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Superhero Festival

Superhero Festival is a kids’ festival where they can imagine and be their favorite
superheroes. The festival takes place every year in the whole of Georgia, on July
12th. It starts early in the morning and ends in the evening. During the festival,
kids dress up as their favorite superheroes and compete in a lot of fun activities.
First, when I heard about this festival I thought it was fake. Then I wanted to know
more about this festival and realized it was actually a real thing. I learned how
people prepare for this festival and it is really interesting. To participate in this
festival you need to have a costume but you can’t buy them, that’s the whole idea
of the festival. To get the costume you need to complete different tasks that your
parents give you, so they can sew a costume for you. You need to behave and do
as they say. Once you complete all tasks, they reward you with a costume that
you wanted.
On the day of the festival, the streets become crowded and full of little
superheroes. They compete in a lot of different activities, such as learning more
about their favorite superhero or even watching a movie created about that
superhero. It is really awesome that kids have such a festival where they can use
their imagination to become their favorite superheroes.
At the end of the festival, everyone is happy and feels motivated to do things that
help the world become a better place for everyone.

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