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Course book: Solutions (3rd Edition)

Lesson: Unit 1: FEELINGS
Section C: Listening - PROBLEMS, PROBLEMS! (P.11)
I. Description of class:
● English level: Pre – intermediate
● Number of students:
● Characteristics: Some students are often tired while others are active and
● Teaching period: 45 minutes
II. Aims and Objectives:


The lesson aims to present and provide students with the practice of listening for gist technique in
listening comprehension.


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

⁻ Demonstrate use of listening for gist technique;

⁻ Understand and apply the appropriate structure to address problems and propose advice.
III. Duration: 45 minutes

IV. Approaches and teaching aids:

- Approaches: Communicative language teaching.

- Teaching aids: textbook, projector, speaker, microphone, screen, computer.

V. Anticipated problems:

- Some students may not follow the recording. (Teacher should play the long recording
- Students may not know how to pronounce some words. (Teacher should give help.)

- Students may be tired and unwilling to participate. (Teacher has to arouse students’

VI. Procedures:

Activities/Aid Interaction Procedure Time


The teacher (T) shows the picture to students

(SS) and says: “I borrowed this camera from
T→C my friend and I broke it. What should I do?”

T asks SS to work in groups (4 or 5 SS per

group) to brainstorm as many pieces of
advice for the problems as possible in 2
S↔ S

NOTE: If SS do not have enough ideas for

the advice, T can give SS some cues by
asking questions (e.g. Should I tell my friend
the truth? Should I buy my friend a new one
and say nothing? or Should I say that
someone else broke it?)

T→C T asks some groups to present their advice

and give feedback to them
II. PRE- 8’
T→ C
Step 1: Eliciting ideas
T asks:
-What are some common problems that you
have? (study, family, friends…)
- Who would you ask for advice if you had
one of these problems? (family members,
friends, radio program…..)
- Do you always follow the advice that you
get? Why/Why not?
=> Remind student that “advice” is an
uncountable noun in English - it can’t be
used in the plural

Step 2: Pairwork
SS work in pairs and discuss which
structures to use when:
- asking for advice
- giving advice

T→ C
Step 3: Feedback and eliciting structures:
T gives feedback on SS’ answers and
provides structure for asking and giving
● asking for advice
- Can I ask your advice about
- What do you think I should do?
- What should I do?
- What do you suggest?

● giving advice:
- If I were you I would/wouldn’t….
- If I were in your shoes/position I
- You had better/ you’d better…..
- You should…/ I think you should..
- Your only option is to….
- Why don’t you….?
- Have you thought about….?
- Have you tried…?
Exercise 3: 5’
- T tells SS to read the Listening Strategy
T→C and three summaries of a dialogue in page
11, students’ book in 2
T→C - T tells SS to underline the key words they
should listen out for.
- T has SS to listen to a dialogue between
Zak and Tom and choose the correct
T→C summary. (page 11, students’ book)
- Teacher checks the answer as a class.
(Plays the recording again if necessary)
Key: b
Exercise 4:
- T asks SS to take a quick look on Learn
this! box. (page 11, students’ book)
- T tells SS to work in pairs and decide what
Zak should or should not do with some
S←→S - In pairs, SS have to negotiate to come up
with a share of what Zak should or should
not do with some reasons.
T → SS - T randomly invites one S to share his / her
pair’s idea, then he / she can invite another S
SS → SS from other pairs.
T→C - T gives comments for pair work and
pronunciation (if yes.)
Key: Answers may vary.

T→C 10’
Exercise 5:

T→C - T has SS to listen to four dialogues (twice)

and match the dialogues (A-D) with the
given sentences in page 11, students’ book.

SS ← → - T reminds SS that they do not have to

SS T → SS understand every word, but to listen for

general meaning.
- SS work in groups of four to compare and
discuss their answers.
- T asks some SS from different groups to
give their answers.
- T plays the recording again to check
T→C answers as a class.
Key: A2 - B4 - C1 - D5

Exercise 6:
- T has SS listen to the recording (dialogue
B, C, and D) (once) and complete the
collocation (1 - 8) with the verbs: give, have,
T→ make, take, tell, tell. (The collocation in page
11, students’ book)
- T conducts the correction by having SS say
the answers and write the collocations on the
→C - T plays the recording again to check the
answers as a class.
Dialogue B:
3. take offence
4. give somebody a call
Dialogue C:
5. tell the truth
6. have a word (with somebody)
Dialogue D:
7. make an excuse
8. tell a lie

T→C - T has SS to remember these collocations

(plus two collocations in dialogue A, page
11, students’ book) in one minute.
- After one minute, T tells SS to work in
T→C pairs to list all of the collocations that they
SS ← → SS In pairs, SS make their lists as fast as
possible. Which pair can list all of 10
collocations first will be the winner and will
receive 1 bonus point from T.
IV. POST- 7’
T lets SS think of their problems and ask them to
share their problems with their classmates.
(structure “I (don’t)think you should…” is

S→ C Invite 2 or 3 SS to stand up and talk about their

problems. Invite a student from the audience to
suggest a solution for each problem.

T→ C
Give feedback on the practice of students
(regarding pronunciation, intonation, structure
use and content).


● Summarize the lesson

● Raise question to revise
● Assign home-work
● Ask students the prepare the next lesson

VII. Consolidation:

T ask questions to helps SS review:

- understanding people talking about personal problems

- giving advice using some structures (e.g. I think/don’t think you should…)

- some collocations (e.g. make a plan, take a break, tell the truth, etc.)

VIII. Summary and homework:

Homework: Workbook page 10

X. T eacher’s after cla ss ref lect ion :




XI. Reference:

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