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31st October 2022 thirty first Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

3. You take away the sins of the world,

Entrance – PRAISE TO THE LORD Have mercy receive our prayer.
1. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, You are seated at the right hand of the Father,
The King of creation! Have mercy Lord Jesus Christ.
O my soul, praise him,
For he is your health and salvation. 4. You alone are holy, you alone are Lord,
All yea who hear, You alone are most high.
Now to his altar draw near, Glory to the Father, glory to the Son
Join in profound adoration. To the Spirit now and ever more.

2. Praise to the Lord, who o’er all things Gospel – – WONDERFUL AND GREAT
So wondrously reigneth; 1. Wonderful and great are your works,
Shelters thee under his wings yea, O Lord God Almighty.
So gently sustaineth. Alleluia Alleluia (2)
Has thou, not seen,
How thy desires e’er have been, 2. Just and true are your ways,
Granted in what he ordaineth. O King of all nations.
3. Praise to the Lord, who doth prosper 3. Who shall not revere you,O Lord,
Thy work and defend thee; Who shall not give glory to your name!
Surely his goodness and mercy You alone are Holy.
Here daily attend thee.
Ponder anew,
What the Almighty can do, Offertory – NINZA KUHEREZA MUKAMA
If with his love he be friend thee. Ninza huhereza Mukama-a ahabw’amaani ga
Mutima Orikwera ngume muhimbise.
4. Praise to the Lord, let us offer 1. Abahereza Mukama n’ababangira,
Our gift at his altar; Kandi abamwesiga taribahemukaho.
Let not our sins and transgressions
Now cause us to falter. 2. Ndyamuhereza Mukama ngume muhimbise,
Christ the High Priest, Murangaane hoona hoona ebiro byoona.
Bids us all join in his feast,
Victims with him at the altar. 3. Omu bworo n’obucene …..Ngume mehereze,
Omu ndwaara n’okukaba.Ngume muhimbise,
Kyrie – BWANA EWE BWANA Omubari kunyanga………Ngume mehereze
N’omubari kumpiiga …….Ngume muhimbise
Gloria: - GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST! Mutima gwangye mpwera.Ngume mehereze
We praise you, we adore you, Ngume heihi na Yezu ……Ngume muhimbise
We glorify, we give you thanks. Bwera ye ngitaahe………..Ngume mehereze
1. And on earth peace to men, Ebiro byoona mwiine……..Ngume muhimbise
Peace to men who are God’s friends.
4. Omu bantu abaarazire ndyazayo mbataaruure,
God Almighty Father heavenly King, Mbarete mbegyese nabo bakuheereze
We praise you and we bless you.
2. We adore you, we glorify you, Sanctus – MWAMUFU
We give you thanks for your great glory. Mwamufu x2 Musengwa Kibumba owamagye
Munsieno nimuwaikendhi, ekitisa kyo kyabuna
Lord Jesus only son of the Father,
Lord, Lamb of God Jesus Christ. Hosanna x2 Ewa Baba muwaikendhi

I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God.

31st October 2022 thirty first Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

Hosanna muwaikendi Hosanna Ka nkunywane mpumuza nsi.

Aidah mu lina lya Baba
5. Ka nkukunde mbe murungi;
Musengwa atenderezebwe x2
Niiwe ndeetsi y’obuhweezi.
Agnus – MWANA KONDO –Holy Family
6. Mpwera Yezu onyehereeze;
Communion: - MIREMBE OMUKAMA Mbe omutungwa otaine rwanju.

1. Mirembe Omukama ayi Yezu omwagalwa REEKA NKUSIIME

Siyinza kwogera leero nkusinze ntya Reeka nkusiime, mujuni kandi omugabe,
Mujje mwe Bamalayika nammwe bannaggulu Reeka nkuhimbise; Mukama wangaburira x2
Tusinzize wamu Nyini butukuvu. 1. Naaba nyine enjara, neiriho nashobeirwe,
kunarya aha mubirigwe buzima nakira
2. Ayi Yezu nkwebaza ku lw’okunkyalira
Leero nkweyanze ntya nga bwe kisaanira 2. Owaija oyetegwirire, haza akakweha mujuni;
Essanyu limbugaanye nnyo kwakurya akwiguta aa, ahurira yaruhuka
Onyambye weebale wamma ggwe onsaasidde.
3. Owaija neiriho, yashanga eiziba ryafukwirwe,
3. Nkusanyuse na ki? Laba bwendi bwendi Omukusyora omuhumuriza akkuka
Ebyange ze nsobi nsale magezi ki? yeigutsibwe
Maanyi neefule omuddu wo ka nngende
busenze bwo 4. Emitiima aa mujuni wagyeza yaananuka,
Bwentyo nkwewongere nga bwe bw’onnewadde. Reeka tukwebaze, nengoga tukuhimbase
4. Nnyweza n’eneeena yo nkwate ebiragiro
Gumya Ekleziya wo okkume abaana bo 5. Engoma nakacenkye kubinihizibwa aa, Enanga
Aboononyi bakomyewo gy’oli mu tabernakulo nomukuri hamwe biba ebyokusima
Tuwe emirembe gyo mu ssakramentu lyo.
6. Abantu baawe mujuni baakurya bakuhaaga,
5. Ayi mmanu entukuvu, mugaati gw’eggulu, Baija kukwebaza mbabo nibakusiima
Tuwe obunyiikivu n’ensa mu mirimu
Ggwe ntanda y’abatambula ggwe ndasi
y’abazirika Recession – NTAMBULA NE YEZU
Ggwe ddala ettukuvu tulinnyise eggulu. Ekidd;
Ntambula ne Yezu mu kkubo ly,abalungi
Post Comm: NYAMUHANGA NTUURE NAIWE effunda.(Kubanga)
1. Eri eizooba nashemererwa; Nyamuhanga Mwoyo w,amaanyi asula munze anyamba
ntuure naiwe (Bwentyo) x2
Reeba Yezu waangaburira.
1. Bwe nnali nzaaye yankimayo nandeeta ndi
Ntuure naiwe x2 Nyamuhanga ntuure naiwe x2 wuwe,
Wamma mpulira ndi muggya ampanirira
2. Bambe naija naayesiima; mulina.
N’ogwo mwitsi waamuhemura.
2. Bwonna obulamu n’obuwayo yabunsaba ndi
3. Kankusiime wanduhuura; wuwe,
Nakuboine naahabuuka. Byonna ebyange biri mu ye y,alamula nnyini
4. Yaimwe Yezu ntunga bantu;

I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God.

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