at stake? to be at stake

vergoeding Krijg jij reiskostenvergoeding?

Do you get a refund for travelling expenses? refund
erven Wie erft het huis als hij sterf ?
Who will inherit the house when he dies? to inherit
11 Economy and money 65

pinautomaat Kunt u me zeggen waar de dichtstbijzijnde

pinautomaat is? cash machine
Can you tell me where the nearest cash machine is, please? (BE), ATM (AE)

ondernemer Hij is een zelfstandige ondernemer.

He's a self-employed entrepreneur. entrepreneur

Language functions

Zo kun je iemand om verduidelijking vragen:

> Zou u dat nog eens willen herhalen, Would y o u mind repeating that, please?
> Sorry, ik volg het even niet. Sorry, I don't follow you.
> Sorry, zou u wat langzamer willen spreken? Sorry, could you speak a bit slower, please?
Sorry, het laatste stuk heb ik niet Sorry, I didn't quite catch the last part.
helemaal meegekregen.
> lk ben bang dat ik het niet meer kan volgen. You've lost me, I'm afraid.

Zo kun je tussentijds nagaan of iemand jou heeft begrepen:

> Kunt u mij nog steeds volgen? Are you still with me?
> Nog steeds duidelijk? OK so far?
> Is dat duidelijk? Is that clear?
> Begrijp je waar ik naartoe wil? Do you see what I'm getting at?
> Ben ik duidelijk genoeg? Am I making myself clear?

O Do you remember?
C. Fill in the correct English words for the words in brackets.
He was the sole (erfgenaam) to a vast estate.
2 He's lived his life in grinding (armoede).

3 How much do you (verschuldigd zijn) him?

4 We have to outsmart our (concurrenten).

s You should go back and demand a (vergoeding).

66 Examenidioom Engels VWO

12 Science and technology

English > Dutch

deterrent He considers cruise missiles an effective deterrent. afschrikmidde/

conventional This farmer has gone from conventional towards more traditioneel,
sustainable cattle farming. gebruikelijk
to evaporate Our water and our hope had evaporated. verdampen

to apply to The new technology is applied to farming methods. toepassen op

to erect The Statue of Liberty was erected in 1886. bouwen

adjustment He is going to make some adjustments to this machine. aanpassing

to measure This machine measures your heart rate. meten

scrutiny For safety reasons all old bridges come under scrutiny. nauwkeurig
findings These new findings turn the accepted theories on their bevindingen

breakthrough Last week scientists made a medical breakthrough. doorbraak

rectangular Would your like an oval or a rectangular photograph rechthoeki9

trial and error You learn things by trial and error. vallen en opstaan

inventive He's very inventive, always dreaming up new gadgets vindingrijk

for home.

proponent Proponents of stem-cell research are trying to get voorstander

more support in Congress.

impenetrable The new security doors make the lobby impenetrable. ondoordringbaar

fabric This fabric is similar to wool, only cheaper. stof

concrete This pavement is made of concrete. beton
marble Marble is often used for monumental masonry like marmer
statues and gravestones.

gear Does that car have automatic transmission or a versnelling

manual gear box?

to gauge A flag can be used to gauge the wind. meten

appliance A dishwasher is a household appliance. apparaat

hinge The door had been pulled off its hinges. scharnier
12 Science and technology 67

hose For this irrigation system you have to connect the hose waterslang
to a timer.

lever We need a lever to lift this heavy stone. hefboom

to detect High levels of lead were detected in the atmosphere. ontdekken,

to generate How is electricity generated here? opwekken

friction When you rub your hands together, the friction wrijving
produces heat.

to tow The damaged ship was towed to the nearest port. s/epen

manually Few machines are operated manually. m e t de hand

to toggle How do Itoggle between screens on my computer? schakelen

corrosion There was a lot of corrosion on the bottom of the car. roest

detergent This new detergent washes your clothes whiter than wasmiddel,
ever before. afwasmiddel

ray Lots of rays of sunlight lit the room. straal

X-ray The X-ray showed one of her ribs was broken. rontgenfoto

to recharge Can I recharge these batteries? opladen

proliferation The proliferation of nuclear weapons can seriously groei, toename

enhance the danger of nuclear war.

resourceful She is a determined and resourceful scientist. vindingrijk

to dilute Dilute the juice with water before you drink it. verdunnen,
range There is a wide range of opinions on this issue. reeks

hands-on The course gives students hands-on experience. praktisch

68 Examenidioom Engels VWO

:J Do you remember?
A. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

detergent, deterrent, findings,friction, gear, lever, range

Is prison an effective _ _ ?

2 I could lift the car with a giant _ _ ,

3 To go backwards, you must putthe car into r e v e r s e - - ·

4 The _ _ of the commission will be published today.

s Have you got any dishwasher _ _ I can borrow?

B. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

detect, erect, gauge, generate, recharge, toggle, tow

You can use this button to _ _ _ power on and off.

2 Gas can be used to _ _ _ heat.

3 They hope to find ways to _ _ _ the effectiveness of drug rehab programmes.

4 The police called a company to _ _ away the car.

5 Where can I _ _ the empty battery of my camera?

12 Science and technology 69

Dutch > English

zwaartekracht Op aarde is de zwaartekracht sterker dan op Mars.

O n Earth gravity is stronger than on Mars. gravity

uitvoeren Hoe den ken ze deze maatregel te kunnen uitvoeren?

H o w do they think to be able to implement this measure? to implement

verbeteri ng Die wetenschapper zet zich enorm in voor de

verbetering van het milieu.
That scientist is committed to the improvement of the improvement

handleiding Waa r is de handleiding van deze tv?

Where's the m a n u a l for this TV? manual

natuurkundige Einstein was een beroemde natuurkundige.

Einstein was a f a m o u s physicist. physicist

verkennen Wetenschappers verkennen Mars.

Scientists are exploring Mars. to explore

voorspellen Als je toch eens orkanen zou kunnen voorspellen ...

If only hurricanes could be predicted ... to predict

zonne-energie We zouden steeds meer zonne-energie moeten

W e should use m o r e and m o r e solar energy. solar energy

stekker Bij deze kabel ontbreekt een stekker.

This cable lacks a plug. plug

stopcontact Nederlandse stekkers zijn niet geschikt voor Britse

stopcontacten. socket (BE),
Dutch plugs are not suitable for British sockets. outlet (AE)

vloeistof Hoeveel vloeistof bevat deze fles?

H o w m u c h liq u id does this bottle contain? liquid

nadeel Zet de voordelen tegenover de nadelen.

Set the advantages against the disadvantages. disadvantage

zuinig Grote auto's zijn meestal niet zuinig.

Big cars are usually not economical. economical
70 Examenidioom Engels VWO

bevatten Deze fles bevat een chemische vloeistof.

This bottle contains a chemical liquid. to contain

toezicht Deze camera's houden toezicht op de

houden op verkeersveiligheid.
These cameras monitor road safety. to monitor

0 Language functions
Zo kun je tijdens een gesprek iets zeggen om wat meer bedenktijd te
> Hoe zal ik het zeggen? H o w shall I put it?
> Even nadenken. Let m e think.
> Het punt is, ik heb te weinig tijd. The thing is, I've got too little time.
> Eerlijk gezegd zie ik weinig nadelen. Frankly, Isee f e w disadvantages.
> Laat ik het zo zeggen, jouw auto is niet Let m e put it this way: your car's not exactly
bepaald zuinig. economical.

Zo kun je verbazing uitdrukken:

> Je maakt zeker een grapje. You're joking!
> Meen je dat? Are y o u serious?
> Ongelooflijk! Incredible!
> Stel je voor! Imagine that!
> Oat slaat a lies! That beats everything!

j Do you remember?
C. Fill in the correct English words for the Dutch words in brackets.
W e need a strategy we can (uitvoeren) quickly.
2 My plug does not tit this (stopcontaet).

3 Can you put the (stekker} in and switch on the radio for me, please?

4 Is this (vloeistof) dangerous?

5 The temperature of the patient is carefully (toezicht gehouden op).

13 Culture and art 71

13 Culture and art

English > Dutch

venue Tickets are also available at the venue on the day of /ocatie van een
the concert. evenement

to re-enact Hundreds of locals re-enacted the Battle of Hastings. naspefen

china He collects valuable pieces of china. porselein

artefact At the museum we saw wood and metal artefacts. kunstvoorwerp

cabinet She has very valuable china in her cabinet. glazenkast,

curator The curator of the Municipal Museum ofThe Hague is conservator,
proud of the new collection of Japanese musical museumbeheer-
instruments. der

preface Have you read the preface to the book? inleiding,

compelling His life makes a compelling story. aangrijpend

synopsis We have to hand in a synopsis of a novel we have samenvatting

recently read.

abridged If this novel is too long, you can read the abridged ingekort

witty Oscar Wilde's plays are known for their witty dialogues. geestig

fictitious The characters in this film are entirely fictitious. fictief, verzonnen

quest This novel is about King Arthur and the quest of the zoektocht
Holy Grail.

villain He often plays the villain in films. schurk

narrator The writer is not the narrator in 'Gulliver's Travels'. verteller

narrative It's a moving narrative about three war-time buddies. verhaal

to dabble in My grandparents dabble in painting as a way of relaxing. als hobby bezig

zijn met
to mould The children were taught how to mould pots from clay. vormen

acquisition The museum can't afford the acquisition of such an aankoop,

expensive sculpture. aanwinst

realm His novels belong to the realm of fantasy. wereld, rijk

box office You can buy your tickets at the box office from 7 p.m. on. kassa (theater of
72 Examenidioom Engels VWO

blockbuster Bond films are always blockbusters. kaskraker

shortlisted His latest novel has been shortlisted for the Booker genomineerd

to meet with The novel was met with critical acclaim due to its door de critici
critical original plot. toegejuicht
to depict This novel depicts life in Victorian England. beschrijven
to portray The writer portrays life in a small village at the turn of beschrijven
the century.

renowned Salvador Dali is a renowned painter. beroemd

stature He's an artist of great stature. status, formaat
outstanding Last night she gave an outstanding performance at the uitstekend
Royal Albert Hall.

celebrated She was a celebrated opera singer in the 50s. gevierd

cast The director threw a party for the cast. acteurs,
to feature The film features Leonardo DiCaprio. in de hoofdro/
rerun Oh, no. This week's films are all reruns. herhaling {op tv)
draft The first draft of his novel needed a substantial versie, ontwerp
amount of rewriting.

outline This book gives an outline of contemporary English overzicht


to compile It took years to compile the dictionary. samenstellen

vintage My friend and I drank a bottle of vintage wine. zeer goed (van een
bepaald jaar)
to collaborate These two artists have collaborated on several projects. samenwerken
indigenous The aboriginals are the indigenous people of Australia. autochtoon,
gripping I can recommend this original and gripping crime story. boeiend
13 Culture and art 73

0 Do you remember?
A. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

acquisition, artefact, b/ockbu5ter, curator, narrative, realm, synopsis

The world he describes in his books belongs to the _ _ _ of science fiction.

2 The teacher taught us how to write a(n) _ _ of a novel.

3 The _ _ of this painting greatly enriches the public art treasures in the Netherlands.

4 What does it take to make a(n) _ _ movie? What should a director or a producer do?

5 I saw a beautiful ancient Egyptian _ _ at the British Museum.

B. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

celebrated, fictitious, compelling, indigenous, shortlisted, vintage, witty

That play has a clever plot and a(n) _ _ script that really made me laugh.
2 Van Gogh, perhaps Holland's most _ _ artist, died in poverty.

3 My uncle loves working on _ _ cars from the 1950s.

4 She was _ _ _ for two major US literary awards.

s Orwell's Burmese days is a(n) _ _ account of life under British colonial rule in
present-day Myanmar.
74 Examenidioom Engels VWO

Dutch > English

hoofdpersoon De hoofdpersoon in de roman is een 16-jarige jongen.

The protagonist of the novel is a 16-year-old boy. protagonist

bewerking De film is een bewerking van een roman.

The film is an adaptation of a novel. adaptation

toneelstuk lk kijk liever naar een film dan naar een toneelstuk.
Iprefer watching a film to a play. play

abonnement Heb jij een abonnement op een krant?

D o you have a subscription to a newspaper? subscription

beeldhouwer Oat standbeeld is door een Nederlandse beetdhouwer

That statue was m a d e by a Dutch sculptor. sculptor

opstel We moesten een opstel schrijven van 300 woorden

over een literair onderwerp.
W e had to write a 300-word composition on a literary topic. composition

citaat Dit is een citaat uit een werk van Shakespeare.

This is a quotation from a work by Shakespeare. quotation

beeldhouw- 'De Denker' is een beroemd beeldhouwwerk van Rodin.

werk 'The Thinker' is a famous scul pture by Rodin. sculpture

hedendaags Ze gaf een serie lezingen over hedendaagse Britse

sch rijvers.
She gave a series of lectures on contemporary British contemporary

middeleeuws In het middeleeuwse Europa werden veel vrouwen

ervan beschuldigd heksen te zijn.
In medieval Europe lots of w o m e n were accused of being medieval
medieval witches.

tentoonstelling We zijn naar de Picasso-tentoonstelling geweest.

W e went to see the Picasso exhibition. exhibition

aflevering lk heb gisteravond de laatste aflevering gezien van die

last night Isaw the last episode of that series. episode

u itbrengen Deze roman werd vorigjaa r uitgebracht.

This novel was released last year. to release
13 Culture and art 75

inhoud Ken jij de inhoud van zijn brief?

Do you know the contents of his letter? contents

overschatten Volgens de recensent wordt deze roman zwaar overschat.

According to the reviewer, this novel is heavily overrated. to overrate

y Language functions
Zo kun je advies geven:
> Als ikjou was, zou ik het doen. If I were you, I'd do it.
> Je moet echt naar die tentoonstelling gaan. You should really go to that exhibition.
Is het misschien een idee om eerst een Might it be an idea to read a review first?
tentoonstelling te bezoeken?
> Je kunt beter een abonnement nemen You'd better take a subscription to a
op een tijdschrift. magazine.

Zo kun je twijfel uitdrukken over iemands advies:

> Dat is makkelijker gezegd dan gedaan. That's easier said than done.
> Dat klinkt allemaal heel goed, maar hoe That's all very well, but how do I get there?
kom ik daar?
> Jij schijnt niet te beseffen dat ik daarvoor You don't seem to realize that I haven't got
geen tijd heb. time for that.
> Dat is zeer onwaarschijnlijk. That's very unlikely.

6 Do you remember?

C. Fill in the correct English words for the Dutch words in brackets.
I think her books are very (overschat).
2 This book is about life in (middeleeuws) Europe.

3 I occasionally go to the theatre to see a (toneelstuk).

4 The band's new album will be (uitgebracht) next month.

5 He's working on a screen (bewerking) of his second novel.

76 Examenidioom Engels VWO

14 Nature and the environment

English > Dutch

biodegradable Products should be as biodegradable as possible and biologisch

all packaging should be recyclable. afbreekbaar
litter The park was covered with litter after the concert. zwerfafval
disposal You can use this bin for waste disposal. het weggooien,
het opruimen
disposable Are disposable products bad for the environment? wegwerp-
natural Natural resources like gas cannot be replaced. natuurlijke
resources hulpbronnen
exploitation Britain's exploitation of its gas reserves began after gebruik
the Second World War.

ecological The destruction of the rain forests is an ecological milieu


conservation We can send you information on conservation issues milieubeheer

like clean air and global warming.

to preserve It's our duty to preserve the planet for future behouden,
generations. beschermen
vicinity We could go snorkeling and diving in the vicinity of nabijheid
our house.

site The council have just chosen the site for the new hospital. terrein
bank We pushed the boat off from the river bank. oever
edge Keep away from the edge of the cliff! You might fall. rand
abyss She suddenly found herself on the edge of an abyss. afgrond
slope There were some nice slopes that we could ski down. he/ling
downpour During the d o w n p o u r we took shelter under a tree. stortbui
dreary Let's watch a film on this dreary, rainy day. somber
edible Some mushrooms are edible and are even considered eetbaar
to be delicacies.

to yield Favourable weather has yielded a good crop. op/everen

to sow She sowed several rows of carrots in the garden. zaaien
drought This year a severe drought has ruined the crops. droogte
14 Nature and the environment 77

flood Nothing remained of the village after the flood. overstroming

to deluge Several towns were deluged when the river burst its overstromen

lawn He has a well-tended lawn in front of his house. gazon

humidity I don't like the humidity of this climate. vochtigheid

vapour Poisonous vapours leaked out of the factory during the damp

to thaw The sun came out and thawed the ice. dooien, doen
moist Make sure the soil is moist before planting the seeds. vochtig

layer Is the ozone layer getting thinner? laag

current He tried to swim against the current. stroom, stroming

shallow Here the water is shallow, but over there it is deeper. ondiep

manure Manure is often used to fertilize fields. mest

universe Is there more intelligent life in the universe? heelal

infinite The universe is infinite. oneindig

global This is a global study about the effects of climate change. wereldomvattend

hemisphere Most of the land on earth is in the northern ha/frond


deforestation By stopping deforestation we can slow down global ontbossing


toxic The factory leaked toxic gases. giftig

hazardous This web page provides information about hazardous gevaarlijk

wastes like asbestos and pesticides.

odour There was the unpleasant odour of decaying fish. geur, stank
78 Examenidioom Engels VWO

0 Do you remember?
A. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

bank, disposal, exploitation, lawn, litter, manure, odour

He uses _ _ _ instead of chemicals to fertilize his land.

2 Oh, no! Look at all this _ _ all over the ground.

3 The government invests a lot of money in the discovery and _ _ _ of oil and natural gas.

4 Do you know what the regulations are for _ _ _ of pesticides and other chemicals?

5 She was sitting in a deckchair on the _ _ _ behind her house.

B. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

current, downpour, hemisphere, humidity, site, universe, vicinity

A sudden _ _ had filled the gutters and drains.

2 The southern _ _ _ contains five continents.

3 It's difficult to work here in summer because of the _ _ _ _

4 The victim was unable to return to the river bank and she was carried away by the
strong _ _ _ _

5 I'm glad I live in the _ _ of my work.

14 Nature and the environment 79

Dutch > English

uitstoten Auto's stoten steeds minder kooldioxide uit.
Cars emit less a n d less c a r to emit

duurzaam Fietsen is een duurzame vervoersmethode.

Cycling is a sustainable f o r m of transport. sustainable

doel The main objective of Greenpeace is the protection of

the environment.
Het be/angrijkste doe/ van Greenpeace is bescherming objective
van het milieu.

vervuiling Er moeten meer maatregelen tegen milieuvervuiling

genomen warden.
M o r e measures should be taken against environmental pollution

broeikaseffect Wat is nu precies het broeikaseffect?

W h a t exactly is the greenhouse effect? greenhouse effect

oppervlak, De tropische regenwouden besloegen vroeger 10% van

oppervlakte het aardoppervlak.
Tropical rainforests used to cover 10% of the earth's surface

omgeving Bezoek Plymouth en zijn mooie omgeving.

Visit Plymouth a n d its beautiful surroundings. surroundings

natuur, De natuur in Zwitserland is prachtig.

natuurschoon The scenery in Switzerland is marvellous. scenery

schadelijk voor Waarom zijn auto's schadelijk voor het milieu?

W h y are cars damaging to the environment? damaging to

ten koste van Oat bedrijf maakt winst ten koste van het milieu.
That c o m p a n y profits at the expense of the environment. at the expense of

landbouw Oat land is voor haar inkomen afhankelijk van de

That country depends o n agriculturefor its income. agriculture

gewas De belangrijkste gewassen die hier verbouwd warden,

zij n koffie en rijst.
The main crops g r o w n here are coffee a n d rice. crop

gunstig De weersomstandigheden waren gunstig.

The weather conditions were favourable. favourable
80 Examenidioom Engels VWO

miezeren 's Morgens miezerde het, maar 's middags waren er

In the morning it was drizzling but in the afternoon to drizzle
there were sunny spells.

vraag naar Er is een toenemende vraag naar zuinige auto's.

There's an increasing demand for economical cars. demand for

Language functions
Zo kun je iemand om een mening vragen:
> Wat is jouw mening over kernenergie? What's your opinion about/on nuclear
> Wat vindjij van de natuur hier? What do you think o f the scenery around
> Vind je oak niet dat we er iets aan moeten Don't you agree that we should do
doen? something about it?
> Waar sta jij in deze zaak? What's your position on this matter?
> Hoe denk jij hierover? How do you feel about this?

Zo kun je je mening geven:

> Naar mijn mening was die ramp niet nodig. In my opinion that disaster wasn't necessary.
> lk vind dater meer gedaan moet I think more should be done for a cleaner
warden voor een schoner milieu. environment.
> Als je 't mij vraagt, zou er ander beleid Ifyou ask me, there should be a different
moeten komen. policy.
> lk zou er graag op willen wijzen dat dit I'd like to point out that this is damaging to
schadelijk is voor het milieu. the environment.
> Zoals ik er tegenaan kijk, is het The way I see it, it is damaging to the
schadelijk voor het milieu. environment.

0 Do you remember?
C. Fill in the correct English words for the Dutch words in brackets.

We are trying to create a (duurzaam) agriculture system.

2 It started (miezeren) so we put up our umbrellas.

3 She walked her new dog and let him look at and smell his new (omgeving).

4 More should be done to limit (vervuiling).

5 Do electric cars (uitstoten) no carbon dioxide whatsoever?

15 Changes and conditions 81

15 Changes and conditions

English > Dutch

to squat He squatted beside the little girl. hurken

to deviate Let's not deviate from the subject, shall we? afwijken

to accelerate Measures are taken to accelerate the rate of economic versnellen


to cease Whether the protests will cease remains to be seen. ophouden,

to decline Car sales have declined by 20%. verminderen,
to distinguish How can you distinguish between poisonous and onderscheiden,
edible mushrooms? onderscheid
to restrict The government wants to restrict the sale of alcohol. beperken

to dwindle The number of church-goers has dwindled to an verminderen

all-time low.

ambiguous His ambiguous answer didn't help us very much. onduidelijk,

tangible The tension between the two families was almost tastbaar

devoid of That man is overflowing with wealth but devoid of zonder


to ensue If the rules are not followed, measures will ensue. volgen

to disrupt Some pupils were trying to disrupt the lesson. verstoren,

obsolete Gas lamps became obsolete when electric lighting was verouderd

posh She's very posh and even speaks with a different deftig
accent now that she's got some money.

solemn A funeral is usually a solemn ceremony. plechtig

infallible Computer spelling checkers are useful but not infallible. perfect, onfei/baar

exhausted After the match I was completely exhausted. uitgeput

to startle He was startled by the noise of a passing car. schrikken

jeopardy The CEO's foolish decision might put the whole gevaar
company in jeopardy.
82 Examenidioom Engels VWO

upheaval The 9/11 terrorist acts in New York caused tremendous opschudding
upheaval in many parts of the world.

to deteriorate Unfortunately, relations between the two countries verslechteren

have deteriorated sharply.

to fade Hope faded that the missing child was still alive. verdwijnen,
to eradicate There are no smallpox victims in the Western world, uitroeien
for the disease has been eradicated here.

to snap The rope snapped and he fell. knappen

inextricably Europe's stock exchanges are inextricably linked with on/osmakefijk
Wall Street in the USA.

to detach You can detach the hood if you prefer the coat without it. /osmaken
to scatter The wind scattered the pieces of paper. verspreiden
squalid She had spent her childhood living in squalid smerig
conditions in the slums.

to alter We've had to alter some of our plans. veranderen

to distort Newspapers are sometimes guilty of distorting the truth. verdraaien
to disguise She disguised herself as a boy so that nobody could vermommen
recognize her.

murky He was sitting in a murky corner of the room. donker

to shrink Wool shrinks if you wash it in hot water. krimpen
enviable This company has developed a highly enviable position benijdenswaardig
in this small market.

stealthy When the party became too crowded for him, he heimelijk,
stealthily left the room. onopvallend
to evolve Several scientists think that humans evolved from apes. ontwikkelen
weary When I met her, Ithought she looked old and weary. moe
alternating We had a week of alternating rain and sunshine. ajwisselend
irrevocably The disappearance of the trees will irrevocably change onherroepelijk
the appearance of the street.
15 Changes and conditions 83

tJ Do you remember?
A. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

deviate, disrupt, distort, eradicate, evolve, scatter, startle

It is said the President has _ _ _ (e)d the facts in orde r to win the elections.
2 Pieces of the plane lay _ _ _ (e)d all ove r the area.

3 Is it possible to _ _ pover ty in Africa so that eve rybody can have a decent life there?

4 Heavy snow is like ly to _ _ _ travel into the city this morning.

5 Just follow us and do not _ _ from the agreed route, OK?

B. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

alternate, devoid of, obsolete, posh, solemn, stealthy, weary

She was woken up by quiet, _ _ footsteps from the hall.

2 Chiswick must be a(n) _ _ place if most of its houses cost so much.

3 My dad uses _ _ cold and hot water when he takes a shower.

4 She was an unfeeling woman and her letters were _ _ _ warmth and feeling.

s She began to grow _ _ and wished she could lie down.

84 Examenidioom Engels V W O

Dutch > English

kwetsbaar De situatie is politiek nog altijd kwestbaar.

The situation remains politically fragile. fragile

onthullen De krant onthulde de waarheid over zijn verleden.

The paper revealed the truth about his past. to reveal

opvallend Hij heeft een opvallend kapsel.

He has a conspicuous hairdo. conspicuous

(plotseling) Het lijkt alsof hij spoorloos is verdwenen.

verdwijnen He seems to have vanished without a trace. to vanish

afnemen De werkloosheid is aanzienlijk afgenomen.

Unemployment has decreased considerably. to decrease

bewustwording De bewustwording onder consumenten dient

verhoogd te worden.
Awareness among consumers should be raised. awareness

toeval Het was toeval dat ik haar ontmoette.

It was a coincidence that I met her. coincidence

buiten gebruik Deze koffieautomaat is buiten gebruik.

This coffee machine is out of order. out of order

verlamd Hij is vanaf zijn middel naar beneden verlamd.

He is paralysed from the waist down. paralysed

rampzalig De gevolgen van de brand waren rampzalig.

The consequences of were disastrous. disastrous

beperkt Slechts een beperkt aantal mensen had toegang tot

het mini-concert.
Only a limited number of people had access to the mini limited

kwetsbaar Kleine bedrijven zijn zeer kwetsbaar in economisch

slechte tijden.
Small companies are very vulnerable in economicalyl bad vulnerable

samenvatten lk moet deze roman in 500 woorden samenvatten.

I have to summarize this novel in 500 words. to summarize
15 Changes a n d conditions 85

zich overgeven Uiteindelijk gaven ze zich over aan de vijand.

Finally, they surrendered to the enemy. to surrender

onafhankelijk- De Amerikanen vochten voor hun onafhankelijkheid

heid van 1775 tot 1783.
The Americans fough f or their independencefrom 1775
till 1783.

6) Language functions
Zo kun je iemand beleefd onderbreken:
> Neem me niet kwalijk dat k
i je I'm sorry to interrupt, but Ifind that
onderbreek, m a a dat vind k
i vergezocht.
r f a rfetched.

> Sorry, daa r zou k

i op willen reageren. Sorry, I'd like to comment on that.

> Sorry, m a a wat bedoel je nu eigenlijk

r ?
Sorry, but what are you saying?

> Als k
i hie r even op mag ingaan ? I f I can just make a point here ?

i even zeggen dat k

> Mag k i dat vreemd vind ? Can I just say that I find that strange?

Zo kun je terugkomen op een onderwerp na onderbroken te zijn:

i a l ze i, k
> Zoals k i geloof niet n
i toeval. As I was saying, I don't believe in
> Waa r hadden we het ook al w e er ove r? What were we talking about?

> Hoe dan ook, vanavond kan k

i niet. Anyway, I In any case, I can't make it

> Nou ja, in elk geval si dat de reden Yes, we ll, anyway that's the reason why I
waarom ik je niet kon bellen. couldn't call you.

> Laten we even terugkomen op waarom jij Let's get back to why you find the situation
de situatie daar pol tiek kwetsbaar vindt.
there politically fragile.

i.J Do you remember?

C. Fill in the correct English words for the Dutch words in brackets.

This is an environmentally (kwetsbaar) area.

2 We only have a (beperkt) number of seats available, I'm afraid.

3 What a (toevan to meet you here in the centre of N e w York!

4 Alison's story is a reminder of how (kwetsbaar) children can be when their parents
get a divorce.

5 The notice must be displayed in a (opvallende} place.

86 Examenidioom Engels VWO

16 Work
English > Dutch

liability The rude and embarrassing manager has become a risico, blok aan het
liability to the company. been
to juggle Do you find it difficult to juggle work with family combineren

shift He's on the night shift. ploeg

executive She is an executive of a multinational. leidinggevende
clerical The company needs an extra clerical worker to do administratief
some of the paper work.

contractor The contractor inspected the house when the aannemer

carpenter had finished his work.

enterprise This organization is a private enterprise. onderneming

reign Shakespeare lived during the reign of Elizabeth I. heerschappij,
to merge The two companies merged to become the country's fuseren
largest company.

to outsource This company outsources its tech support to the uitbesteden

cheapest possible provider.

occupation What is her occupation? - She's a police officer. beroep

to recruit Multinationals try to recruit bright young people even werven
before they've finished their education.

to expire I can leave the company the minute my contract expires. affopen, eindigen
demanding She has a demanding job that includes extensive travel veeleisend
and long hours.

accountable Everyone is accountable for his own choices. verantwoordelijk

diligent Sally is a reliable, diligent employee. ijverig
conduct The previous manager was charged with gross gedrag
negligence and unprofessional conduct.

strike The labourers have gone on strike. staking

to assign Each of us was assigned a different task. (taak} toewijzen
to designate She has been designated to organize the meeting. aanwijzen,
16 Work 87

to lay off The company has had to lay off several employees. ontslaan

to exert Some managers exert considerable pressure on their uitoefenen

staff to work extra hours without being paid.

strenuous The job is so strenuous that it really tires him out. zwaar,
to haul The policemen were hauling something out of the water. sfepen

redundancies The economic slump has meant 10,000 redundancies ontslagen,

in the Northeast. werkfozen

to dismiss She claims she was dismissed because of her gender. ontsfaan

to resign I resigned because I was offered a better post elsewhere. ontslag n e m e n

post She's the strongest candidate we've interviewed for functie, baan
the post.

vacancy Sorry, but all vacancies have already been filled. vacature

union The teachers' union is demanding a four-percent pay rise. vakbond

term We wish to renegotiate the terms of the contract. voorwaarde

prerequisite A university degree is not a prerequisite for this job. vereiste

dispo!>al Having sold the company, she had a lot of money at beschikking
her disposal.

to participate in The employers refused to participate in negotiations. deelnemen aan

laborious It was a laborious and time-consuming task. moeizaam,

employment An employment agency finds suitable people to work uitzendbureau
agency for other businesses.

temp I've worked as a temp for various companies. uitzendkracht

to incorporate We have incorporated your proposal in our new plans. opnemen,

merit The committee say they will judge each applicant on kwaliteit
his or her own merits.

benefit 5,000 people lost their unemployment benefit because uitkering

they refused a job.
88 Examenidioom Engels VWO

0 Do you remember?
A. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

incorporate, designate, exert, merge, outsource, participate, resign

The state should not _ _ _ control over the media.

2 There is a worrying trend these days for large companies to _ _ _ their call centres
to India.

3 Our employees _ _ _ in company courses and trainings.

4 Being falsely accused of fraud, he decided to _ _ _

5 We have _ _ _ a users' guide with the software.

B. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

disposal, executive, merit, occupation, prerequisite, reign, temp

Have you seen the TV series about the _ _ _ of Henry VIII?

2 Good English skills are a(n) _ _ _ for success in communication studies.

3 One's salary should be based o n - - - , not on age or need.

4 The manager has a full-time secretary at his _ _ _ _

5 A former Member of Parliament, he is now a(n) _ _ _ with a large corporation.

16 Work 89

Dutch > English

zelfstandige Hij bes loot om als zelfstandige te gaan werken.

H e decided to become self-employed. self-employed

in je levens- Het is als kunstenaar moeilijk om inje

onderhoud levensonderhoud te voorzien. to earn a
voorzien It is difficult to earn a livelihood as an artist. livelihood

bed rijfs Ieven Krijgt het bedrijfsleven voldoende steun van de overheid?
Is industry getting enough supportf r o m the government? industry

fabrikant De koelkast is teruggestuurd naar de fabrikant.

The fridge has been sent back to the manufacturer. manufacturer

verkrijgen Waar kan ik de benodigde informatie verkrijgen?

Where can Iobtain the required information? obtain

werknemer Lisa is een hardwerkende werknemer.

Lisa is a hard-working employee. employee

stage lk heb ingeschreven voor een stage bij Apple.

Ihave applied for an internship at Apple. internship

vooruitzichten Zij zoekt een baan met betere vooruitzichten.

She's looking for a job with better prospects. prospects

aangesteld Hij werd aangesteld als kinderverzorger.

warden H e was appointed childcare worker. to be appointed

in dienst Dit bedrijf heeft 600 mensen in dienst.

hebben This company employs 6 0 0 people. to employ

uitbuiten In dit bedrijf warden werknemers onderbetaa Id en

In this c o m p a n y employees are underpaid a n d exploited. to exploit

vereiste Is werkervaring een vereiste voor deze functie?

Is work experience a requirement for this post? requirement

inspanning Het kostte ons veel inspanning dit werk op tijd klaar
te hebben.
It cost us a lot of effort to finish this work on time. effort

vraag en De prijzen hangen hoofdzakelijk af van vraag en aanbod. supply and

aanbod Prices mainly depend on supply a n d demand. demand
90 Examenidioom Engels VWO

(Si Language functions

Zo kun je een stand punt verwoorden (A) en beargumenteren (B):

A Het punt is dat ze niet willen fuseren. The point is that they don't want to
B Allereerst is hette duur. First of all, it's too expensive.
Op de tweede plaats zullen er te Secondly, there will be too many
veel ontslagen vallen. redundancies.
Ten slotte zullen de werknemers Finally, the employees will have to move.
moeten verhuizen.
A Het werkelijke probleem is dat ze The real problem is that she doesn't want
geen uitzendkracht wil zijn. to bea temp.
B Op de eerste plaats omdat ze veel In the first place because she'll have to
zal moeten reizen. travel a lot.
Bovendien kan ze elk moment Moreover, she might be fired at any
ontslagen worden. moment.
En ten slotte omdat de vooruitzichten And finally because prospects don't look
er niet goed uitzien. good.

Zo kun je beginnen als je in een gesprek ergens iets aan wilt toevoegen:
> Daar komt nog bij dat hij als manager is On top of that, he was appointed manager.
> Orn nog maar niet te spreken van de Not to mention the bad working conditions.
slechte arbeidsomstandigheden.
> En dan nog iets: het is belangrijk met And another thing: it's important to be able
anderen te kunnen samenwerken. to cooperate with other people.
> Sterker nog, het was mijn What's more, it wasn't even my
verantwoordelijkheid niet eens. responsibility.
> Plus het feit dat ik stagiaire was. Plus the fact that I was an intern.

O Do you remember?

C. Fill in the correct English words for the Dutch words in brackets.
It's not easy to (in je levensonderhoud voorzien) as a philosopher.
2 This (stagiaire) completed her four-year training programme this year.

3 He quit his job to become {zelfstandige).

4 The job advert specified that "fluent in English" was a (vereiste).

5 Prices of houses largely depend on (vraag en aanbod).

17 Law and order 91

17 Law and order

English > Dutch

vicious He was accused of the vicious murder of his wife. gemeen, wreed

felony Is shoplifting a felony or just a misdemeanour? misdrijf

alleged For all we know, the alleged evidence may be fake. zogenaamd

solicitor She was not represented by a solicitor at her last court advocaat

defendant The jury concluded from the evidence that the verdachte
defendant was innocent.

perpetrator The perpetrator of the crime was a stranger to the victim. dader

an accessory to His role in all this makes him an accessory to murder. medeplichtig aan

caution The judge let him off with a caution. waarschuwing

lenient The judge was lenient with the first-time offender. mild

to pursue The police pursued the robbers and caught them. achtervolgen

to seize The shop owner seized the shoplifter by the arm. grijpen,
on parole The prisoner was released on parole for medica I voorwaardelijk vrij

to extradite Will the terrorist be extradited to France? uitleveren

penitentiary She served 20 years in a Texas penitentiary for double gevangenis


thrust He killed his victim with one thrust. steek

to confine to He was confined to a small, dark cell. opsluiten in

to detain The police detained the pickpocket for five hours. vasthouden

to detox Drug addicts can detox in a detox centre. afkicken

gratuitous The gratuitous killing of dolphins must be stopped. zinloos

to acquit He was acquitted due to lack of evidence. vrijspreken

to loot During the riot protestors were looting shops. plunderen

to maim Armed groups had maimed, killed and abducted people. verminken

illicit Further measures will be taken to fight the illicit trade onwettig
in cigarettes.
92 Examenidioom Engels VWO

penalty If you break the law, you must pay the penalty. straf
custody The driver was held in custody after he reportedly fled hechtenis,
a fatal accident. gevangenschap

thugh A thug threw a brick at a policeman during the riot. schurk

to refute He was not able to refute the accusations made weerleggen

against him.

incarcerated He's incarcerated, awaiting trial on murder charges. gevangen,

allegation He strongly denied the allegations of sexual beschu/diging

to strangle The victim had been strangled with a metal wire. wurgen

homicide He was convicted of homicide, rape and other violent moord, doodslag

menace Drunken drivers are a serious menace to other road users. bedreiging

to trespass You are trespassing, for this is private land. op verboden

terrein zijn
to advocate They openly advocate violence to achieve self- voorstander zijn
government. van
impostor He was an impostor who assumed another person's oplichter

crook These politicians a re just a bunch of crooks who only oplichter

want to enrich themselves.

accomplice The police say the robber must have had an accomplice. medeplichtige
riot Riots broke out last week following the jury's verdict. re/

bail He has been refused bail and will remain in custody. borgtocht

to suspend The police officer was accused of police brutality and schorsen
was suspended.
17 Law and order 93

O Do you remember?
A. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

bail, defendant,felony, homicide, menace, riot, thugh

He was charged with sexual assault, which is considered a _ _ in that country.

2 The judge told the _ _ that he had no choice but to sentence him.

3 The judge did not believe that the _ _ was committed in self-defence.

4 The man was questioned before being released o n - - - ·

5 He was beaten up by a gang of y o u n g - -

B. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

acquit, advocate, confine, detox, loot, pursue, strangle

He has often _ _ a life ban for athletes who test positive.

2 She had been _ _ (e)d with her own scarf and her body was dumped in the woods.

3 The doctor told her she had to _ _ from methadone for him to continue to treat her.

4 The judge, much against his will, had to _ _ a man who he believed was guilty.

5 Armed bands raided and _ _ (e)d the places they visited.

94 Examenidioom Engels VWO

Dutch > English

inbraak Heb je de inbraak al gemeld bij de politie?

Have you already reported the burglary to the police? burglary

aanwijzing Er waren aanwijzingen over zijn betrokkenheid bij de

There were clues about his involvement in the robbery. clue

jeugdcrimi- Er zijn maatregelen genomen om dejeugdcrminaliteit

naliteit te verminderen.
Measures have been taken to reduce juvenile juvenile
delinquency. delinquency

overtreding Wat is de straf voor die overtreding?

What's the punishment f o r that offence? offence

bedriegen Hij was bedrogen en beroofd.

He was deceived and robbed. to deceive

betrokken bij Het schijnt dat hij betrokken was bij een overval.
It seems he was involved in a robbery. involved in

voorzorgsmaat- Extra voorzorgsmaatregelen zijn nodig om de

regel veiligheid te garanderen.
Extra precautions are necessary to ensure safety. precaution

bekennen Waarom zou hij een misdaad bekennen die hij niet
gepleegd heeft? to confess, to
Why should he confess to a crime he hasn't committed? confess to

onderzoeken De politie onderzoekt de moord.

The police are investigating the murder. to investig•ate

ondervragen De verdachte wordt nu ondervraagd door de politie.

The suspect is being interrogated by the police. to interrogate

proces lk was een getuige in het proces.

I was a witness in the trial. trial

getuigen- De politie heeft twijfels over zijn getuigenverklaring.

verklaring The police have doubts about his testimony. testimony

vonnis Het vonnis was vijf jaar gevangenisstraf.

The sentence was five years' imprisonment. sentence
17 Law and order 95

onterecht Ze werd onterecht beschuldigd van diefstal.

She was falsely accused o f theft. falsely

vervolgen ledereen die betrapt wordt op stelen wordt vervol g d.

Anyone caught stealing will be prosecuted. to prosecute

p:2 Language functions

Zo kun je iemands uiterlijk beschrijven:
> Hij is kaal/kalend. He is bald/balding.
> Zij heeft sluik/golvend haar. She's got sleek/wavy hair.
> Hij is gezet/mager. He's plump/skinny.
> Zij is kort/lang. She's short/tall.
> Hij draagt een spijkerbroek. He's wearing jeans.
> Ze draagt een gestreepte/geruite trui. She wears a striped/checked sweater.

Zo kun je een object beschrijven als je de Engelse benaming ervan

niet kent:
> Het is iets dat je gebruikt als je gaat It's something you use when you go
kamperen. camping.
> Het heeft de vorm van een banaan. It is shaped like a banana.
> Het is gemaakt van meta al. It's made of metal.
> Het ziet eruit als een stuk touw. It looks like a piece of rope.

0 Do you remember?
C. Fill in the correct English words for the Dutch words in brackets.

The police are searching for witnesses who may hold a (aanwijzing) as to the identity
of the killer.
2 The suspect fainted during the (proces).

3 The police will undoubtedly (ondervragen) the prisoner.

4 Have you ever committed an (overtreding)?

s He was accused of (inbraak}.

96 Examenidioom Engels VWO

18 Politics and religion

English > Dutch

constituency He is the representative of a Yorkshire constituency. kiesdistrict

turnout There was a low turnout of 54% at last month's elections. opkomst

House of The House of Commons are going to debate the crisis Tweede Kamer,
Commons today. Lagerhuis

House of Lords The House of Lords will not be content with less power. Eerste Kamer,
to retain Will the Labour Party retain its power after the elections? behouden

polls The country will go to the polls on September 13th. de stembus

alliance A new military alliance between China and Russia is verbond

highly unlikely.

reconciliation The Prime Minister called for reconciliation between verzoening

the people of the two countries.

to empower The new rules are supposed to empower the workers. positie versterken

domestic It is thought that the Prime Minister pays too little binnenlands
attention to domestic problems.

prophecy Does the Bible contain a prophecy of the end of the voorspelling

representative The elected representatives speak for the people. vertegen-

adversary The Labour minister was criticized by his Conservative tegenstander

bigotry He often faces prejudice and bigotry beause of his onverdraagzaam-

religion. heid

relic The museum had some sacred relics of John the Baptist. relikwie,
overblijfsel van
een (voorwerp
van een) heilige
atonement This is a ceremony of confession and atonement for sin. boetedoening

to suppress They live in a police state which suppresses free speech. onderdrukken

to persecute Catholics were often persecuted under Communism. vervolgen

dispute There is a pay dispute between the unions and the geschil
18 Politics and religion 97

exile Napoleon was sent into exile on the island of Elba. ballingschap

civil We all have civil rights and civil duties. burger

councillor She was elected a town councillor. raadslid

proposal Sixty people voted against the new proposal. voorstel

constitution A constitution describes how a country has to be grondwet


to repent The priest urged his listeners to repent. berouwlspijt

expenditure Government expenditure has risen by 8%. uitgaven

legislation The new legislation wil I help the poor. wetgeving

sacrilege Rejecting a person begging for protection used to heiligschennis

count as sacrilege.

prohibition Lots of people do not believe in drug prohibition. verbod

secular Most states are secular but some states have a were/dlijk,
religious basis. niet-kerkelijk

clergy In the past the clergy refused to accept science. geestelijkheid

pagan He was killed for worshipping pagan gods. heiden, heidens

sermon The priest's sermon was on love and fellowship. preek

monastery How many monks live in that monastery? klooster

divine Some fans seem to regard footballers as divine beings. goddelijk

crusade The medieval crusades were a violent clash between kruistocht

the Islamic world and Western Christianity.

deity This book is about the deities of ancient Egypt, like god, godheid
Hathor and Nephthys.

salvation The people prayed for their salvation and entrance ver/ossing
to paradise.

to baptize Were you baptized a Catholic? dopen

Apocalypse Do Muslims believe in the Apocalypse? einde van de

98 Examenidioom Engels VWO

[j Do you remember?
A. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

adversary, bigotry, clergy, crusade, exile, sacrilege, salvation

Do you realize that what you're saying used to be considered _ _ ?

2 The role of the _ _ and the Church has changed over the last two centuries.

3 A lot of people believe in Christ and many of them want _ _ _

4 She was banished from her country and spent 12 years in _ _ abroad.

5 She has had to put up with racism and _ _ _ all her life.

B. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

Apocalypse, constitution, legislation, prohibition, prophecy, sermon, turnout

He predicted a high _ _ at the general election.

2 In my opinion the money spent on drug _ _ _ would be better spent on information
and education.

3 The vicar gave a(n) _ _ _ on charity.

4 Most people think the _ _ , the end of all we hold dear, is never going to happen.

5 Unfortunately, the _ _ he made two years ago came true last week.
18 Politics and religion 99

Dutch > English

heilig De Bijbel en de Koran zijn heilige boeken.

The Bible a n d the Koran are sacred books. sacred

burgemeester De burgemeester besprak de zaak met enkele

The m a y o r discussed the matter with s o m e councillors. mayor

raad, Wanneer zijn de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen?

gemeenteraad W h e n are the council elections? council

ambtenaar Veel ambtenaren vinden het moeilijk om de nieuwe

overheidsplannen uit te voeren.
A lot of civil servants find it difficult to carry out the n e w civil servant
government plans.

strafmaatregel Veel naties hebben dat land strafmaatregelen opgelegd.

M a n y nations have imposed sanctions on that country. sanction

ministerie van Er is een belangrijke vergadering op het ministerie van

Buitenlandse Buitenlandse Zaken.
Zaken There i, an important meeting at the Foreign Office. Foreign Office

heersen Lang geleden heersten koningen zonder een parlement.

Long ago, kings ruled without a parliament. to rule

opstand Het volk is in opstand tegen de overheid.

The people are in rebellion against the government. rebellion

verdrag India is akkoord gegaan het vredesverdrag te

India has agreed to sign the peace treaty. treaty

uitslag Het is moeilijk om de uitslag van de verkiezingen te

It is difficult to predict the outcome of the elections. outcome

onderdrukker De mensen vochten tegen hun onderdrukkers.

The people fought against their oppressors. oppressor

gemeente-, Welk percentage gemeentelijk afval wordt gerecycled?

gemeentelijk W h a t percentage of municipal waste is recycled? municipal

asielzoeker Hebben asielzoekers recht op rechtsbijstand?

Are asylum seekers entitled to legal assistance? asylum seeker
100 Examenidioom Engels VWO

vluchteling Veel vluchtelingen zijn zonder paspoort bij de grens

Lots of refugees have arrived at the border without refugee

burger Dit zijn allemaal fatsoenlijke, gezagsgetrouwe burgers.

These are all decent, law-abiding citizens. citizen

s;S2Language functions
Zo kun je aangeven wat in het algemeen het geval is:
> Over het algemeen doet hij wat hij zegt. In general, he does what he says.
> Over het algemeen gesproken zijn Generally speaking, asylum seekers are
asielzoekers hier welkom. welcome here.
> In de regel stemt mijn vader op de PvdA. As a rule, my father votes f o r the Labour
> In de meeste gevallen werken politici In most cases politicians work more than 40
meer dan 40 uur per week. hours a week.
> Naar mijn ervaring doen de meeste In my experience most civil servants do their
ambtenaren hun werk goed. work well.

Zo kun je beginnen als je een uitzondering geeft:

> Er zijn natuurlijk uitzonderingen. There are exceptions, o f course. Civil
Ambtena ren, bijvoorbeeld. servants.for instance.
> Laten we niet vergeten dat hij de Let's not forget that he led the rebellion.
opstand leidde.
> Maar wat te den ken van parlements- But what about Members of Parliament
leden die NIET hun best doen? who do NOT do their best?
> Maar vergeet niet de asielzoekers die But don't forget the asylum seekers who do
wel risico lopen in hun eigen land. run a risk in their own countries.
> Een uitzondering is de burgemeester zelf. An exception is the mayor himself

0 Do you remember?
C. Fill in the correct English words for the Dutch words in brackets.
The people rose in (opstand) against the King 250 years ago.
2 The (ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken) will do everything possible to save the
hostages' lives.

3 (Vluchtelingen} in our country have come from many different countries.

4 Most (burgers} disagree with the direction the government is going.

s Cows are (heilig) in India and eating beef is taboo.

19 Reactions and thoughts 101

19 Reactions and thoughts

English > Dutch

preposterous What?! The whole idea sounds absolutely preposterous. absurd, belachelijk

whim I don't know why I bought it. I suppose it was just a bevlieging, gril

to be The flavour of this desert is reminiscent of walnuts. doen denken aan

reminiscent of

to anticipate We ran into problems that we had not anticipated. voorzien,

to presume I presume you have come for the lecture as well? vermoeden,
assumption She had no evidence to support her assumption. veronderstelling

to resolve There must be a way to resolve this conflict. oplossen

to tempt A lot of investors are tempted by the idea of making a verleiden

quick fortune.

to cherish You can't blame me for cherishing my privacy, can you? koesteren

inconceivable It is inconceivable that he will keep his job after that ondenkbaar

controversial That director is known for his controversial omstreden,

documentary about gun control in America. geruchtmakend

imperative It's imperative to meet face to face with the client. noodzakelijk

to distract Unfortunately, the two friends distracted each other afieiden

in class.

to evoke The music evoked memories of her youth. oproepen

averse to He is averse to blood. It makes him sick. afkerig van

to resent I resent your insulting remarks about her. kwalijk nemen

to glare Instead of shouting, he just glared at her silently. boos kijken

to deplore Like everyone else, the President deplored and betreuren

denounced this killing.

to question The police question his side of the story. in twijfel trekken

to alarm I didn't want to alarm him by telling him that his verontrusten
daughter had fallen from her bike.

to boast Some parents boast about their children's achievements. opscheppen

102 Examenidioom Engels VWO

to deduce From his accent I deduced he was not English. concluderen,

superstitious Some people are afraid to walk under ladders because bijgelovig
they are superstitious.

narrow-minded You're being narrow-minded if you think animated bekrompen,

movies are only for kids. kortzichtig

elated The big smile showed the prince was elated by the verrukt
birth of his new daughter.

to acquiesce in Reluctantly, she acquiesced in the plans. instemmen met,

zich neerleggen
to induce Nothing would induce me to vote for him again. ertoe brengen

dismay Round the table the faces expressed disbelief, even verontwaardiging

scorn She reacted to his new plans with scorn and laughter. minachting

fierce He looks fierce when he is angry. woest

to harass Stop harassing me or I will be forced to report this! voortdurend

to slap She got angry and slapped him in the face. slaan

to compel Her text message compelled me to take action at once. dwingen

to urge Because there were wild animals outside, she urged dringend
him to stay inside the tent. verzoeken

to flatter He was glad and flattered by all the attention she gave vleien

to cope with He couldn't cope with all the pressure at work. aankunnen

to grumble Stop grumbling about the food or go and eat mopperen

somewhere else.

to embrace Our employees have embraced our new, higher omarmen


to endeavour Engineers are endeavouring to locate the source of the proberen

problem, but it will take some time.

preoccupied He was so preoccupied with his work that he didn't in beslag

hear me. genomen
19 Reactions and thoughts 103

0 Do you remember?
A. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

distract, embrace, endeavour, glare, harass, induce, resent

Nothing would _ _ Jots of people to vote for him again.

2 The customer _ _ (e)d at the waitress when she didn't serve him instantly.

3 After they split up, her ex-boyfriend _ _ (e)d her, even threatened to kill her.

4 She _ _ s being spoken to as though she were a small child.

5 We _ _ the precautions that have been taken because they ensure our safety.

B. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

controversial, elated,fierce, imperative, preoccupied, preposterous, superstitious

It's _ _ that pupils only have qualified teachers if we want to raise educational
2 Some people are _ _ about butterflies, believing they are carriers of good wishes
and luck.

3 Her _ _ speech was interrupted by noisy disapproval from the audience.

4 Why is the media so _ _ _ with the love lives of politicians?

5 Ticket prices for football matches are absolutely _ _ !

104 Examenidioom Engels VWO

Dutch > English

vanzelf- Jonge mensen zouden gezondheid niet vanzelf-

sprekend sprekend moeten vinden.
vinden Young people should not take their health f o r granted. to takef o r granted

beschouwen Kinderen beschouwen hem als een held.

als Children regard him as a hero. to regard as

veronderstellen Te oordelen naar zijn accent, veronderstel ik dat hij

Schots is.
Judging from his accent, I assume he's Scottish. to assume

troosten Ze was gekomen om haar treurende grootmoeder te

She had come to comfort her grieving grandmother. to comfort

aanbevelen lk kan je dit boek aanbevelen.

I can recommend this book to you. to recommend

doen alsof Ze deed alsof ze haar ex-vriendje niet herkende.

She pretended not to recognize her former boyfriend. to pretend

het erg vinden Vindt u het erg als ik het raam openzet?
Do you mind me opening the window? to mind

aarzelen Ze aarzelde voor ze zijn vraag beantwoordde.

She hesitated before she answered his question. to hesitate

overwegen, Hij overweegt o m zijn baan op te geven.

overwegen om He's considering giving up his job. to consider

vastbesloten Zij is vastbesloten haar best te doen dit jaar.

She's determined to do her best this year. determined

veroordelen, Wij veroordelen terrorisme en geweld.

sterk afkeuren We condemn terrorism and violence. to condemn

grof Zijn opmerkingen zijn vaak grof.

His remarks are often rude. rude

geweten lk verkocht hem die auto met een zuiver geweten.

I sold him that car with a clear conscience. conscience
19 Reactions and thoughts 105

minachting lk kan a Ileen maar minachting voelen voor dat soort

oneerl ijkheid.
Ican only feel contempt for that kind of dishonesty. contempt

overhalen W e probeerden hem over te halen om met ons mee

te gaan.
W e tried to persuade him to c o m e with us. to persuade

j:l Language functions

Zo kun je aangeven dat je het met iemand eens bent:
> Daar zit wat in. You've got a point there.
> Oat denk ik ook. Ithink so, too.
> Je hebt helemaal gelijk. You're absolutely right.
> lk ben 't helemaal met je eens. Ifully/quite agree (with you).
> Oat spreekt vanzelf. That goes without saying.

Zo kun je aangeven dat je het met iemand niet (helemaal) eens bent:
> Oat hangt ervan af. That depend}.
> Oat zou ik niet willen zeggen. I wouldn't say that.
> lk ben 't niet metje eens. Idisagree (with you).
> lk denk van niet. Idon't think so.
> Doe niet zo mal. Don't be silly!

( J Do you remember?
C. Fill in the correct English words for the Dutch words in brackets.
The killing of innocent civilians by a suicide bomber must be (veroordelen}.
2 She tried to (overhalen} us to go to the concert with her.

3 She is (vastbesloten) to go on holiday to Ireland this year.

4 Please, don't (doen a/sol) you haven't heard me.

5 I hope the burglar has a (geweten) and will return the ring I got from my mum.
106 Examenidioom Engels VWO

20 Linking words and time-related words

English > Dutch

to defer The committee has deferred their decision. uitstellen

successive The team had five successive successes. opeenvolgend

in due course Further details will be emailed to you in due course. te zijner tijd

after all After all, worrying is not going to solve the problem. immers

thus I've taken him to the zoo. Thus, I've fulfilled my promise. zodoende, aldus

meanwhile There's a meeting in two weeks. Meanwhile, the intussen

problem is getting worse!

consequently He missed the bus. Consequently, he had to call for a taxi. a/s gevolg

provided, He can come along, provided that he behaves himself. mits, op

provided that voorwaarde dat
on account of On account of the rain, the games were cancelled. vanwege

owing to Owing to bad weather, all the buses were late. vanwege

initially Initially, I was not craq about his new plans but I soon aanvankelijk
changed my mind.

eventually After a long search, they eventually found the missing uiteindelijk, ten
papers. slotte

ancient This is a book about ancient civilizations such as the heel oud
Aztecs, the Incas and the Mayans.

previously This information was previously unavailable to the daarv66r, eerder


prior to There was an incident just prior to the conference. voorafgaand aan

beforehand I wish we'd known about his visit beforehand. van tevoren

consecutive We went to the beach on three consecutive days. opeenvolgend

current The current government wants to do more for the huidig


present Please state your present occupation. huidig

premature The general did not have all the necessary information voorbarig
so that his decision to attack was premature.

formerly Formerly, France had a king, but not any more. vroeger
20 Linking words and time-related words 107

hence I've just returned form Africa, hence the suntan. vandaar, daarom

conversely We prefer brown eggs; conversely, American daarentegen

consumers like white eggs.

imminent Soon it became clear to everyone that war was imminent. dreigend, nabij

occasionally Does it never occur to you that I might like to be on my af en toe

own occasionally?

temporary This company has more temporary employees than tijdelljk

permanent staff.

perpetual I'm tired of her perpetual complaining. constant

subsequently He was arrested and subsequently convicted on drug vervolgens

trafficking charges.

simultaneously She was writing an email and having a phone call tegelijkertijd

previous In his previous job he worked 60 hours a week. vorig

prospective There will be an open day for prospective students. aanstaand,
impending Dogs can sense impending danger. dreigend
at hand Some economists claim a major crisis is at hand. op handen, heel
fortnight We're going on a fortnight's holiday. veertien dagen
offhand He made an offhand remark about it. terloops
era The twentieth century was the era of inventions. tijdperk
to postpone We had to postpone our holiday until August. uitstellen

unprecedented Today's high price of petrol is unprecedented. ongekend

of late They've been having some marital difficulties of late. de laatste tijd
dusk As dusk falls, bats begin to fly. schemering
108 Examenidioom Engels VWO

0 Do you remember?
A. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

at hand, conversely, impending, owing to, prospective, simultaneously, subsequently

I love music when I'm at h o m e . - - , music may distract me when I work.

2 The fortune-teller showed the woman an image of her _ _ husband.

3 They won the lottery and _ _ purchased a huge house.

4 my brother's sudden illness, we couldn't go on holiday last year.

5 Don't worry, help is _ _ _

B. Fill in the correct word. There are two words too many.

consecutive,formerly, perpetual, offhand, previous, prior to, thus

He made a(n) _ _ _ remark about his recent divorce.

2 We now have the full data and _ _ we will be able to give the advice you asked for.

3 What's the name of the _ _ owner of this department store?

4 The days _ _ _ his death were very difficult for the whole family.

5 They have lost seven _ _ games. Can you believe it?

20 Linking words and time-related word5 109

Dutch > English

zelden Wij zien elkaar zelden tegenwoordig.

W e rarely see each other nowadays. rarely

jaarlijks We zijn gisteren naar de jaarlijkse boekenbeurs geweest.

W e went to the annual book fair yesterday. annual

kortom Kortom, mevrouw Lewis vond het niet bepaald leuk.

In short, Mrs Lewis was not amused. in short

integendeel lk heb me niet verveeld. lntegendeel, ik heb me echt

I wasn't bored. O n the contrary, I really enjoyed myself. on the contrary

niettemin We konden hen niet verslaan. Niettemin mogen we

niet klagen.
W e weren't able to beat them. Still, w e can't complain. still, nevertheless

alies bij elkaar Alles bij elkaar was het feest een groot succes.
All in all, the party was a great success. all in all

eeuwig Geloof jij in het eeuwige leven na de dood?

D o y o u believe in eternal life after death? eternal

met betrekking Er zijn wijzigingen aangebracht met betrekkingtot

tot de veillgheid.
Changes have been m a d e with regard to security. with regard to

tussen twee Tussen twee haakjes, hoe was het feest gisteren?
haakjes B y the way, w h a t was the party like yesterday? by the w a y

intussen lk koop volgende week een nieuwe computer. lntussen

gebruik ik die van mijn vader.
I'm buying a n e w computer next week. In the meantime, in the meantime
I'm using m y father's.

voorlopig lk krijg voorlopig extra lessen.

I'm getting extra lessons for the time being. for the time being

tot en met Hij zal bij ons zijn van 1tot en met 10 april. u p to and
He'll be with us f r o m 1st up to a n d including 10th April. including

ten slotte, tot Ten slotte wil ik u bedanken voor wat u voor ons hebt
slot gedaan.
Fin a /1y, I would like to thank y o u for w h a t y o u have done finally
for us.
110 Examenidioom Engels VWO

aanvankelijk Aanvankelijk was ze tamelijk stil, maar na een poosje

werd ze spraakzamer.
At first she was rather quiet, but after a while she a t first
became more talkative.

tegen Het nieuwe model komt tegen het einde van het jaar uit.
The new model will be released toward the end of the year. toward

p:l. Language functions

Zo kun je iemand beleefd vragen iets voor je te doen:
> Zou u zo vriendelijk willen zijn me een Would you be so kind as to lend me a hand,
handje te helpen, alstublieft? please?
> Zouje misschien de deur dicht willen doen? Would you mind shutting the door, please?
> Zou u mij dietas kunnen aangeven? Could you pass me that bag, please?
> Zou jij zijn nieuwste boek voor mij Would you buy his latest book f o r me this
willen kopen vanmiddag? afternoon, please?

Zo kun je onderhandelen over iets:

> Laten we een afspraak ma ken: lk help je met de vaat en jij helpt me met mijn huiswerk.
Let's make a deal: I'll help you with the dishes and you'll help me with my homework.
> Als jij deze brief post, zal ik je fiets repareren. ifyou post this letter, I'll repair your bike.
> What is uw laagste prijs? What's your last price?
> Graag of niet. Take it or leave it.

0 Do you remember?
C. Fill in the correct English words for the Dutch words in brackets.

(Alles bij elkaar), we've had a great summer holiday.

2 Boring film, wasn't it? - (lntegendeel), I loved it!

3 Because of my operations, I won't be able to play hockey (voorlopig).

4 We'll have to be there (tegen) 8.30 p.m., to be on time for the show.

5 What did he tell you (met betrekking tot) his new job?
Woordenlijst Engels 111

Woordenlijst Engels AE = Amerikaans-Engels, BE= Brits-Engels

A alleviate (to) 21 avert (to) 41

abandon (to) 42 alliance 96 aviation 42
abbreviation 51 allocate (to) 61 avid (4) 26
abridged 71 ally 11 awe (4) 26
abdomen 36 alter (to) 82 award (to) 22, 47
abundance 31 alternating 82
abyss 76 altitude 41 B
accelerate (to) 81 ambiguous 81 bail 92
accessory: a n - t o 91 ancestor 11 bank 76
acclaim: to meet with ancient 106 baptize (to) 97
critica I - 72 anguish 27 be due (to) 42
accomplice 92 animosity 12 be eager (to) 26
account: on - of 106 anticipate (to) 101 be in detention (to) 17
accountable 86 anxious 26 be inclined to (to) 57
achievement 46 Apocalypse 97 beforehand 106
acknowledge (to) 52 appal (to) 26 belongings 62
acquiesce in (to) 102 appalling 26 bend 41
acquisition 71 appliance 66 beneficial 22
acquit (to) 91 apply to (to} 66 benefit 87
adept 47 appropriate 32 benefit (to} 24
adjustment 66 aptitude 17 benevolent 56
administer (to) 22 arrest: cardiac - 21 benign 21
adultery 11 artefact 71 bereavement 12
advance (to) 17 arts: martial - 46 biased 26
adversary 96 aspiring 56 bigotry 96
adviser: careers - 16 assemble (to} 42 billboard 62
advocate (to) 92 assert (to) 52 biodegradable 76
affiliation 12 assertion 52 bleak 31
affluent 61 assess (to) 17 bliss 26
after all 106 asset 47 blockbuster 72
agency: employment - 87 assign (to) 86 blunt 27
agonizing 27 assumption 101 board 61
agony 21 astute 52 boarding school 16
alienate (to} 12 at hand 107 boast (to) 101
allegation 92 atrocious 32 bold 56
alleged 91 atonement 96 box office 71
alarm (to) 101 attendance 16 brag (to) 57
all: after - 106 attentive 17 breakthrough 66
allegiance 26 averse to 101 breed 36
112 Examenidioom Engels VWO

breed (to) 37 conform (to) 12 deceased 12

brief 31 congenital 21 deceptive 56
browse (to) 51 congestion 41 decline (to) 52, 81
bug 36 consecutive 106 deduce (to) 16, 102
consequently 106 deduct (to) 61
C conservation 76 defeat 47
cabinet 71 consistently 32 defendant 91
captivating 31 constituency 96 defer (to) 106
cargo 42 constitution 97 defiance 27
cast 72 consulting room 21 deficit 61
casualty 41 contagious 21 define (to) 51
caterpillar 36 contaminated 22 deforestation 77
caution 91 contestant 46 deformed 21
cautious 41 contraceptive 11 deity 97
cease (to) 81 contractor 86 dejected 27
celebrated 72 controversial 101 deluge (to) 77
cemetery 12 convalesce 22 demanding 86
cherish (to) 101 conventional 66 depict (to) 72
china 71 conversely 107 deplore (to) 101
civil 97 convey (to) 51 derive from (to) 52
clarify (to) 17, 52 cope with (to) 102 derogatory 31
clergy 97 corporation 61 descend from (to) 11
clerical 86 corrosion 67 designate (to) 86
coffin 12 councillor 97 despicable 11
collaborate (to) 72 course: in due - 106 despise (to) 26
commodity 62 critical: to meet with destitute 61
commute (to) 41 - a c c l a i m 72 detach (to) 82
compel {to) 102 crook 92 detain (to) 91
compelling 71 crusade 97 detect (to) 67
compete (to) 46 cunning 57 detention: to be in - 17
competitive 46 curator 71 detergent 67
compile (to) 72 current 77, 106 deteriorate (to) 82
comprehend (to) 17 curriculum 16 deterrent 66
comprehension 17 custody 92 detox (to) 91
compulsive 57 custom 57 detrimental 21
compulsory 16 deviate (to) 81
concede (to) 52 D devoid of 81
conceited 57 dabble in (to) 71 devour (to) 37
concrete 66 dash (to) 47 dice 46
condescending 27 daunt (to) 27 digest (to) 21
conduct 86 dazzle (to) 42 diligent 86
confine to (to) 91 debris 41 dilute (to) 67
Woordenlijst Engels 113

disabled 21 elaborate on (to) 51 exponential 31

disclose 51 elated 102 exterminate (to) 37
disdain 26 eloquent 51 extinct 37
disembark (to) 42 embrace (to) 102 extra-curricular 16
disguise (to) 82 empower (to) 96 extradite (to) 91
dismay 102 encounter 42
dismiss (to) 87 endangered 37 F
disposable 76 endeavour (to) 102 fabric 66
disposal 76, 87 endorse (to) 62 fabrication 51
disposition 56 endurance 47 fade (to) 82
disproportionate 31 enhance (to) 32 famine 37
dispute 96 ensue (to) 81 fare 42
disrupt (to) 81 enterprise 86 feasible 61
dissect (to) 17 enticing 27 feature (to) 72
distinct 32 entitled (to be) 61 feature 56
distinguish (to) 81 entrenched 16 fee: tuition - 16
distinguished 17 enviable 61, 82 feeble 22
distort (to) 82 envy (to) 27 felony 91
distract (to) 101 equipment 46 ferocious 36
divine 97 era 107 fictitious 71
domestic 11, 96 eradicate (to) 82 fierce 102
domineering 12 erect (to) 66 findings 66
downpour 76 estimate (to) 61 flatter (to) 102
down-to-earth 56 evade (to) 52 flawless 46
draft 72 evaporate (to) 66 flood 77
dragonfly 36 evasive 51 flourish (to) 62
draw (to) 47 event 46 formerly 106
dreary 76 eventually 106 fornication 37
drought 76 evoke (to) 101 fortnight 107
due: in - course 106 evolve (to) 82 friction 67
due: to b e - 42 exasperated 27 fur 36
dusk 107 exceed (to) 41 furious 26
dwell on (to) 51 excel (to) 17 futile 31
dwindle (to) 81 executive 86
exert (to) 87
E exhale (to) 36 gap 11
eager: to be - 26 exhausted 81 gauge (to) 66
ecological 76 exhilarating 21 gear 47, 66
edge 76 exile 97 General Certificate of
edible 76 expenditure 97 Secondary Education 16
effort 47 expire (to) 86 generate (to) 67
elaborate 31 germ 22
exploitation 76
114 Examenidioom Engels VWO

gesture 52 humble 26 inhibited 56

glare (to) 101 humidity 77 initially 106
global 77 hurdle 46 innate 12
gloomy 57 innovation 17
grammar school 16 insolence 57
grandstand 46 illicit 91 intoxicated 21
grant 16 illiterate 17 invariably 32
grasp (to) 17 imminent 107 inventive 66
gravitate to (to) 47 impartial 4 6 invincible 47
gravity 51 impeccable 42 invoice 61
greedy 57 impediment 61 irrevocably 82
grieve (to) 27 impending 107 issue 51
gripping 72 impenetrable 66 italics: in - 52
groan (to) 21 imperative 101 itinerary 41
grub 41 implore (to) 27
grudge 27 imply (to) 54 J

grumble (to) 102 impose (to) 62 jeopardy 81

guardian 11 impostor 92 juggle (to) 86
guestroom 12 in due course 106 junction 41
in italics 52
H In stock 62 K
haemorrhage 36 incarcerated 92 keen 26
hand: a t - 107 incentive 62 kidney 22
hands-on 67 inclined: to be - t o 57
harass (to) 102 incoherent 32
harsh 32 incomprehensible 52 laborious 87
haul (to) 87 inconceivable 101 landlord 12
haulage 41 incorporate (to) 87 latter 51
hazardous 77 increasingly 32 lawn 77
hemisphere 77 incurable 22 lay off (to) 87
hence 107 indecisive 57 layer 77
hereditary 11 indicate (to) 51 leaflet 42
hideous 32 indifferent 57 league: premier - 47
highlight (to) 51 indigenous 72 lecherous 27
hinge 66 indignant 26 leech 37
hitchhiker 42 indispensable 62 legacy 62
homicide 92 induce (to) 102 legislation 97
hose 67 industrious 16 leisurely 41
hostile 26 inextricably 82 lenient 91
hour: rush - 41 infallible 81 lethal 22
House of Commons 96 infatuated with 11 level 46
House of Lords 96 infinite 77 lever 67
leverage 61
Woordenlijst Engels 115

liability 62, 86 N parole 91

litter 76 narrative 71 participate (to) 87
loathe (to) 27 narrator 71 pathological 21
long (to) 26 narrow-minded 102 patrol (to) 116
loot (to) 91 natural resources 76 patronizing 27
neglect (to) 21 paw 36
M negligible 31 peevish 57
maim (to) 91 numb 22 penalty 92
maintain (to) 11 nurture (to) 37 penitentiary 91
maintenance 42 nutritious 21 perception 17
major in (to) 16 perilous 57
malicious 27 0 perpetrator 91
malignant 22 obedient 56 perpetual 107
mammal 36 obituary 12 persecute (to) 96
mandatory 41 obligatory 16 persevere (to) 56
manually 67 obsolete 81 pit stop 42
manure 77 occasionally 107 pitch 46
marble 66 occupation 86 plain 36
marital 11 odour 77 plausible 32
mark (to) 17 of late 107 plea 51
mature 56 offensive 57 pledge 52
meanwhile 106 offhand 107 poignant 32
measure (to) 66 office: box - 71 poll 51
meet with critical offspring 12 polls: the - 96
acclaim (to) 70 ominous 31 portray (to) 72
menace 92 omit 51 posh 81
merge (to) 86 orphan 12 post 87
merit 87 ostentatious 31 posterity 11
meticulous 56 outline 72 postpone (to) 107
moan (to) 21 outrage 26 potential 32
mock (to) 27 outrageous 32 preach (to) 51
moderate 32 outsource (to) 86 predator 37
moist 77 outstanding 72 preface 71
monastery 97 overdue 62 premature 106
morbid 22 overlook (to) 17 premier league 47
mortality 36 owing to 106 preoccupied 102
mortgage 62 preposterous 101
mould (to) 71 p prerequisite 87
mourn (to) 11 pace 41 present 101, 106
mutilate (to) 36 pagan 97 preserve (to) 76
murky 82 pant (to) 21 presume (to) 101
mutual 11 paralysis 21 previous 107
116 Examenidioom Engels VWO

previously 106 recruit (to) 86 scorn 102

prey 37 rectangular 66 scrutiny 66
priorto 106 redundancies 87 secular 97
proficient 16 re-enact (to) 71 seductive 26
profound 31 refrain from (to) 22 segregation 12
progeny 36 refute (to) 92 seize (to) 91
prohibited 41 regain (to) 22 self-esteem 56
prohibition 97 regardless of 52 sense (to) 27
proliferation 67 reign 86 sermon 97
prolific 32 relentless 31 shallow 77
prophecy 96 relic 96 shamrock 36
proponent 66 reminiscent: to b e - shelter: to take - 37
proposal 97 of 101 shift 86
proprietor 61 renowned 72 shiver (to) 21
prospective 107 repent (to) 97 shortlisted 72
prosperous 61 representative 96 shrewd 56
provided (that) 106 rerun 72 shrink (to) 82
proximity 41 resent (to) 101 sibling 11
prudent 56 resentment 26 sigh (to) 37
public school 16 resign (to) 87 sign ifica nee 52
puke (to) 37 resilient 56 simultaneously 107
pun 52 resolve (to) 101 sincere 56
punctual 16 resourceful 67 site 76
purchase (to) 61 resources: natural - 76 skid (to) 41
pursue (to) 16, 91 restrict (to) 81 slap (to) 102
pursuit 46 retail 62 sleazy 57
retain (to) 96 slipofthetongue 51
Q revenue 62 slope 76
quest 71 right of w a y 41 slump 61
question (to) 101 rigorous 31 s m u g 57
riot 92 snap (to) 82
R roam (to) 42 soar(to) 61
ramp: speed - 41 rodent 37 soil 37
range 67 row 11 solemn 81
rate 62 runner-up 47 solicitor 91
ratings 51 ruthless 57 soothe (to) 22
ray 67 s o w (to) 76
realm 71 s speed ramp 41
rear (to) 11 sacrilege 97 spouse 12
recharge (to) 67 salvation 97 squat (to) 81
recipient 46 savage 37 squeamish 56
reconciliation 96 scatter (to) 82 squalid 82
Woordenlijst Engels 117

stagger (to) 22 T V
stamina 47 take after (to) 12 vacancy 87
startle (to) 81 take shelter (to) 37 vain 57
stature 72 tangible 81 valid 42
stealthy 82 target (to) 62 vapour 77
stem 36 tedious 17 vehicle 42
stingy 57 temp 87 venue 71
stock (in) 62 temporary 107 verbal 52
stop: pit - 42 tempt (to) 101 vermin 36
strangle (to) 92 tenacious 56 versatile 56
strength 47 tenant 11 vicinity 76
strenuous 87 term 17, 87 vicious 91
strike 86 thaw (to) 77 vigorous 32
strive for (to) 47 thrive (to) 61 villain 71
stroke (to) 37 thrust 91 vintage 72
stroll (to) 42 thugh 92 vulture 37
studious 57 thus 106
subject to (to) 22 toddler 11 w
submit (to) 17 toggle (to) 67 wander (to} 37
subscribe to (to) 46 tongue:slipofthe- 51 way: right o f - 41
subsequently 107 tournament 46 weary 82
substantial 31 tow (to) 67 whim 101
substitute 46 toxic 77 witty 71
successive 106 trainers 47
trespass (to) 92 X
suffocate (to) 21
X-ray 67
superficia I 31 trial and error 66
superfluous 32 tribe 11
superstitious 102 trivial 32
yield (to) 76
supplier 62 tuition fee 16
suppress (to) 96 turmoil 26
surge 31, 102 turnout 96
surpass (to) 32 turnover 62
survey 17, 51
suspend (to) 92 u
suspense 46 union 87
sustain (to) 62 universe 77
sustenance 36 unparalleled 47
swift 32 unprecedented 107
sycamore 36 untold 31
synopsis 71 unwind (to) 47
upheaval 82
urge (to) 102
118 Examenidioom Engels VWO

Woordenlijst Nederlands

A betrokken bij 94 druk 24

aan sport doen 49 betrouwbaar 60 door rood rijden 44
aanbetaling 64 bevatten 70 duurzaam 79
aanbevelen 104 bevooroordeeld 60
aanbod: vraag en - 89 bewerking 74 E
aangesteld worden 89 bewust 39 eerlijk gezegd 29
aankomen (gewicht) 39 bewustwording 84 eeuwig 109
aanvankelijk 110 bezienswaardigheid 44 enorme inzet 29
aanwijzing 94 bezuiniging 64 erfgenaam 64
aanzienlijk 34 blessure 49 erg: het - vinden 104
aarzelen 104 boeiend 34 ergeren 29
abonnement 74 boete krijgen 44 erven 64
afkeuren: sterk - 104 boodschap overbrengen 54
aflevering 74 F
brandstof 44
afnemen 84 broeikaseffect 79 fabrikant 89
afstuderen 19 file 44
buiten gebruik 84
afwijzen 29 fitnessen 49
Buitenlandse: ministerie
alles bij elkaar 109 van - Zaken 99
alsof: doen - 104 G
burgemeester 99
gastvrij 44
ambtenaar 99 burger 100
gebrek aan 64
armoede 64
gebruik: buiten - 84
asielzoeker 99 C
gedreven 59
attent 59 cijfer 19
gemeente, gemeente-
citaat 74
lijk 99
B collega 14
bederven 39 concurrent 64 gemeenteraad 99
bedriegen 94 genant 29
conrector 19
bed rijfsleven 89 gerucht 55
contact houden 54
beeldhouwer 74 geruststellend 29
beeldhouwwerk 74 D geschoold 19
begripvol 59 dakloze 39 getuigenverklaring 94
b e h o r e n : n a a r - 34 dankbaar 34 gewas 79
bekennen 94 dienst: in - hebben 89 geweten 104
benadrukken 54 dierenarts 39 goed doen 24
beperkt 84 diploma 19 griep hebben 24
bescheiden 59 doe! 79 grof 104
beschouwen als 104 doen alsof 104 grondig 34
bestemming 44 doen: aan s p o r t - 49 grote verbazing 29
met betrekking tot 109 {dokters)recept 24 gunstig 79
Woordenlijst Nederlands 119

H kruispunt 44 0
haakjes: tussen twee kwetsbaar 84 omgeving 79
-109 onafhankelijkheid 85
halen: een onvoldoende - L onderdrukker 99
voor 20 landelijk 39 onderhandelen 64
handleiding 69 landbouw 79 ondernemer 65
H B O 20 leeftijdgenoot 12 ondervragen 94
hebben: verkering - 14 lekker: zich niet - onderwijs:
hedendaags 74 voelen 24 voortgezet - 19
heersen 99 levensonderhoud: in je - onderzoeken 94
heilig 9 9 voorzien 89 ongevaarlijk 40
herstellen 25 lezing 19 onterecht 95
het erg vinden 104 lid 49 onthullen 84
hoesten 24 lijk 39 onvermijdelijk 34
hoofdpersoon 74 lijken op 14 onvoldoende halen
houding 29 voor 20
M onwetendheid 59
huisarts 24
meedelen 54 oogst 39
meerderheid 34 op het spel staan 64
in twijfel trekken 55 meerderjarig 14 oppervlak(te) 79
inbraak 94 mensheid 15 opstand 9 9
inhoud 75 met betrekking
opstel 74
informeren naar 45 tot 109 opvallend 84
integendeel 109 met tegenzin 29
opvoeden 14
intussen 109 middel 54
overbrengen: de boodschap
middeleeuws 74
- 54
J miezeren 80
overd rijven 54
jaarlijks 109 minachting 105
overgeven, zich 85
jeugdcriminaliteit 94 minderjarige 15 overhalen 104
ministerie van Buitenland-
overleven 39
K se Zaken 99 overschatten 74
kalmeringsmiddel 24 misselijk 25 overtreding 94
kennis 14 mondeling 54 overwegen (om) 104
kieskeurig 59
kijker 54 N p
klas naar behoren 34 perron 44
(middelbare school) 19 naar: informeren - 44 pinautomaat 65
koopje 64 nadeel 54, 69
plotseling verdwijnen 84
koppig 59 natuur(schoon) 79
presteren 49
kortom 109 natuurkundige 69
prikkelbaar 59
koste: ten - van 79 negeren 29 proces 94
krijgen: een boete - 44 niettemin 109 puber 14
120 Examenidioom Engels VWO

R toegeven 54 verdwijnen
raadplegen 24 toeschouwer 50 (plotseling) 84
rampzalig 84 toeval 84 vereiste 89
(dokters)recept 24 toevallig vergoeding 64
rood; door - rijden 44 tegenkomen 44 verkennen 69
rooster 19 toezicht houden verkering hebben 14
op 69 verkrijgen 89
s toneelstuk 74 verlamd 84
samenvatten 84 tot en met 109 verlichten 44
schadelijk 40 trainingspak 50 veronderstellen 104
schadelijk voor 79 troosten 104 veroordelen 104
scheidsrechter 49 trots 59 verschuldigd zijn 64
slikken 39 trottoir 44 verstandig 59
slordig 59 trouw 14 verstuiken 24
smal 34 tussen twee haakjes 109 vertraging 44
sms'en 54 twijfel: in - trekken 55 vervolgen 95
spel : op het - staan 64 vervuiling 79
spijbelen 19 u verwijzen 54
sport: aan - doen 49 uitbrengen 74 vinden: het e r g - 104
spreekvaardigheid 19 uitbuiten 89 vloeistof 69
stage 89 uitdagend 19 vluchteling 100
stekker 69 uitdaging 49 voetganger 44
sterk afkeuren 104 uitgebreid 34 vonnis 94
stoep 44 uitmaken 14 voorlopig 109
stopcontact 69 uitrusting 49 voorspellen 69
strafmaatregel 99 uitslag 99 voortgezet onderwijs 19
streek: van - 29 uitstoten 79 vooruitzichten 89
streng 34 uitvoeren 69 voorzorgsmaatregel 94
vraag naar 80
T V vraag en aanbod 89
talrijk 34 valsspelen 49 vragen (m.b.t. geld) 64
tegen 110 van streek 29 vrijetijdsbesteding 49
tegenkomen; vanzelfsprekend vrijgezel 14
toevallig - 44 vinden 104 vrijwel 34
tegenspreken 54 vastberaden 59 vrijwillig 49
tegenstander 49 vastbesloten 104 vruchtbaar 39
tegenzin: met - 29 verbetering 69
ten koste van 79 verbouwen 39 w
ten slotte 109 verdacht 29 walgelijk 29
tentoonstelling 74 verdoving 24 wanhopig 30
terecht 34 verdraagzaam 59 weinig (+ enkelvoud) 34
toegangsprijs 49 verdrag 99 weinig (+ meervoud) 34
Woordenlijst Nederlands 121

werknemer 89 zelden 109 zuinig 69

woede 30 zelfstandige 89 zwaartekracht 69
worden (+ leeftijd) 14 zich niet lekker
voelen 24
z ziektekostenverzekering 24
zakenrelatie 14 zintuig 39
zakken: in elkaar - 24 zonne-energie 69

............................. ............................. ..........................

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