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Subject: Mathematics

Grade Level: Grade 6

Objective: Addition of Decimals

Learning across the curriculum:

- Science: Measurement and conversion of units

- Social Studies: Economic transactions involving money

- Technology and Livelihood Education: Budgeting and financial management


- Conduct a brief discussion on the concept of addition and review the addition of
whole numbers.

- Ask students if they have encountered decimals before and if they know how to add


1. Show real-life examples of situations that involve addition of decimals, such as

calculating the total cost of items at a grocery store.

2. Present a word problem that requires adding decimals and ask students to solve it

3. Play a short video clip demonstrating the importance of adding decimals

accurately in financial transactions.


Activity 1: Adding Decimals with Base-10 Blocks

Materials: Base-10 blocks, decimal place value charts


1. Divide the students into pairs.

2. Distribute the base-10 blocks and decimal place value charts to each pair.

3. Ask the pairs to use the base-10 blocks to represent decimals and practice adding

4. Provide specific addition problems for the pairs to solve using the base-10 blocks.


- Accuracy of addition: 5 points

- Correct representation of decimals using base-10 blocks: 3 points

Assessment Questions:

1. What is the sum of 3.2 and 2.5?

2. If you add 1.75 and 0.6, what is the result?

Activity 2: Adding Decimals with Number Lines

Materials: Number lines, markers


1. Give each student a number line and a marker.

2. Instruct the students to mark the starting point of a decimal on the number line and
then move forward to represent addition.

3. Assign addition problems involving decimals for the students to solve using the
number lines.


- Accuracy of addition: 5 points

- Correct representation of decimals on the number line: 3 points

Assessment Questions:

1. On a number line, mark the starting point at 1.2 and add 0.5.

2. If you start at 2.7 on a number line, how far will you move forward if you add 0.3?

Activity 3: Adding Decimals with Algorithms

Materials: Worksheets with addition problems, pencils


1. Provide each student with a worksheet containing addition problems involving


2. Instruct the students to solve the problems using the traditional algorithm for

3. Monitor their progress and provide guidance as needed.


- Accuracy of addition: 5 points

- Correct use of the algorithm: 3 points

Assessment Questions:

1. What is the sum of 0.8 and 0.35?

2. If you add 2.6 and 1.75, what is result?


1. Teach the concept of adding decimals by using concrete examples and visual

2. Demonstrate the step-by-step process of adding decimals using different

methods, such as base-10 blocks, number lines, and algorithms.

1. Provide additional practice problems for students to solve individually or in pairs.

2. Conduct a group activity where students create their own word problems involving
addition of decimals and exchange them with their classmates to solve.


1. Administer a written assessment with a variety of addition problems involving


2. Use observation and questioning during class discussions and activities to assess
students' understanding of the concept.


- Integrate the addition of decimals into real-life scenarios, such as budgeting and
financial planning.

- Encourage students to explore online resources or apps that provide interactive

games or exercises on adding decimals.


Create a poster or infographic that explains the steps for adding decimals. Include
examples and illustrations to support your explanation.

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