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XX Assignment of Std-2

Session -2020-21
Subject- English Date- 05.10.2020

Rabbit’s Turnip
A.Read the story carefully.

B. Difficult words:-

1. hurried

2. found

3. pawed

4. thought

5. rolled

6. returned

7. surprise

8. trotted

9. snowing

10. enough

11. trudged

12. exclaimed

13. wonder

14. carefully

15. excitement

C. Word meaning:-

1. hopping about- moving around in short jumps with both feet

2. pawed- dug at something with his paws

3. hurried- moved quickly to go somewhere

4. trotted- moved in a way that is faster than walking but slower than running

5. trudged- moved slowly, heavily and with difficulty, here, because of the deep snow

6. exclaimed- said something loudly to show excitement or surprise

7. gift- a nice thing that we give to someone else to thank them

D. Make sentences:-

1. hopping about- The frog is hopping about in the garden.

2. pawed- The dog pawed the ground .

3. hurried- She hurried to her office .

4. trotted- I trotted to my friend’s house to take her English notebook.

E. Answer these questions:-

1. Why did all the animals have to find food?

Ans- All the animals had to find food as it was going to snow.

2. “ But my potato is enough for me.”

a. Who says this line?

Ans- Donkey says this line.

b. What does the speaker do next?

Ans- The speaker trots to Goat’s house and finds that he is not there. So, she leaves the turnip by the door and comes
back home.

c. What does this line tell us about the speaker?

Ans- This line tells us about the speaker that she cares for the other animals and she is helpful too.

3. What did Goat do with the turnip?

Ans- Goat rolled the turnip to Deer's house thinking that she lost this when she passed this way but she was not at
home. So, he left the turnip by the door and went back home.

4. “ But there's no need to keep more than I can eat,” said Deer.

What does this line show about Deer?

Ans- This line shows that Deer is kind and caring.

5. “ Now how has this come back to me!”

a. Who says this?

Ans- Rabbit says this.

b. What has come back to the speaker?

Ans- The turnip has come back to the speaker.

c. What is the speaker feeling here?

Ans- Here, the speaker is surprised.

Note- Students are instructed to do the given assignment in their English notebook neatly.
विशेष कार्य – २०

कक्षा - दस
ू री ( सत्र २०२०-२१ )

पाठ – १०, चल रे मटके टम्मक टूूँ ( कविता )

प्रश्न १ शब्दों के अर्य पढ़कर ललखो l

क. टे क - पकड़कर चलना
ख. तरकीब – उपार्
ग. माल - सामान
घ. तकदीर- नसीब, ककस्मत
ङ. राह – रस्ता, मार्य
च. मोल – खरीदकर
छ. राही – र्ात्री, रास्ते पर चलने िाला
ज. चुपचाप - र्ुमसुम

प्रश्न २ प्रश्नों के उत्तर पढ़कर ललखो l

क. रास्ते में कौन क्र्ा करते र्े ?

उत्तर :- रास्ते में चीते, शेर राही को घेर लेते र्े |

ख. बुढढ़र्ा ने क्र्ा उपार् सोचा ?

उत्तर :- बुढढ़र्ा ने र्ोल मटका मूँर्िाने की सोची l

ग. बुढढ़र्ा ककसमें बैठकर कहाूँ जा रही र्ी ?

उत्तर :- बुढढ़र्ा मटके में बैठकर ससुराल जा रही र्ी l

घ. बुढढ़र्ा कौन - सा र्ाना र्ाते हुए जा रही र्ी ?

उत्तर :- बुढढ़र्ा “ चल रे मटके टम्मक टूूँ ” र्ाना र्ा रही र्ी l

पाठ्र्पुस्तक पष्ृ ठ संख्र्ा ५८ में करो l

प्रश्न ३. सही िाक्र् के सामने (√ ) और र्लत िाक्र् के सामने ( X ) का ननशान लर्ाओ –

क. बुढढ़र्ा मूखय औरत र्ी l [ x ]

ख. बुढढ़र्ा बाज़ार जा रही र्ी l [x ]
र् उसे रास्ते में कुछ जानिर लमले | [ √ ]
घ बुढढ़र्ा मटके में बैठ र्ईl [ √ ]
ङ. िह र्ाती हुई जा रही र्ी l [√ ]

पाठ्र्पुस्तक पष्ृ ठ संख्र्ा ५९ में करो l

प्रश्न ४. अनन
ु ालसक ( ँूँ ) और अनस्
ु िार (ँं ) ध्िनन को पहचानो और सही जर्ह पर ( ँं ) र्ा ( ँूँ )
का चचन्ह लर्ाओ –

पाूँि झंडा पलंर्

अंडा आूँख पतंर्

मुूँह शंख अंर्ूठी

पाठ्र्पुस्तक पष्ृ ठ संख्र्ा ६० में करो –

प्रश्न ५. इन िाक्र्ों को पढ़ो , समझो और शब्दों को सही क्रम में रखकर शुद्ध िाक्र् बनाओ –

क. नततली रही फूल मूँडरा पर है l

उत्तर :- नततली फूल पर मूँडरा रही है l

ख. दीक्षा रही र्ाना र्ा है l

उत्तर :- दीक्षा र्ाना र्ा रही है l

ग. राजा र्ह का है महल l

उत्तर :- र्ह राजा का महल है l

घ. फ़ुटबॉल खेल लड़का रहा है l

उत्तर :- लड़का फ़ुटबॉल खेल रहा है l

ङ उछल रहा है बंदर पेड़ पर l

उत्तर :- बंदर पेड़ पर उछल चल रहा है l

च. सूरज है ननकला पूरब में l

उत्तर :- सरू ज पूरब में ननकला है l

छ. बर्ीचे खखले हैं फूल में l

उत्तर :- बर्ीचे में फूल खखले हैं l

ज. नेहा रही रो है l

उत्तर :- नेहा रो रही है l

झ. ढहमांशु और भाई हैं अंश l

उत्तर :- ढहमांशु और अंश भाई हैं l

ञ. टोकरी फल में पड़े हैं l

उत्तर :- टोकरी में फल पड़े हैं l

पाठ्र्पुस्तक पष्ृ ठ संख्र्ा ६१ में करो l

प्रश्न ६ . तुक लमलाओ , जोड़े बनाओ और ललखो –

माल टे क माल साल

झाूँक महूँर्ा झाूँक फाूँक

एक माूँद एक टे क

चाूँद घेर चाूँद माूँद

लहूँर्ा साल लहूँर्ा महूँर्ा

ऊूँट फाूँक ऊूँट घूूँट

शेर घूूँट शेर घेर

माल माूँर्ना मोल र्ोल

बाूँधना र्ोल बाूँधना माूँर्ना

अभ्र्ास पस्ु स्तका पष्ृ ठ संख्र्ा २२ में करो l

प्रश्न १. नीचे ललखे प्रश्नों के उत्तर ललखो –

( क ) कवि और कविता का नाम ललखो l

उत्तर :- कवि का नाम सोहनलाल द्वििेदी है , तर्ा कविता का नाम चल रे मटके टम्मक टूूँ है l

( ख ) मटका कैसा र्ा ?

उत्तर :- मटका लंबा और र्ोल मटोल र्ा l

प्रश्न २. कविता की पंस्क्तर्ाूँ पूरी करो –

( क ) हुए बहुत ढदन बुढढ़र्ा एक चलती र्ी लाठी को टे क l

( ख ) मर्र राह में चीते, शेर लेते र्े राही को घेर l

( र् ) बुढढ़र्ा र्ाती –जाती र्ूूँ, चल रे मटके टम्मक टूूँ l

प्रश्न ३. पाूँच संज्ञा शब्द ललखो–

लाठी ,मटका , चीता , शेर , बुढढ़र्ा

प्रश्न ४. कविता में से इ (स्ँ) , ई (ँी ) ए ( ँे ) और ओ (ँो ) की मात्रा के दो – दो शब्द

ललखो –

इ ई ए ओ

स्ँ ँी ँे ँो

ढदन राही टे क र्ोल

बुढढ़र्ा तरकीब घेर मटोल

व्र्ाकरण पाठ ९ आओ, करें कुछ काम ( कक्रर्ा )

पररभाषा :- कुछ शब्द काम के करने र्ा होने के बारे में बताते हैं अर्िा काम बताने िाले शब्दों को
कक्रर्ा कहते हैं l

जैसे :- खाना , खेलना, ललखना , पढ़ना , रोना ,हूँ सना आढद l

व्र्ाकरण पुस्तक पष्ृ ठ संख्र्ा ४७ में करो l

(क ) लमलान करो और ललखो |

I भोजन खखलना IV भोजन करना

II पानी बहना v पानी पीना

Ill कपड़े होना vl कपड़े धोना

Iv फूल करना l फूल खखलना

V नदी पीना II नदी बहना

Vl बाररश धोना lll बाररश होना

(ख) सही शब्द चुनकर िाक्र् पूरा करो l

[ धोता उर् खेल बैठा पी ]

1. बच्चे र्ें द से खेल रहे हैं l

2. र्ार् पानी पी रही है l
3. तोता पेड़ पर बैठा है l
4. धोबी कपड़े धोता हैl
5. सरू ज उर् रहा है l
ृ कार्य

१. पाठ - १० कविता र्ाद करो l

२. पाठ्र्पुस्तक पष्ृ ठ संख्र्ा ५९ प्रश्न २ और पष्ृ ठ संख्र्ा ६१ प्रश्न ५ पढो l
३. व्र्ाकरण पुस्तक पष्ृ ठ संख्र्ा ४८ प्रश्न घ पूरा करो l


L- 6

1. Fill in the blanks:-


……2… groups of 3 is ……6.. …3…. groups of 2 is …6…....

2. Complete the repeated addition and the multiplication sentence for each.

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = ………8………….
4 x 2 = ………………8……………

5 + 5 = ………………10……………
2 x 5 = ………………10…………

Sandy wanted to count the total number of sheep, hence he is bringing
them inside the barn. The sheep are coming back in pairs.

2 sheep 2+2=4
1 group of 2 is 2 2 groups of 2 each is 4
We say 2 times 2 is 4 or 2 multiplied by
2 is 4 and write 2 x 2 = 4

➢ ‘X’ is the sign of multiplication.

➢ The answer to the multiplication sum is called the product.
➢ The number to be multiplied is called the multiplicand.
➢ The number by which multiplicand is multiplied is called the multiplier.
3 x 2 = 6 is called a multiplication fact.

3. Complete the following.

Repeated addition Multiplication fact

a) 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10 5x2= 10

b) 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 15 5x3= 15

c) 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20 4x5= 20

4. Fill in the boxes.


3 Bees 3 Bees 6 Bees

So, 2 times 3 =6 or 2 x 3 = 6


1 chair 1 chair 1 chair 3 chairs

So, 3 times 1 = 3 or …3…. x …1….. = 3


3 softies 3 softies 3 softies 9 softies

So, 3 times 3 = 9 or …3….. x …3… = 9

5. Use the number line to find the following.


2x2= 4


2 x 8 = 16

6. Fill in the boxes.

1) 4 x 4 = 16 2) 7 x 6 = 42 3) 3 x 2 = 6

4) 8 x 3 = 24 5) 9 x 6 = 54 6) 5 x 10 = 50

7) 3 x 8 = 24 8) 10 x 9 = 90 9) 8 x 8 = 64

10) 4 x 7 = 28

7. Write and learn table of 11.

11 x 1 = 11
11 x 2 = 22
11 x 3 = 33
11 x 4 = 44
11 x 5 = 55
11 x 6 = 66
11 x 7 = 77
11 x 8 = 88
11 x 9 = 99
11 x 10 = 110

Activity:- show the multiplication on the number line with the help of wool in the
scrap book.

Note – Do the given assignment in the Maths notebook.



Note- Do the following assignment in EVS Course book.(Page no. 74 and 75)

My Country

A) Fill in the blanks.

Vande Mataram Peacock New Delhi Ashoka Chakra

1. The peacock is our national bird.

2. Vande Mataram is our national song.

3. The wheel in the flag is called Ashoka Chakra.

4. New Delhi is the capital of India.

B) Match the following.

Sr. no. A Sr. no. B Ans.

1. Peacock a) National song 5

2. Lotus b) National bird 1

3. Tiger c) National flower 2

4. Jana gana mana d) National anthem 4

5. Vande Mataram e) National animal 3

C) Tick the correct option.

1. New Delhi / Jaipur is the capital of India.

2. Rabindranath Tagore composed our national song / national anthem .

3. White colour in the national flag stands for peace justice.

/ justice

4. We should respect / disrespect our national symbols.

D) Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks.

1. The national animal of India is Tiger. (Lion / Tiger)

2. There are four lions in the national emblem. (Three / four)

3. Our national song was written by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee.

Chatterjee (Bankim

Chandra Chatterjee / Rabindranath Tagore)

4. Our national flag is called Tiranga in Hindi. (Tiranga / Bharat)

Note- Do the following assignment in EVS notebook.

E) Missing letters.

1. N a t i o n a l

2. T i r a n g a

3. C o u n t r y

4. F r e e d o m

5. F e r t i l i t y

6. G r o w t h

7. S t r e n g t h
8. G r a c e

9. P r i d e

10. A n t h e m

F) Answer in one word.

1. What is our national song?

 Vande Mataram.

2. What is our national anthem?

 Jana-gana-mana.

3. Which animal is our national animal?

 Tiger.

4. Which bird is our national bird?

 Peacock.

5. What is the navy blue wheel in the centre of our national emblem called?

 Ashok Chakra.

6. Which flower is our national flower?

 Lotus.

7. Name the capital of India.

 New Delhi.

G) Answer the following questions.

1. Who composed our national anthem?

Ans. Rabindranath Tagore composed our national anthem.

2. What is the meaning of our national emblem?

Ans. Our national emblem stands for world peace and goodwill. It also

spreads the message of ‘Satyameva Jayate’, which means ‘ Truth alone


3. What is our national song?

Ans. Our national song is Vande Mataram.

4. What does green colour stand for in our national flag?

Ans. Green colour stands for fertility, growth and auspiciousness.

5. Where is ‘Satyamev Jayate’ inscribed in our national emblem?

Ans. ‘Satyamev Jayate’ is inscribed at the base of our national emblem.

H) Draw and colour our national flag.

National Flag of India


1. Answer the following questions.

a) Who has created this beautiful world?
Ans. God has created this beautiful world.

b) Are plants useful to us?

Ans. Yes, plants are useful to us.

c) What does a horse teach us?

Ans. A horse teaches us to be loyal, speedy and devoted.

d) Who is known as an early riser?

Ans. A cock is known as an early riser.

e) Who was the favourite horse of Maharana Pratap?

Ans. Chetak was the favourite horse of Maharana Pratap.

f) Who was the king of Mewar?

Ans. Maharana Pratap was the king of Mewar.

2. Choose the correct word and fill in the blanks.

faithful , dolphin , learning , colonies , queue

a) Learning is an unending process.

b) A dog is a faithful animal.
c) The ants always march in a queue and live in colonies.
d) A dolphin can become friendly even with a stranger.
Special Assignment -20
Subject -Computer class -2. Date –05.10.2020

Lesson -5 (Fun With MS Paint)

• Match the following :

1. Painting program a) contains painting tools (2)
2. Ribbon b) Close Paint program (3)
3. Close button c) provides various colours with which to paint/draw (5)
4. Drawing Area d) space for drawing (4)
5. Color Palette e) MS Paint (1)
• Fill up :
1. Paint is an application program.
2. Close button makes you exit paint.
3. Eraser tool allows you to rub off unwanted part of drawing.
4. Press shift key to draw precisely straight lines.
5. Pencil tool helps you draw free – hand .
• Answer these questions :
1. What is MS Paint ?
Answer – MS Paintis an MS Windows program that helps us to draw and
paint .
2. What are the components of the Paint screen ?
Answer – Close button ,Drawing area , Tools and Color Palette are
components of the Paint screen.
Special Assignment – 20
Class -2. Subject- GK. Date -05.10.2020
Unit – 5
Learn the following :
1. Answer these questions :
a) Which is the world’s largest island ?
Answer – Greenland is the world’s largest island.
b) Which is the largest continent in the world ?
Answer – Asia is the largest continent in the world.
c) Which is the smallest continent in the world ?
Answer – Australia is the smallest continent in the
d) Which is the largest desert in the world ?
Answer – Antarctic desert is the largest desert in the
e) Which is the largest ocean in the world ?
Answer – Pacific ocean is the largest ocean in the world .
2. Say the name of the countries where they belong ?
a) Opera House – Australia
b) Eiffel Tower – France
c) Red Square – Russia
d) Leaning Tower of Pisa – Italy
e) Taj Mahal - India




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