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The Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Language Teaching Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the development of computer systems that can
perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as understanding language,
recognizing patterns, and making decisions. The idea behind AI is to build machines with
human-like abilities to learn from experience, process data, and continuously improve their
performance. Nowadays, AI is applied in various areas, such as speech recognition, image
processing, self-driving cars, and language translation. The aim of AI research is to create
systems that can carry out tasks in a way that resembles human capabilities, doing so accurately
and efficiently. According to (Wang, 2019), artificial intelligence can be considered a subset of
human intelligence, just as media expands the capabilities of the human body. As an advanced
technology, AI has provided many advances in health services, transportation, entertainment
and education. In simple terms, AI tries to imitate human intelligence through computers. The
rapid development of AI in recent years has changed many aspects of our lives, especially in
tasks involving education. Specifically in education, AI-driven tools and platforms are
commonly used to offer personalized learning experiences and immediate feedback to students.
This can assist students in learning more efficiently and at their own speed, especially in
language learning.
AI's role in language learning has gained popularity due to its efficiency and
convenience. With smart devices and widespread internet access, individuals can easily explore
diverse methods for language acquisition. AI language learning tools streamline the process,
saving time by handling specific tasks and providing personalized learning experiences tailored
to individual needs and progress. The market boasts various AI language learning tools, each
with unique features, including well-known examples like Duolingo, Elsa Speak, and Google
Translate. These tools are utilized globally by individuals and businesses seeking to enhance
language skills for academic, professional, or recreational purposes. Over the years, AI
language learning tools have evolved significantly, improving both effectiveness and user-
friendliness. Virtual reality and augmented technologies now enable interactive and immersive
learning experiences. Despite these advances, the use of AI in language learning comes with
both advantages and disadvantages, as highlighted by (Kannan & Munday, 2018). One
drawback is the potential reduction in human interaction, while another challenge lies in
replicating cultural and contextual nuances accurately. Nonetheless, the widespread adoption
of AI in language learning reflects its growing impact and relevance in modern educational
The rapid advancement of technology, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence
(AI), has brought about significant changes in various domains, including education. English
language teaching and learning, as a crucial aspect of global communication, has also witnessed
the integration of AI technologies. This essay aims to analyze the impact of AI on English
language teaching and learning. The use of AI in education, especially in language learning,
has several positive impacts in its use. The first, personalized learning. Personalized learning
refers to an educational approach that tailors the learning experience to meet each student's
individual needs, preferences, and progress. Personalized learning is like lessons that are
arranged specifically for each person, rather than using the same rules for everyone. For
example, in language learning, a system supported by artificial intelligence can change the
lesson according to each person's abilities, learning style and speed. So, AI can see how
students learn, look for their strengths and weaknesses, and then adjust the lessons to suit them.
The idea is to make learning more exciting, effective and fast for every student.
According to (Han, 2019), AI has revolutionized autonomous English learning by
offering a personalized and adaptive learning experience, facilitating the practice of speaking
and listening skills, increasing accessibility, and providing valuable feedback. Learning
systems that use artificial intelligence give students the power to control how they learn English
and develop their own skills. With the support of AI platforms and applications, student
performance data is analyzed to provide future learning recommendations. Additionally,
students get immediate feedback on their pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. Through
interactive activities, students can engage with learning material in an innovative way. The goal
is to make language learning more efficient, engaging and accessible to students in various
parts of the world.
The second is real-time feedback. Real-time feedback in the context of English
language teaching and learning is feedback given directly to students regarding their English
language skills. This is in accordance with the statement (Porter & Grippa, 2020), AI can
provide immediate feedback to students, helping them identify areas of improvement and
progress in their language learning journey. This can help students improve their English skills
effectively and efficiently. The third is cost effective alternative. With recent advances in
machine learning and big data technology, artificial intelligence (AI) powered applications
have become available for education (Yu & Canton, n.d.). Various educational programs
operated by AI are welcomed by schools and colleges and learning entities looking for a cost-
effective alternative to human resources or as an implementation for learning. So, in the context
of teaching and learning English, AI can serve as a cost-effective alternative by providing
affordable or free language learning tools, such as language learning software, online courses,
and individual language tutoring, which can be more economical than traditional language
learning programs or in-person classes. This allows students to access quality language
education at a lower cost, making it a cost-effective alternative to conventional methods. The
last is enhanced learning outcomes. AI-based technology can also support the development of
students' language skills. Such as speaking and listening skills. Based statement from (Ayala-
Pazmiño & Alvarado-Lucas, 2023), speech recognition technology can provide immediate
feedback on pronunciation and intonation, allowing students to practice and improve their
speaking skills. For example, Li et al. (2018) found that the use of AI-based speaking and
listening practice tools significantly improved students' speaking and listening skills. Based on
(Dewi et al., 2021) stated that AI's function in learning can have an impact on a human's
language quality. Students can benefit from the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the form of
apps, websites, and other tools to help them interpret difficult words, construct a sentence,
improve their writing and listening abilities, and learn other language skills.
Although there are many positive impacts resulting from the use of AI in learning.
However, there are several challenges related to using AI in the learning process. The first
challenge is bias in AI. The potential for bias in AI-powered platforms and applications (Rukiati
et al., n.d.). AI platforms and applications rely on algorithms and data to make decisions, which
can be influenced by human biases. Whether the data employed to teach AI applications or
platforms is not diverse or inclusive, it can lead to biased outcomes that reinforce existing
inequalities. Bias in the context of AI refer to the inherent biases present in AI algorithms due
to the historical data on which they were developed. These biases can lead to limitations and
potential negative impacts of AI in teaching and learning English. For example, AI language
models may perpetuate biases related to gender, race, or regional dialects, leading to real-life
problems such as unfair treatment in job screening or language recognition systems that do not
work well with certain dialects. It is important for educators to be aware of these biases and
limitations and to take steps to mitigate them when using AI in the classroom.
Second, privacy concerns. The use of AI in language learning may raise privacy
concerns, as AI tools need to analyze large amounts of data to provide personalized feedback.
Privacy is another potential threat to consider (Rukiati et al., n.d.). When AI collects data about
student behavior and interactions with platforms or apps, there is a risk that this data could be
misused or shared without permission. According to research by (Lesia Viktorivna et al., 2022)
most of the respondents believe that cyber-attacks are to happen to their personalized accounts
in the future. It is the risk of losing personal information. It is important to ensure that privacy
protections are implemented to prevent these risks. The third are lack of infrastructure and
teacher training. Another challenge is the lack of infrastructure to support AI-based technology
in schools. Many schools in developing countries, such as Indonesia, do not yet have internet
access or the hardware needed to support AI-based technology in some remote areas.
Additionally, teacher training on how to effectively integrate AI into the classroom is lacking.
Based on human-computer interaction, human-computer collaboration emphasizes that
teachers must always be at the center of attention and understand the teaching process from a
macro perspective; Human-computer integration emphasizes two-way closed-loop systems
formed by the interaction of humans, machines, and the environment (Sun, 2023). Therefore,
teachers need to understand how AI works and how data is processed to identify and be aware
of potential biases and errors, in order to manage at a macro level. Teachers must be equipped
with the necessary skills and knowledge to integrate AI-based technologies into their teaching
practices. There is a need for ongoing professional development opportunities to ensure
teachers stay up to date with the latest developments in AI-based education.
In conclusion, the integration of AI in English language teaching and learning offers
promising advantages such as personalized learning, real-time feedback, cost-effectiveness,
and enhanced language skills. However, challenges like bias in AI, privacy concerns, and the
lack of infrastructure and teacher training need careful consideration. Striking a balance
between harnessing the benefits of AI and addressing its limitations is crucial for creating an
inclusive and effective educational environment. As technology continues to advance, a
mindful approach to AI implementation can contribute to a more accessible and equitable
language learning experience for students worldwide.
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