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According to (Chassignol et al. 2018), artificial intelligence (AI) is a theoretical

framework that directs the creation and application of computer systems with human-

like abilities, particularly intelligence and the capacity to carry out tasks requiring human

intelligence, such as speech recognition, visual perception, language translation, and

decision-making. It is a field of study resulting from innovations that have culminated in

computers, machines, and other artifacts. It can also be defined as a bot having human-

like intelligence that is characterized by cognitive abilities, learning and adaptability, and

decision-making capabilities. Similar observations are also made by Chen et al. (2020)

who defined artificial intelligence as the ability of computers and machines to mimic

human cognition and actions, resulting it to be popular among the students. R ecent

studies have shown that artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics could have a significant long-term

impact on education both negative and positive. The extent of this impact is difficult to grasp, partly

because the literature has been neglected as well as because the meaning of the concepts is changin.

Indeed, Rus et al.(2013), summing up the effect of AI on learning observed that ITS

fosters deep learning because working with the conversational agents that form an

integral part of the system, will probe and prod students until the students are able to

adequately explain themselves in detail, including the reasoning behind their position,

thereby improving the uptake and retention of information. Artificial intelligence can be a

benefit and a harm to the students, learning through artificial intelligence can help the

learners to be more detailed and understanding throughout their learning. Although It

might affect their way of learning, and rely more on the artificial intelligence instead of

using their own knowledge.

Artificial intelligence has been introduced in education worldwide, particularly in

developing countries. It is also popular with the students, in terms of answering

schoolworks and engaging in daily school activity. Hwang et al. (2020) proposed that AI

systems can assume one of four roles in education: an intelligent tutor, intelligent tutee,

intelligent learning tool, and advisor to policymakers. Intelligence systems have various

forms which are said to be helpful to the students. Although AI has these types of

capabilities, these are also the main reasons why students tend to rely more on AI.

Academic engagement is important among the students because it involves grades and

experience. Other researchers have studied how innovative instructional practices

impact student engagement in technology-mediated experiences (e.g., Chen et al.,

2010, Rus et al., 2013, Chassignol et al.,2018). Nevertheless, Holmes et al., (2021)

stated that the impact of AI on education remains unclear. AI is an efficient tool although

it does not mean that it is always beneficial to the students.

Lack of connection between AI technologies and tools and their use, AI may be

easy to use, however a lot of people are still confused on how to use it properly. If

keeping up with the trends today is necessary, learning about AI tools and technologies

is also vital. A lack of familiarity with the technologies makes it challenging to introduce

or integrate them into schools and universities (Hussin, 2018). Being familiar with them

means knowing how to properly use them, and adressing their possible impacts. Lack of

discipline and excessive use of AI, using AI also involves discipline. Students often or

always used AI which can lead to crime, such as plagiarism. Generative AI tools such

as GPT-3, ChatGPT and so on, learn from massive amounts of web data. These tools

generate the probability of producing meaningful content. In doing that, these generative
AI tools may repeat content on the Web word-for-word without any attribution, students

often copy contents from AI tools, which means plagiarizing the work of others. For

example, that one issue in facebook, where another student plagiarized other students’

valedictory speech. Although some people might not find that a big deal, but for others it

is still considered as a crime, it is the same case as copying ang pasting the generated

content that is made by this AI tools, in short relying too much on AI tools will not teach

the students to work hard and be dependent to the people around them.

The purpose of this study is to understand how AI affects the student’s academic

engagement whether it is positive or negative, and having to look at the different

perspective of the students on how they apply AI on their academic life. Nowadays, AI

has been applied to various domains, such as visual and voice recognition, decision-

making, and natural language processing and translation between languages, in

multiple forms, such as computer programs, applications, embedded control systems in

equipment, or robots (Hwang et al., 2020). In these days students are sorrounded by

different machines and technologies involving AI, we cannot refrain them from using it.

So instead, the researchers had conducted this study to discuss how AI would affect

them if not used properly. There is no doubt that AI including technologies are getting

more advanced as the years passed, and apparently its popularity is also growing

bigger. AI had also created a new era of education involving computer-supported

education. However, AI is one of the unresolved issues revolving around the student’s

academic development, they prefer to rely on AI tools instead of their knowledge.

“Shortcut” is a word prefering to these AI tools, however, what are the possible impacts
if students will keep on relying in AI, does it affect their academic engagement, or their

success soon?
Chen, L., Chen, P., & Lin, Z. (2020). Artificial Intelligence in Education: a
review. IEEE Access, 8, 75264–75278.
Chassignol, M., Хорошавин, А. В., Klímová, A., & Bilyatdinova, A. (2018).
Artificial Intelligence trends in education: a narrative overview. Procedia Computer
Science, 136, 16–24.
Rus, V., D’Mello, S. K., Hu, X., & Graesser, A. C. (2013). Recent advances in
conversational intelligent tutoring systems. ˜the œAI Magazine/AI Magazine, 34(3),
Hwang, G., Xie, H., Wah, B. W., & Gašević, D. (2020). Vision, challenges, roles
and research issues of Artificial Intelligence in Education. Computers and Education.
Artificial Intelligence, 1, 100001.

Hwang, G., Xie, H., Wah, B. W., & Gašević, D. (2020). Vision, challenges, roles and
research issues of Artificial Intelligence in Education. Computers and Education.
Artificial Intelligence, 1, 100001.

Hussin, A. A. (2018). Education 4.0 made Simple: Ideas for teaching. International
Journal of Education and Literacy Studies (Online), 6(3), 92.

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