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Setting up your DSLR

1. Why should you shoot in manual over automatic?

Manual allows us to adjust the settings to suit our own surroundings and what we
are trying to achieve from the shoot – control it ourselves. Whereas, automatic just
puts the suited settings and what it thinks we want.

2. What is ISO? Why might you need to change it?

ISO controls the amount of light let in by the camera and adjusts the brightness of
the shot – sensitivity of light. You might need to change it in specifically in darker or
lighters surroundings to makes sure the subject is visible and with good quality.

3. Why is choosing the correct white balance setting important.?

White balance can affect and change the mood given through a shot and allows
different colouring in shots, is adjusted to different type of light.

4. What shutter speed should you set your cameras to?

1/25 fps, a fast shutter speed creates a shorter exposure.

5. When and why might you adjust the aperture?

The aperture allows more or less light to be let in, a smaller aperture lets in less light,
leading to a darker image. It is adjusted to have a lighter or darker feel within the

6. Why might auto-focus cause you problems when filming?

Auto-focus might focus on the wrong object whilst shooting, you might want a
specific object in focus and others out of focus – whereas, auto-focus typically
focuses on the closest object.

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