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Title Case

Lisa Nurhasanah

English Language Education, IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia

21st century learning demands a process of activity active. Active learning in the 21st
century is also known to have a very close relationship with the use of technology. Technology is
used as a medium of learning in the 21st century. Through technology, learning can be done
using many sources, not only from books or teachers that students already have. One of the
newest technologies that has been proven to have a good effect on the educational process is
artificial intelligence technology. Quoting Rich and Knight's quote in Amrizal and Aini (2013)
Artificial intelligence is a technology which can design computers to do things that are usually
done by humans (Trisna et al., 2020). Then when viewed from an educational perspective,
according to (Groff, 2017) artificial intelligence is known to have a significant effect on the
student learning process, this has been revealed in several studies (Trisna et al., 2020). However,
not all places can apply artificial intelligence in learning, in some places artificial intelligence is
something new but it is worth trying its usefulness. The use of Artificial Intelligence in education
is one of the characteristics of the Industrial era Revolution 4.0 which is characterized by
automation and data exchange where people search, quote, analyze data/information, access
cloud services via the internet (Prastiwi & Pujiawati, 2019).

Due to the need for English as a universal language, its use has become increasingly
important, especially in countries where English can become a second language. Therefore, it is
necessary to improve the school room environment and develop learners in a simulated language
environment (Dewi et al., 2021). With the rapid development of artificial intelligence and its
wide application in learning and life, the application of artificial intelligence in teaching English
not only directly influences the development of artificial intelligence in modern information
education, but also has a significant influence, namely it has an impact on the distribution of
educational information in society (Zhu, 2017). As a new type of intelligent technology, the
development of artificial intelligence is very rapid. Artificial intelligence simulates people's work
and living environment by using computer systems for appropriate programming, with a view to
completing intelligent, automated system operation. The process of producing and implementing
artificial intelligence comprises many other disciplines, among which computer network
technology is the most important. In a sense, the development of computer network technology is
based on artificial intelligence technology. In addition, in artificial intelligence, cooperation
ability is indispensable, through the effective integration of resources between different users,
information and resources can be exchanged.


English pronunciation has become an important part of learning English. By mastering

good pronunciation, one can feel confident in using English. Using the right media and teaching
methods can help students to be able to pronounce words in English correctly. In terms of
practicing the pronunciation of vocabulary in English, there is an application that named
“HELLO ENGLISH" which can be downloaded through the Google Play Store for Android-
based devices and the App Store for iOS-based devices. HELLO ENGLISH is an application for
learning English that applies artificial intelligence and speech recognition. This application has
nearly 500 interactive audio and video lessons as well as entertaining practice games for reading,
writing and speaking. The app's dictionary also has over 10,000 English words (Utari et al.,

There are four main features in the Hello English application (Utari et al., 2020):
In addition, the Hello English application has features global and local rankings that sort
students based on the coins they have. Coins are obtained every time you do learning. So the
more coins you have, the higher the ranking. This can make users even more enthusiastic about
learning English. In this helpline feature, the Hello English application usually provides several
quizzes where we are usually asked the meaning of the phrasal verb being asked. Users can also
ask for problems they are facing and will be answered no later than 24 hours (Liana et al., 2018).


The weaknesses of this application is that there is very, very clear material explanation
information, which can be in the form of meaning or general mistakes in the use of sentences.
Then every number of vocabulary that the user has learned will be stored in my vocabulary
dictionary, so the user can know how many new vocabulary words have been learned. There is
also a general dictionary of vocabulary from a to z (Utari et al., 2020).

The strengths of this application is that the speaker's voice is really like Google translate, so it's
just not fun when practicing conversations because it seems stiff.


Dewi, H. K., Wardani, T. I., Rahim, N. A., Putri, R. E., & ... (2021). the Use of Ai (Artificial
Intelligence) in English Learning Among University Student: Case Study in English
Department, Universitas …. Ml.
Liana, R. M. Y., Wahyudin, D., & Hanoum, R. N. (2018). Pengaruh Penggunaan Aplikasi “Hello
English” Berbasis Smartphone Android terhadap Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada
mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SMP (Kuasi Eksperimen pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa
Inggris Siswa Kelas VII di SMP Negeri 1 Kadipaten). Edutcehnologia, 2(2), 122–128.
Prastiwi, C. H. W., & Pujiawati, N. (2019). Penggabungan Artificial Intelligence dan Kecerdasan
Alami dalam Pembelajaran Keterampilan Menulis Bahasa Inggris. Prosiding Seminar
Nasional Pascasarjana (PROSNAMPAS), 1–7.
Trisna, P., Permana, H., Luh, N., Ning, P., Astawa, S. P., & Kunci, K. (2020). Artificial
Intelligence dalam Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. JIIP-Jurnal Ilmiah
Ilmu Pendidikan, 3(3), 687–692.
Utari, M., Sadani, N. P. W. P., Indayani, N. P., Susanto, P. C., & Agustia, K. T. S. (2020).
Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Hello English Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Pada Kelas
Pronunciation. Siniesa, November, 89–92.
Zhu, D. (2017). Analysis of the Application of Artificial Intelligence in College English
Teaching. Changchun Institute of Technology, China, 134(Caai), 235–237.

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