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Linux is used by a diverse range of individuals, organizations, and entities.

Some of the most

famous and notable Linux users include:

1. Google: Google uses a customized version of Linux for many of its operations,
including running its massive search engine and various other services. The Android
operating system, which powers a significant portion of smartphones and tablets, is
also based on the Linux kernel.

2. Amazon: Amazon's cloud computing platform, Amazon Web Services (AWS), heavily
relies on Linux for its underlying infrastructure.

3. Facebook: Facebook utilizes Linux in its data centers and for its infrastructure needs.
The company has also been involved in open-source projects related to Linux.

4. NASA: NASA uses Linux in various projects and supercomputers, including some used
for space research and exploration.

5. Netflix: Netflix employs Linux to support its streaming services. The company has
also contributed to various open-source projects related to Linux.

6. IBM: IBM is a significant player in the Linux community and has contributed to the
development of the Linux kernel. They have also used Linux in their mainframe

7. Twitter: Twitter uses Linux for its infrastructure and services. The company has also
been involved in open-source projects associated with Linux.

8. Tesla: Tesla's electric cars use a Linux-based operating system for their onboard
infotainment systems and other functionalities.

9. SpaceX: Elon Musk's aerospace company SpaceX uses Linux in various aspects of its
operations, including some of its spacecraft.

10. Wikimedia Foundation: Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects are hosted on
servers running Linux.

11. Red Hat: As a major Linux distribution provider, Red Hat has a large customer base,
including many corporations and organizations that rely on Linux for their
infrastructure needs.

12. Government Agencies: Many government agencies around the world use Linux for
various purposes, such as running servers, conducting research, and ensuring

13. Educational Institutions: Numerous universities and research institutions use Linux
for their computing and research needs.
14. Automotive Industry: Linux is increasingly being used in modern vehicles for various
systems, including infotainment and navigation.

15. Supercomputers: A significant portion of the world's fastest supercomputers run on

Linux due to its performance and scalability.

These are just a few examples of the many organizations and industries that use Linux. The
flexibility, reliability, and open-source nature of Linux make it a preferred choice for a wide
range of applications across different sectors.


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