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FMF1.5 Hands on shoulders

(F / Y1) Counting in 10s
Line children up. We will count in tens down the line and see
how far we can get. I hope we can count all the way into the
hundreds! Start with the first child in the line who turns to face
the second child, puts both hands (ten fingers) on their shoulders
and says Ten. Then the second child turns to face the third child,
puts both hands on their shoulders and says Twenty. Children
keep turning, placing ten fingers on one another’s shoulders, and
saying the number that is 10 more. Keep going past 100 and even
200, helping children to cross the hundreds.

Can also be used for:
• saying the number 1 more, putting one hand on one shoulder
each time (F)
• saying the number 1 less (F)
• saying the number 10 less, starting at 100 and repeating (F / Y1)


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