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What is hue, saturation and brightness?

Hue is the different shades of primary colours (red, green, yellow, blue etc), saturation is how
vibrant the colours are (such as cool and warm colours) and brightness is how light of dark a
colour is.
What ways can colour evoke emotion in a film or music video?
Colour sets the overall tone or mood of the production, meaning we associate colours with
feelings, suggesting that the colour displayed within a production generally has a meaning. For
example, the recurring colour blue in a scene could be linked to sadness or isolation, allowing
the audience to feel sympathy for the character or characters involved. Whereas, a firm, vibrant
shade of red could present danger or anger within a scene, perhaps making the audience feel
threatened by those on screen.

Colour chart: Blue

TALES OF HALLOWEEN - Official Trailer aaaaaaaaaDune Trailer

The colour blue could demonstrate a sense of isolation or coldness within these films as they
both have an overarching feel of disengagement from others.
Avatar: The Way of Water | Official Trailer

The Matrix colour palette:

The Matrix has a complimentary colour palette, sticking with mainly tones of green and
brownish hues.
the matrix trailer
Pans Labyrinth:
Pan’s Labyrinth has a monochromatic palette between these two scenes. This film has a mainly
bland colour scheme to maintain a continuous emotion. The two different colour schemes,
however, create a contrasting feel and keep a sense of fairytale imagery.
pan's labyrinth trailer

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