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It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an

early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach
good behaviour to children?

In this innovative society, many people claim that children should be able to
differentiate between right and wrong, and punishment is vital to encourage them
to help them distinction.Hence,this has been a ongoing notion for many
generations. In my perspective, I agree with this statement since it is the
responsibility of parents and teachers to steer youngsters in the proper direction.
Parents, on the other hand, should not hit their children and should instead employ
alternative forms of discipline.

To show youngsters the proper way, it is critical to utilize punishment as one of the
learning strategies. This is because children will grow spoiled if they are allowed
to do anything they want and are not punished when they make errors. As a result,
parents and instructors should employ this method to teach vital lessons and morals
to their children. For example, a recent study conducted by Oxford University
discovered that adults who were properly disciplined as children are more
dependable and ethical than their peers, owing to the fact that people's character is
mostly formed during infancy.

In the current society, physical punishment should be avoided. This indicates that
parents and instructors should constantly be cautious about how they discipline
their children, because certain forms of punishment that do not entail hitting the
children are beneficial. Parents, for example, might deprive a child of a beloved
item or prohibit them from watching television. There are several more beneficial
ways of punishing people. In Japan, for example, when youngsters make a mistake,
they are instructed to plant a tree. These types of punishments are good to both
children and society. After all, the major goal of the punishment is to teach the
youngster a lesson, not to physically harm him.

In conclusion, moderate punishment is necessary for children to gain discipline and

learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Nevertheless, the
punishment must aim at helping children to be better not hurting their physical or
mental health.

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