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As you may know, British e empire was the most largest empire to exist throughout history.

geographical advantage was there position. Their island was surrounded on all sides by foreign powers.
However, it didn’t help all the time and advantage wasn’t that big. British was strong empire, and at
some point they conquered India, Since 1858 to 1947, more then 315 million people were under British
I’m one of the India leaders, and during this speech I will enlighten you on how, when and who has
taken over our country. British took over us, and since then they were the once who decided what and
how will we do stuff. Our life’s had changed dramatically after they conquered us. Their empire
controlled us for 116 years and made ginormous reforms in our political, social status.
Life before British empire got us, we were strong, independent and economically growing country.
Indians were educated and didn’t have much poverty.
A lot of social legislation came to us. Even though social legislation was a bit benefiting in abolition of
social evils that spreader during that time. If you don’t know, social legislation is basically laws that seek
to promote the common good, mostly by helping and protecting weaker members of society. One of the
reasons British passed some legislations to India is to preserve their commercial and economic interests
and preserving there rule over India. They wanted to make Indian people more educated so they would
get British products. Even though some British considered Asian products better then theirs, they still
did that trick on Indians.

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