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*As soon as I get up in the morning, I jog to the gym.

After finishing my training, I take my

classes. After taking my classes, I run to my office and work late.
*I’ve been at night person from the momento i started work and at night normally i play
soccer, I train daily and when I do it clears my head. When I play soccer I don't think about
anything other than winning and scoring a goal. Later I feel relaxed and ready to rest.

Have you ever thought of the doctor / telling someone that you need a litlle help
It might not be a bad idea to
The way I see it, you uhgt to talk him / her ….

*Before i go to sleep, i like to watch movies wit my girlfriend

*As soon as I drink that first monster, i’m ready for the day
*The last time i Drank too much monster, I was jittery all day
*I like to watch TV as I’m eating dinner

*I sometimes lie awake at night, even if I’m really tired

*I wake up early only if I have somewhere to be in the morning
*I’m lucky I can get by on six hours of sleep, considering that most people need eight

*I am a person who can manage my dreams, but the strangest dream I have had is when I
saw my grandfather in the form of a shadow and I was saying goodbye to him, when I woke
up I was agitated and sweaty, the next day they told me that my grandfather had dead

*Now that I've started managing my company's social media and posts, I have to go to bed
*Provived that I make my designs for my company, the weekends are free

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